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My point of view regarding the major health issues of our time
By Christian Domergue
Our mission
It is to share our basic knowledge of the human body and mind with those willing to learn.
It is to use the extraordinary "natural" tools that we have on hand to escape health issues from affecting all those who trust us.
Support: It is to suggest herbal formulas and specific combinations to help those affected by issues discussed on this page.
In all cases, it is highly recommended to review all our suggestions with your medical doctor or qualified health professional.
Remember... disease (or a lack thereof) is almost entirely under your control. If you wish to be healthy, there are certain things you can do that reliably and consistently produce a healthy outcome.
Facts: Leading causes of death in the US |
Considering the tremendous amount of pain associated with diseases and "avoidable" premature deaths, I humbly offer on this page, my thoughts and suggestions based on many years of a very good and healthy life... so far.
Many of our customers have heard me say "I was born in 1940 and so far I have yet to visit a medical doctor." For the average American this is unheard of! I think I am blessed with a robust constitution but also with a sense of balance when it comes to my day to day life. This includes the way I think, pray, love, eat, have fun, exercise and control stress! Always greatful -daily- for who I am and for the blessings I continuously receive.
This being said... let's consider the major health issues affecting us and see how we can age gracefully by avoiding, with some intelligence, diseases, hospital beds, intensive care, etc.
In my opinion, several elements are responsible for most known diseases:
Family history.
What is your family "health" history? Has any member of your family been affected by heart issues, diabetes, cancer, alzheimer's etc?.
Your Constitution.
An iridologist can very easily tell you what your constitution is. This is important to know because if you have a weak one you need to pay particular attention to your immune system and strengthen it.
Lifestyle and the environment.
You are (healthwise) what you breath, eat, digest-assimilate and eliminate on a daily basis. If any of these functions do not work as they should, it will have a negative effect on the way you think and on your energy level. Furthermore, it will affect one or several organs opening the door to discomfort first, then disease followed by numerous visits to your doctor, which leads to prescription medications, which leads to side-effects and more medication, until things are spiraling out of control.
Your attitude in life.
We are also what we think... Do we THINK positive?
Do we consider others around us with a loving heart and positive thoughts?
Stress, anxiety, and trauma.
All of us experience some degree of stress and anxiety. There's nothing wrong with that. It is uncontrolled stress and/or continuous anxiety that eats away at our defense mechanism and as a consequence our health and mind take the toll- a very heavy one!
If stress or anxiety are affecting you, you need to take immediate action to counter balance its ravages on your adrenal glands! If you suffer from Adrenal Exhaustion, then you are more than likely deficient in essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Without the proper amounts of these vital nutrients, your body’s ability to heal from any chronic condition is severely impaired.
I have yet to see a customer suffering from cancer, who did not face a major trauma in his/her life. A trauma, that is not dealt with properly, may have devastating long term consequences on one's health.
According to Dr. Mercola M.D. "Emotional stress is linked to health problems including chronic inflammation, lowered immune function, increased blood pressure, altered brain chemistry, increased tumor growth and more. Of course, emotional pain can be so severe that it interferes with your ability to enjoy life and, in extreme cases, may even make you question whether your life is worth living."
I have had my dose of trauma in my life, but knowing the consequences, I have always refused to be a "willing" victim of a traumatic situation. It is not easy, especially when due to the loss of a child, a friend, or a wife/husband you have deeply loved!
Many Health Issues might disappear when digestion and elimination are working as they should. |
Major diseases affecting the western world today
#1. Heart/Circulation Issues
#2. Cancer
Of course the subject of cancer is far too involved to adequately address on this site, but we can at least acquaint you with some important information about cancer from a natural healing perspective.
1. The cancer question (When diagnosed with cancer)
2. Cancer approach (natural point of view)
3. Prevention
4. Nutritional support
If you have cancer we strongly encourage you to seek medical professional help when dealing with cancer. You need competent health care professionals helping you with your program and monitoring your progress, but you should also do some study on your own and learn about things you can do for yourself.
