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Product ID 504
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Pau d'arco (100 caps) (ko) or Paudarco

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Price: $22.90

PAU D'ARCO [504]
Exciting immune system stimulant, general tonic, blood builder.
Tabebuia heptaphylla, (Taheebo, Lapacho, Ipe Roxo).

Pau d'arco bark is a very effective immune building and antifungal herb.
The tree resists fungus growth even in the middle of rain forests. (Try diluting it when you water your plants to help keep them healthy).
There are dozens of species; NSP uses the violet-flowered Tabebuia heptaphylla which is considered to be the best.
It grows in Argentina.
Externally, it is used as a poultice for skin diseases including eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, hemorrhoids and skin cancers.
Internally, it is a blood purifier that is used for systemic yeast infections like Candida albicans, and to strengthen the immune system.
This is the herb that South American Indians use to fight tumors.
Research in Brazil and at the University of Illinois shows that Pau d'arco contains substances that are highly effective against cancer.
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