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Awareness & Prevention
#1. Cardio Vascular Diseases
Heart - Circulation - Blood Vessels
Americans struggle with heart health. Statistics prove it. Many professionals agree that the best approach to maintaining heart health is a holistic one. Quality nutritional supplements combined with diet, activity and stress management can greatly improve how the body addresses cholesterol, blood sugar and energy, all of which can critically impact overall heart health.
Facts: About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.
General Heart Indications
Crease in ear lobe
Large, red, bulbous nose (rule out acne, rosacea or alcohol)
Crease in tongue from tip to back, cold hands and feet
Swelling in the feet and ankles,
Family history of heart disease
I. Prevention
Other symptoms indicating heart/circulatory issues
Chest pain (angina) -
Shortness of breath
Pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in your legs or arms if the blood vessels in those parts of your body are narrowed.
Pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper abdomen or back
Fluttering in your chest - Racing heartbeat (tachycardia) - Slow heartbeat (bradycardia) - Lightheadedness - Dizziness - Fainting (syncope) or near fainting
Breathlessness with exertion or at rest -
Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet -
Unusual Fatigue -
Irregular heartbeats that feel rapid, pounding or fluttering
Gum Disease: there is a high correlation between inflammation of the gums and the risk of dying of a heart attack. If
your gums are inflamed, so are your arteries.
Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids:
These problems are reflections of sluggish circulation and poor blood vessel tone.
II. Reverse & Support
There are numerous herbs and nutritional supplements
that can help to both prevent and reverse heart disease. We
cannot cover them all, but here are a few of the most important ones besides Co-Q10 and Omega 3 (which we have already discussed above and in this article).
Also consult with your medical doctor.
Other Issues related to Heart/Circulation
For Congested Veins
• Varicose veins
• Hemorrhoids
• Spider veins
Our Suggestion
Cardiovascular Disease (Heart Disease)
By Steven Horne, RH (AHG) & Kimberly Balas, ND
Read also about Arteriosclerosis, Blood Clots (prevention of), Hypertension and Cholesterol (high)
Cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death
in western civilization. One out of two people die from it.
So, it makes sense to do what we can to reduce our risk of
becoming one of the "one in two" statistics.
much of the information in the popular media about reducing one's risk of heart disease is based on outdated research.
For instance, most people believe that high cholesterol
causes heart disease and that the lower your cholesterol
level, the less risk you have of dying of heart disease. This
simply isn't true. More recent research shows that chronic
inflammation (not cholesterol) is the cause of heart disease
and that having your cholesterol get too low is more dangerous to your health than having high cholesterol.
Most people also believe that fats cause heart disease and
that low fat diets will prevent heart disease. This is partially
true because the wrong kinds of fats (such as margarine and
partially hydrogenated vegetable oils) do contribute to the
development of heart disease. However, it is also true that
good fats (such as olive oil, omega-3 essential fatty acids and the medium chain saturated fats found in organic butter
from grass fed cows) actually protect your heart and reduce
your risk of heart disease. Foods marketed as "fat free" or
"low fat" often contain high amounts of refined sugars that
increase inflammation and heart disease risk.
Furthermore, eating refined carbohydrates is far worse for
your heart than eating fats. This is because Sugar, white flour
and other products spike insulin levels. High insulin levels
are a bigger risk factor for heart disease than high cholesterol
or high triglycerides. So, if this information comes as a surprise to you, it's time to update your knowledge a little by
reading this article.
But first, let's look at some tools for
evaluating your risk of heart disease.
Other ways to evaluate your risk of Heart Disease
Most people feel that heart disease strikes without warning, but the truth is that there are many subtle clues that
demonstrate the heart needs help long before a person has
a heart attack. Besides high blood pressure and high cholesterol, here are some things to consider.
If you know an iridologist or are familiar with
iridology, markings in the heart area of the iris, having a
spleen heart transversal and/or having a lipemic diathesis
(lipid ring) are all indicators of a genetic tendency to heart disease.
Blood Tests
Besides cholesterol and triglycerides, consider tests for homocysteine, fibrinogen, C-reactive protein,
hemoglobin AIC Lp(a) and ferritin (iron) checked. These
tests can be more revealing of heart disease risk. If you are
concerned about your heart and circulation, consider getting these blood tests done.
If you show signs of needing help with your heart, take
action now. Don't be one of the statistics. Alter your lifestyle and start
using some of the many supplements that can keep your
heart healthy.
Add Ionic Minerals or Mineral Chi if your diet is not as healthy as it should be...
Why? Read first
And.. If your colon is not working properly (at least one bowel movement/day)
then it is wise to start this program with a 15 days cleanse such as Tiao He Cleanse as well as the Ionic Minerals or the Mineral Chi below.