The confusing issue for many will likely be why whole grain breads and cereals are not recommended. While there are some people who can tolerate and even thrive on them, it is safe to assume that you are likely not one of them.
- Doughnuts
- Soy containing products
- Fruit Juice
- Waffles and pancakes
- Bagels and Toast (even whole grain organic types)
- ALL cereals (even whole grain organic types)
- Are overweight
- Have high cholesterol
- Have high blood pressure
- Have diabetes
You will best be served by avoiding these foods.It is important to recognize that you should also eat the pulp when juicing, as many valuable phytonutrients are in the pulp; it would be highly unwise to discard it.Most people find breakfast is the best time to juice, but if for whatever reason you find that morning is not the best time for you then I would juice at either lunch or dinner. I don't believe it is necessary, or even wise, for most people to juice more than once a day.
Why Should I Juice Vegetables Rather Than Eat Them?�
Good question. There are three main reasons why you will want to consider incorporating vegetable juicing into your health program:
1. Most of us have relatively compromised intestines as a result of less than optimal food choices over many years. This limits your body's ability to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. Juicing will help to "pre-digest" them for you so you will receive most of the nutrition rather than having it go down the toilet bowl.�
2. Vegetable juicing allows you to eat more vegetables than you would normally. By incorporating the juice into your eating plan you will easily be able to reach the one pound of raw vegetables per fifty pounds of body weight that you should eat every day.�
3. If you eat the vegetables like a salad, you will be having far too many salads during the week. This will violate the rotation principle and increase your likelihood of developing an allergy to some of the vegetables. If you do not juice you can always have left over dinner for breakfast. While this is not the ideal option, it is far better than nearly all traditional breakfasts and certainly better for most than not eating anything.�
Additionally, you could consider�Ultimate Green Zone, a nutritional superfood that provides almost all of the necessary nutrients in a convenient powder form. Please understand that whole foods are best, but if you are not obtaining real, healthy foods, then Ultimate Green Zone�might be a good choice for you.