See also Fungal Infections
Antibiotics are antibacterial agents. They have no effect
against viral conditions for which they are frequently prescribed. Unfortunately, antibiotics also destroy beneficial
bacteria in the gastrointestinal and female reproductive
tract. This allows yeast to multiply out of balance with other
organisms in the body. Yeast produce a toxin that weakens
the immune system. Long-term use of antibiotics results in
reduced immunity. See Probiotics for more options.
After completing a round of antibiotics it is important to
take probiotics in order to replace the friendly bacteria that
have been destroyed. There are many species of friendly bacteria or lactobacillus besides the commonly recommended
Lactobacillus acidophilus.
It may also be helpful to take antifungal herbs after taking
antibiotics to knock down yeast.
Therapies: Aromatherapy
Herbs: Garlic and Pau d' Arco
Herbal Formulas: Lymphatic Drainage
Nutrients: Pantothenic Acid, Probiotic Eleven and for children: Sunshine Heroes Probiotic power
Nutraceuticals: Immune Stimulator, Milk Thistle Combination and Yeast/Fungal Detox, Candida Clear
Essential Oils: Tea Tree Oil