The Immune System
Immune weaknesses
Viral - chronic Infection
Acute Infection
Fungal Infection
A growing body of research is demonstrating that fear, worry, doubt, self-pity, anger and other "negative" emotions paralyze the immune system, while love, joy, faith, hope and trust tend to stimulate it. There is even a name for this new field of study: psycho-neuro-immunology. This is the study of the effect of the mind on the immune system through the nervous system.

Immune Weaknesses
Constant fatigue -
Pale complexion -
Cold limbs
Frequent colds and/or other infections
Especially helpful for chronic poor health, fatigue and general weakness from the effects of aging. An invigorating general tonic to build stamina and endurance.
Supports the body's recovery from stress including accidental trauma or surgery.
This formula enhances vital energy and immune function, increasing white blood cell production and platelet count.
It is very helpful in recovering from chemotherapy and can also be taken during chemotherapy to strengthen the system to resist toxic effects from chemo. |
Designed to promote macrophage activity in your body, leading to a chain reaction of immune activity, which will strengthen your entire system against enemy attack. Should be a valuable supplement for helping the body overcome cancers, heart disease, AIDS, gastrointestinal conditions and any other immune challenge, including the common cold.
Since the molecule of beta-glucan is too large to be readily absorbed into the bloodstream, it has to go beyond the stomach to the small intestines, then to the lymphatic system.
It is important to always take this product on an empty stomach. |
Cat's claw has confirmed native uses for degenerative diseases ranging from arthritis to cancer, immune problems, a wide variety of intestinal problems and hormonal imbalances.
For instance, it clearly enhances the ability of white blood cells to attack foreign matter.
Other findings indicate that it may help prevent stroke and heart attacks.
It is truly a "world class herb." |

Other Indications
Exposure to environmental pollution
Respiratory allergies and infections
Risk of degenerative disease
Chronic stress
Poor diet
Antioxidants can help repair and prevent damage to cells and genetic material. Super Antioxidant has vitamin E tocorrienols, lycopene, alpha lipoic acid, rose hips, milk thistle and turmeric.
Like vitamins A and D, vitamin E tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin E tocorrienols are naturally derived from palm oil, rice bran and wheat germ oil. Their unique molecular makeup allows them to scavenge free radicals within circulating lipoproteins even more efficiently than vitamin E tocopherols. |
Super ORAC supplement combines ingredients known to quench free radicals, including decaffeinated green tea leaves, mangosteen pericarp extract, turmeric root, quercetin, resveratrol, apple extract, acai berry concentrate and selenium.
With Super ORAC now available on its own or as part of Super Trio, it's easy to add antioxidants to your battle plan for achieving health, vitality and longevity. |
Grape seed and white pine extract combination is a powerful antioxidant.
It can replace Vitamin C as a preventative for scurvy and can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Grapine strengthens connective tissues including blood vessels and capillaries to prevent bruising, for instance.
The NSP product uses Proanthocyanidin extracts from both grape seed and white pine bark.Use 1 mg per pound of body weight. |

General Indications
General weakness or fatigue -
Recurring infections -
Acute infections
Exposure to infectious agents -
Enlarged lymph nodes
Potent immune system stimulant and lymphatic cleanser.
The various species of Echinacea are regularly shown in animal and human clinical studies to be effective immuno-stimulants.
This liquid extract combines three species:
Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea pallida and Echinacea angustifolia.
These herbs directly stimulate the immune system to fight bacteria, viruses, fungi and tumor growth.
With the overuse of antibiotics and the increasing immunity of microbes to modern medications, this Echinacea blend provides an alternative for treating illnesses. |
What Professionals Are Saying:
Dr. James R. Privitera, M.D., began using Olive Leaf Extract early in 1995.
"We continually hear from patients about new and unexpected benefits. Although we do not have long term perspectives as yet, preliminary clinical results are very positive."
Dr. Phil Selinsky, at the Institute for Holistic Studies in Santa Barbara reports: "Some patients have told me that Olive Leaf Extract took down their dental infections in a matter of hours! The response is quite impressive."
Biochemist Arnold Takemoto: "it sure has power; particularly against viruses that are more tenacious!" "It fills a hole that we haven't been able to fill before. It gives us a new, effective tool." |

