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To understand stroke, it helps to understand something about the brain. The brain controls our movements; stores our memories; and is the source of our thoughts, emotions, and language. The brain also controls many functions of the body, like breathing and digestion. To work properly, your brain needs oxygen. Although your brain makes up only 2% of your body weight, it uses 20% of the oxygen you breathe.
Your arteries deliver oxygen-rich blood to all parts of your brain.
Stroke in the United States
(sources CDC)
Stroke kills almost 130,000 Americans each year—that’s 1 out of every 20 deaths. On average, one American dies from stroke every 4 minutes. Every year, more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke. About 610,000 of these are first or new strokes. About 185,00 strokes—nearly one of four—are in people who have had a previous stroke. About 87% of all strokes are ischemic strokes, when blood flow to the brain is blocked. Stroke costs the United States an estimated $34 billion each year. This total includes the cost of health care services, medications to treat stroke, and missed days of work. Stroke is a leading cause of serious long-term disability.
If something happens to interrupt the flow of blood, brain cells start to die within minutes because they can’t get oxygen. This is called a stroke.
Sudden bleeding in the brain also can cause a stroke if it damages brain cells.
A stroke can cause lasting brain damage, long-term disability, or even death.
If brain cells die or are damaged because of a stroke, symptoms of that damage start to show in the parts of the body controlled by those brain cells.
During a stroke, every minute counts! Fast treatment can reduce the brain damage that stroke can cause.
By knowing the signs and symptoms of stroke, you can be prepared to take quick action and perhaps save a life—maybe even your own.
Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body. Sudden confusion, trouble speaking, or difficulty understanding speech. Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes. Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance, or lack of coordination. Sudden severe headache with no known cause.
Call 9-1-1 immediately if you or someone else has any of these symptoms.
Note the time when any symptoms first appear. Some treatments for stroke only work if given in the first 3 hours after symptoms appear. Do not drive to the hospital or let someone else drive you.
Call an ambulance so that medical personnel can begin life-saving treatment on the way to the emergency room.
If you have had a stroke, you are at high risk for another stroke:
1 of 4 stroke survivors has another stroke within 5 years. The risk of stroke within 90 days of a TIA may be as high as 17%, with the greatest risk during the first week.
That is why it's important to treat the underlying causes of stroke, including heart disease, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation (fast, irregular heartbeat), high cholesterol, and diabetes. Your doctor may give you medications or tell you to change your diet, exercise, or adopt other healthy lifestyle habits. Surgery may also be helpful in some cases.
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is like a stroke, producing similar symptoms, but usually lasting only a few minutes and causing no permanent damage. Often called a ministroke, a transient ischemic attack may be a warning.
About 1 in 3 people who have a transient ischemic attack will eventually have a stroke, with about half occurring within a year after the transient ischemic attack. A transient ischemic attack can serve as both a warning and an opportunity — a warning of an impending stroke and an opportunity to take steps to prevent it.
Family members share genes, behaviors, lifestyles, and environments that can influence their health and their risk for disease.
Stroke risk can be higher in some families than in others, and your risk for stroke can increase based on your age, sex, and race or ethnicity.
When members of a family pass traits from one generation to another through genes, that process is called heredity. Genetic factors likely play some role in high blood pressure, stroke, and other related conditions. Several genetic disorders can cause a stroke, including sickle cell disease. It also is likely that people with a family history of stroke share common environments and other potential factors that increase their risk.
The risk for stroke can increase even more when heredity combines with unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as smoking cigarettes and eating an unhealthy diet.
Take note of your family history (Important)
Getting Blood to Your Brain
The brain does not just need sugar, however, it also needs a constant supply of oxygen and other vital nutrients carried by the blood. Circulation to the brain is another major factor in brain power. Perhaps you have noticed that when you have been sitting for a long time you start to feel sleepy and have a difficult time concentrating. After taking a walk, however, your mental alertness returns and the fatigue vanishes. This is because the pumping action of the muscles in your legs gets more blood to the brain. (see note 3)
Hence, a sedentary life-style can diminish your thinking capacity. Something as simple as a gentle exercise program (even walking) can enhance your mental ability. Many Americans, however, suffer from an even more serious circulatory problem — atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. If you enjoy a diet rich in saturated fat and low in fiber you are just asking for this condition. Atherosclerosis is the result of cholesterol formations in the arteries of the body, especially the arteries leading to the heart and brain. As the arteries which carry blood into the brain become “plugged” the amount of oxygen and nutrients reaching our thinking center diminishes. The result — loss of memory.
The same diet that helps control hypoglycemia also helps to prevent the clogging of your brain’s blood vessels and hence, your “constipated” thought processes. Whole grains, fresh vegetables and other foods rich in natural fiber help to keep your cholesterol levels down and your brain power up. If you already have this problem, there is a solution. Oral chelation can remove the plaque lining your arteries and get your blood (and your thoughts) flowing freely again.
MegaChel is a product loaded with high doses of antioxidant vitamins and nutrients that helps your body break down arterial plaque. It works best taken with liquid trace minerals (Mineral Chi). When using MegaChel, start slowly with one tablet two times daily and gradually increase to a full dose (5-6 tablets twice daily) over a period of 3-4 weeks. Divide your age by 10 and stay on the full dose for that many months (i.e., 3 months for age 30, 7months for age 70). Taper off gradually.