GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) Diet
By Steven Horne, RH (AHG) & Kimberly Balas, ND
The GAPS diet differs from the SCD diet because it
does not allow dairy products, honey, gelatin or store bought
fruit juice. GAPS also allows vegetables in soups. The GAPS
diet has stages in an introductory diet that should be followed before moving into the full GAPS diet. It depends on
the severity of the condition of the GI (gastro Intestinal) tract how fast or slow
a person can move through the stages.
The following is a simple overview of the allowed foods
at each of the stages. At each stage one can use all the foods
from previous stages.
Stage I
Stock or bone broth
Simmered meat
Simmered vegetables
Stage II
Raw egg yolks and the whole soft boiled eggs
Sauteed meat
Baked meat
Fermented fish
if experiencing constipation drink carrot juice with cod liver oil
Stage III
Nut butters
Fried or scrambled eggs
Fermented vegetables
Stage IV
Roasted meat
Grilled meat
Olive oil
Fresh vegetable juice
Nut flour bread
Stage V
Cooked apple puree
Fresh fruit juice (no citrus)
Raw vegetables
Stage VI
Raw peeled apple, gradually other fruits
More honey
Dried fruit
Typically you spend 1-2 days to a full week on each stage.
People with severe gut problems might need up to 7
weeks on each stage. It is best not to skip the stages, as
this program helps to heal the gut, making it possible to digest
and absorb other foods without problems.
If you do go directly to the full GAPS diet, remember that about 85% of
everything you eat should be meats, fish, eggs, fermented
dairy and vegetables (some well-cooked, some fermented
and some raw).
Homemade meat stock, soups, stews and
natural fats are not optional — they should be dietary staples. Fermented vegetables are also an important part of this
GAPS diet, as fermenting eliminates the oligosaccharide
that feed intestinal bacteria.