Below is a list of suggested products. Those in bold are key products for the health issue explained on this page.
For details and ordering simply copy a product's name in the search box above or click on the bold name.
Therapies: Fast or Juice Fast and Stress Management
Herbs: Aloe Vera, Chamomile, Golden Seal, Marshmallow,
Psyllium, Slippery Elm
Herbal Formulas: CLT-X, Gastro Health, IF Relief, IF-C,
Intestinal Soothe & Build, PLS II and Stress-J
Nutrients: L Glutamine, Omega-3 and Probiotics
Nutraceuticals: Bowel Detox, Everybody's Fiber, Gentle
Move and Small Intestine Detox
Essential Oils: Cinnamon and Helichrysum