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Basic Tips for Aging Healthy & Gracefully
By Steven Horne, RH (AHG)
Also read "My point of view regarding major health issues of our time" by Christian Domergue
Many people enjoy excellent health into their 70s. How do they do this? The best way is to establish good health
habits and positive attitudes about life when you're young. However, it is never too late to start. Even if you are in the Baby
Boomer generation and have been living on a diet of junk food, you can still reap positive benefits by adopting good health practices now.
Here are some basic tips.
Eat Well to Live Well
Good nutrition is one of the fundamental principles of good health. The research
is pretty clear that people who adopt a diet
with lots of fresh and natural (preferably organic)
foods live longer and are in better
health than those who primarily consume
modern processed and refined foods.
Most nutritional experts agree that
one of the best ways to avoid cancer, heart
disease, loss of memory and other degenerative diseases is to eat
plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods are naturally
high in antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals and
environmental toxins. Some great antioxidant foods to include
in your diet are berries, tomatoes, leafy green vegetables and a
little dark chocolate (70% cocoa). Cruciferous and green vegetables like
broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale and Swiss chard can
help protect your body from toxins and cancer as you age. Include
some of these foods in your diet everyday.
Another good food to consider is nuts, which are a rich source
of unsaturated fats, vitamins and antioxidants. Good fats and fat
soluble vitamins are important for protecting the brain, so eating
foods such as deep ocean fish, wild caught salmon, organic butter (from pastured cows if possible), free-range eggs and grass fed
meats, is also very helpful for maintaining physical and mental
Good Oils to use include Olive Oil and Coconut Oil.
Take Good Care of
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and
a positive attitude is also critical to
enjoying good health as we grow older.
If you are experiencing emotional stress, try using some Distress
Remedy or another flower essence blend to help you have a more
positive mood. It also helps to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
For Starters, make sure you are staying physically active. Exercise
strengthens your heart, reduces your risk of diabetes and high blood
pressure, relieves the pain of osteoarthritis, fights depression, and
may prevent certain types of cancer. Adults over 50 should avoid
strenuous, high-impact exercises in favor of walking, running,
bicycling, swimming and other low-impact activities. As little as
30 to 45 minutes every other day will make a big difference.
Make sure you're getting 8-9 hours of sleep every night, too.
As people age, they often experience difficulty sleeping. Sleep is
very important to mood, immunity and overall health, so if you are
having trouble sleeping, try taking Herbal Sleep, 5-HTP Power or Melatonin Extra before bedtime.
If you are tense and anxious, kava kava can also be helpful.
Maintaining meaningful relationships will improve your quality of life and your longevity. A study led by Julianne Holt-Lunstad
at Brigham Young University found that people with strong social
bonds reduced their risk of mortality by as much as 50 percent. So, stay socially active as well by spending time with family and
friends on a regular basis.
Note from Christian Domergue (Co-Owner Four Winds Nutrition)
Being over 80, I have yet to see a medical doctor... so I guess I can share some thoughts about getting old and what to do about aging as healthy and gracefully as possible.
Other considerations
Make sure you have at least one bowel movement a day (if not take Gentle Move).
Cleanse your body at least twice a year (Tiao He Cleanse or Dieter's Cleanse)
If you balance your pH and follow my recommendations (including the diet part) you will age gracefully and will probably get rid of a lot of unwanted "dis-eases"