Viral - Chronic Infection
Medical diagnosis of bacterial infection
(herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, etc.)
Chronic viral infections include flu, infectious hepatitis, Epstein Barr and herpes (including cold/canker sores).
Dr. Xie feels it may benefit persons with chronic immune deficiency (including AIDS) and those who have had antibiotics prescribed to excess.
VS-C stimulates the immune system, protects the liver and helps reduce glandular inflammation.
Typical consumption ranges from 1 capsules twice a day for mild problems more a day for serious problems. ?
Cat's claw has confirmed native uses for degenerative diseases ranging from arthritis to cancer, immune problems, a wide variety of intestinal problems and hormonal imbalances.
For instance, it clearly enhances the ability of white blood cells to attack foreign matter.
Other findings indicate that it may help prevent stroke and heart attacks.
It is truly a "world class herb." |

Viral - Acute Infection
Common Cold
More and more research shows that in addition to supporting bone health, vitamin D is critical to the immune system. It's one of the reasons why the cloudy winter months (when people receive little sun exposure) are the hardest months for the immune system.
Elderberry D3fense combines the benefits of elderberry fruit and vitamin D3 with other herbs that help the immune system to provide you year-round immune-system support. It contains a healthy dose of vitamin D3, which mounting research indicates strengthens the immune system, along with key ingredients elderberry fruit extract and Echinacea purpurea. |
Supports immune function.
Is a convenient fast-melt throat lozenge.
Contains natural fruit flavors.
The mineral zinc boosts the immune system. Vitamin C also supports immune function.

Frequent antibiotic use
Vaginal yeast infections
Medical diagnosis of infection
(herpes,Epstein-Barr virus, etc.)
General weakness
Externally, it is used as a poultice for skin diseases including eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, hemorrhoids and skin cancers. Internally, it is a blood purifier that is used for systemic yeast infections like Candida albicans, and to strengthen the immune system.
Research in Brazil and at the University of Illinois shows that Pau d'arco contains substances that are highly effective against tumors & cancer. |
- Helps wounds heal in half the time, with half the scar, half the cost, and ten times the benefit!
- Kills bacteria in the body but protects probiotics!
- Kills candida without harming the good flora!
- Changes the way we treat pneumonia, tuberculosis, staph and strep infections!
- Completely non-toxic and safe at recommended levels!
Bifidophilus Flora Force provides billions of beneficial intestinal microorganisms that offer a whole range of health benefits.
This product is recommended for daily use to maintain a healthy balance of friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract, to enhance the production of vitamins by the microbes and to support the immune system. This is a great daily probiotic for adults and children of all ages, particularly females because it protects against unwanted invaders that cause health concerns, especially in the urinogenital tract.
The immune system's job is beautifully orchestrated to determine what is "self"' and what is "not self" and to get rid of anything that is "not self" by destroying or eliminating that "not self' thing.
Before our modern society started monkeying around with our health and environment, immune disorders were relatively uncommon. In recent years the incidences of immune disorders have risen at alarming rates, with new conditions raising their ugly heads all the time.
In order to turn the tide and stop the onslaught, we need to understand what we are doing to ourselves, and our environment - that may be major contributors to these increases in autoimmune disorders.
We also need to know what we can do to prevent further health damage, and how to recapture our health through diet, life style changes, and natural health supplements.
A growing body of research is demonstrating that fear, worry, doubt, self-pity, anger and other "negative" emotions paralyze the immune system, while love, joy, faith, hope and trust tend to stimulate it. There is even a name for this new field of study: psycho-neuro-immunology. This is the study of the effect of the mind on the immune system through the nervous system.
The immune system cannot be rebuilt by taking a few herbs or supplements while continuing to eat white flour, refined sugar, excessive quantities of meat and dairy products, food additives, preservatives, alcohol, soft drinks and so forth.
In all cases of degenerative illness the body needs to be built up with wholesome food even more than it needs to be cleansed. Putting anyone in a severely weakened state on a heavy cleanse is a mistake. Conditions of excess require cleansing, but conditions of deficiency or weakness require building.