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Parents, Children and Health
By Louise Tenney "Today's Herbal Health For Children"
Parents want what is best for their children, and they desire to give their children an excellent start in life. Parents and children have a special bond based on love and understanding. Parents are usually the first to realize that something is wrong with their child. They recognize unusual behavior that may be the first symptom of an illness or health problem.
When a child is ill, parents want to make them well as quickly and painlessly as possible. Most often the conventional approach is taken by reaching in the medicine cabinet for quick relief or rushing to the pediatrician for a round of antibiotics.
Frequently the natural methods of health and healing are overlooked. But many effective treatments are available that can help heal the body safely and naturally. In fact, these natural approaches can help the body heal itself.
Remarks By Steven Horne, RH (AHG)
Just a few generations ago, most people used home remedies when their children were
sick. The doctor was called upon only when the problem was serious or failed to respond
to these home remedies. Today, few parents use home remedies. Most take their children
to the doctor for relatively benign ailments like colds, flu and tummy aches.
Even adults who use natural remedies themselves may be reluctant to use these remedies with their children because they didn't grow up with home remedies. The truth is, however,
that if a child's health problems are not serious or persistent; applying some simple herbal
remedies, along with a dash of common sense and some tender loving care, will usually get
the child feeling better quickly. Of course, if herbs or other natural home remedies don't work within a reasonable amount of time, medical advice should be sought, but often a
child can be well in the time in takes for a parent to get an appointment with the doctor.
There are a few things parents need to know to be successful in using herbal remedies with children. First, they need to know which remedies to use for the problems their children
are experiencing. Second, they need to learn how to prepare those remedies in forms their
children will actually take. (An herb won't do any good if the child won't take it.) Finally,
they need to recognize serious problems and situations that require medical attention.
In this issue we'll be providing you with this information. You'll
learn some basic herbal remedies for children, what they do and how to administer them.
We'll also discuss the kinds of symptoms that signal need for medical attention.
A Few Great Herbal Liquid Remedies for Children
Here are a few herbal products that are safe to use with children if you follow the dosage
guidelines below. We've included a description of some of their basic uses. This is,
of course, not a comprehensive list.
Seasonal Allergy (ALJ) Liquid
For sinus congestion, coughs, colds and flu.
and Fennel
A traditional blend for colic and indigestion in infants and children.
With Yerba Santa
Basic remedy for colds and cold symptoms.
For digestive infections and sinus or
respiratory infections
Helpful for croupy
cough and opening respiratory passages in asthma.
A relaxing nervine to reduce stress (fussiness)
and aid sleep
Great immune system booster during cold and flu season.
Helps with emotional upset, anger, fear or sadness.
Giving Herbs to Children
An effective remedy doesn't do any good if you can't get a child to take it. Small children can't swallow capsules, so liquid herbs are best; but when it comes to taking something "nasty," all too many kids would rather remain sick! So, the first problem is to find a dosage form that the child will take.
Dosage Forms for Children
For pleasant tasting herbs you can probably get your child to drink an herbal tea, especially if you mix it with some fruit juice or sweeten it with a little honey.
You can also mix the powder from capsules with a little honey and give it to the child. Honey, however, should not be given to infants, so only use honey with children over one year of age. Powders from capsules can also be mixed with anything else that the child is used to eating like cereal, soup, or juice. Taste it yourself first to make sure it is palatable.
Alcohol extracts can be used, but use them sparingly with children under the age of two. You can get rid of some of the alcohol by putting the extract into a small amount of hot water, then stirring for a minute and letting it stand for 5-10 minutes. This will allow a little of the alcohol to evaporate.
How Much to Give
A general rule to use when giving children herbs is to figure that the adult dose is for a 150 pound person, then adjust the dose according to the child's weight. So, a 75 lb. child would get half the adult dose, a 50 pound child 1/3 the adult dose and a 25 lb. child 1/6 of the adult dose'
Children and Sugar
Sugary foods, notoriously bad for your teeth, also may be bad for your blood vessels and many other areas of the body, UB endocrinologists have found. Their study, published in one August issue of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, shows that excess sugar in the bloodstream stimulates the generation of free radicals, the oxygen molecules known to damage cells lining blood vessels and many other organs.
Do you know that...
Soft drinks are incredibly popular with kids. But with each sugary sip, they are taking in more than just a sweet taste. They're also consuming loads of extra, empty calories that can be associated with the significant increase in obesity among children.
Two books we highly on images for details