#3. Chronic lower respiratory disease
Reduce the level of exposure to common risk factors, particularly tobacco, poor nutrition, and environmental air pollution (indoor, outdoor, and occupational).
If one has been subject to frequent lower respiratory infections during childhood, strengthening the respiratory system would be very helpful.
If you are subject to respiratory disease go to this page for suggestions and support.
For Asthma consult this page.
#4. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
Signs of Stroke in Men and Women
Call 9-1-1 immediately if you or someone else has any of these symptoms.
Prevention... Thinning the Blood
(Preventing strokes)
For more information visit this page.
#5. Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system characterized by mental deterioration.
Neurons in the brain that produce a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine are destroyed by free radical damage.
Most of the remedies listed on this page are more for prevention than they are for a cure.
Most herbal and nutritional remedies will slow the progress of Alzheimer's, but may not completely halt or
reverse the progress of the disease.
High levels of aluminum have been found in the brains
of Alzheimer's patients, but most experts now agree this is
not a cause of the disease. However, it is still wise to protect the body from this heavy metal by avoiding aluminum
cook-ware, especially when preparing acidic foods like tomatoes. Also avoid antiperspirant deodorants that contain compounds and baking powder with aluminum.
More information available here.
#6. Diabetes
(diabetes mellitus also known as Type 2)
Nearly 25% of Americans are thought to have prediabetes—a condition of slightly elevated blood sugar levels that often develops into diabetes within 10 years—but only 4% of people know it.
What’s worse, of those who are aware, less than half really tried to reduce their risk by losing weight, eating less, and exercising more.
Read more about ways to reduce the risk of diabetes
In type 2 diabetes (the most common), either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use glucose for energy. When you eat food, the body breaks down all of the sugars and starches into glucose, which is the basic fuel for the cells in the body. Insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells.
When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into cells, it can lead to diabetic complications.
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes (type 2)
The herb industry is unsurpassed in its variety of single and combination herbs that deal with diabetes. Herbal formulations help alleviate the symptoms of diabetes and the many complications that stem from this disease.
Visit this page for info and product support.
Also known as influenza, the flu refers to viral infections accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, malaise,
body pain, and respiratory symptoms. The media is constantly warning people about flu epidemics to scare people
into getting vaccines, but the truth is that very few people
die of the flu.
Most of the people who die of the flu are the elderly or have compromised immune systems. There are numerous effective natural remedies for the flu.
For Prevention and support visit this page
The kidneys cannot do their job without a sufficient amount of water, so
remember to drink enough good water. Certain nutritional elements are important to
keep the kidneys healthy so you don't experience the various kinds of pain
produced by discontented kidneys such as bladder infections, kidney
stones, or pain in the lower back.
The kidneys can be poisoned, clogged, malnourished, ruptured by
blows, and overworked until they begin to break down.
Blood in the urine
is a sign or could be an infection of the filtering tubules.
The kidneys purify
45 gallons of blood every day. Considering that you have 7 to 8 liters of blood in your body, this means that your entire blood volume gets filtered approximately 20 to 25 times each day!
1. The kidneys cannot do their job without a sufficient amount of water, so
remember to drink enough good water.
2. Check this page for possible symptoms linked to kidney issues and herbal suggestions.
If you have kidney & bladder issues
Check this page for other information and support.
I am hoping that this page will be of benefits to you as well as family members, friends, co-workers etc.
Based on official statistics our chances of aging and dying "gracefully" are at best very limited.
But what is not limited is our given power to understand what is at stake and take advantage of the natural tools that are available to not only "prevent" but also to seriously improve one's health.
If you need to get in touch with us at Four Winds Nutrition, go ahead! Call us at 407.740.8012 (EST)
and we shall be glad to answer your questions as best we can!
Christian Domergue