Inflammatory Bowel Disorders - Natural Remedies for Crohns, Colitis, and Leaky Gut Syndrome
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Inflammatory Bowel Disorders
Natural Remedies for Crohns, Colitis, and Leaky Gut Syndrome

Modern medical research is confirming what traditional healers have been saying for years-there is a link between intestinal problems and chronic illness. Research has connected problems like arthritis, allergies, eczema and other skin diseases, some cancers, asthma, and even "mental" diseases like depression, ADHD, and schizophrenia with intestinal inflammation. Intestinal inflammation is caused by chemical damage to the linings of our digestive tract. It creates abdominal pain and discomfort, bloating or swelling, and other symptoms of indigestion. Repeated irritation of these membranes damages them and creates chronic inflammatory bowel disorders and a condition known as leaky gut syndrome.

Key Products for Leaky Gut



Leaky gut syndrome occurs when inflammation makes the intestinal membranes more porous. This allows toxins-materials that should be retained in the intestines for elimination-to be absorbed into the bloodstream and lymph. It's like having gaps in your defensive front line. The "enemy," or toxins, are able to slip past your outer defenses.

A leaky gut forces the immune system in the intestinal area to work harder. It weakens the body's defenses and makes a person more prone to food allergies and hayfever. Toxins absorbed into the lymphatic system increase lymphatic swelling and contribute to respiratory problems. These toxins also put stress on the liver, glands and nerves.

A major cause of intestinal inflammation and leaky gut is antibiotics. The intestines contain several pounds of friendly microorganisms that live in a symbiotic relationship with the body. Antibiotics upset the balance of these microbes and increase the risk of inflammation and gut leakage by promoting yeast overgrowth. Yeast exudes an aldehyde secretion that causes swelling (inflammation) in the lining of the small intestine. Other causes of intestinal inflammation include food allergies, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), birth control pills, antacids, heavy metals, smoking, nitrates, MSG and chlorinated water. Another possible cause are microbes (such as H. pylori) and intestinal parasites.

Common food allergens include dairy foods and grains containing gluten (wheat, triticale, and rye, but not buckwheat). Other common food allergens include eggs, legumes (especially soy and peanuts) and nuts. A good place to start is to learn your blood type and avoid foods which are incompatible with it.

The Journal of Immunology in 1991 published a very practical approach to treating intestinal inflammation using four "Rs" Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, and Repair.

Step One: Remove the Irritants

The first step to healing the intestines is to remove the irritants that are creating the inflammation. Yeast/Fungal Detox can help get rid of yeast. Gastro Health is beneficial for overcoming H. pylori infections. For parasites, Para-Cleanse with Paw Paw is the best choice.

Step Two: Replace Digestive Enzymes

Enzymes help the body break down food efficiently, which results in less intestinal irritation and better absorption of nutrients. Proactazyme Plus, taken with meals, is effective for most people.
If protein foods are particularly hard to digest, then Protease Plus should also be taken. Small Intestine Detox contains the protein digesting enzyme pepsin, in a base of the mucilaginous herb marshmallow.
These ingredients deliver the enzymes to the small intestine where they can help to break down accumulated poorly digested protein materials and promote healing of the intestinal membranes.

Step Three: Reinoculate Friendly Organisms

The friendly microorganisms in one's intestinal tract are very important to our health and well-being. Probiotics (friendly microbes) help to reduce waste acids, prevent harmful bacterial infections, block mutation of intestinal cells, produce short chain fatty acids needed for cell health, and reduce food sensitivities.

Probiotic Eleven is an excellent formula for replacing intestinal flora.

Step Four: Repair the Leakiness

Fiber (Everybody's Fiber) is the most important thing needed to repair gut permeability. Soft, soluble fiber products absorb toxins from the intestinal tract and reduce irritation.

For intestinal inflammation of any kind, one of the most dependable formulas is Intestinal Soothe and Build.
This formula not only soothes inflammation and irritation, it also helps to tone up the intestines and reduce the leakiness.
Other products that can soothe intestinal irritation include chamomile and CLT-X.



Selected References
Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. Balch and Phyllis A. Balch
The Encyclopedia of Natural Healing by Siegfried Gursche

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