About CLA with Safflower Oil
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About CLA with Safflower Oil

According to Dr. Oz, Safflower works in more than one way. The first way is that it goes in and causes the body to burn fat from within “like a furnace,” literally melting the fat away. The second feature, and the most important one, is that after Safflower has burnt the fat, you’re left with the sleek, lean muscle that was buried underneath. The third feature is its ability to strengthen not only the muscles, but the bones as well.

"This thing is lightning in a bottle; it's a miracle flower to fight your fat" – Dr. Oz

Video Credit:
Dr. Oz has not endorsed any specific product, only the ingredient Safflower.


US National Library of Medicine (National Institutes of Health).
"In a double-blind crossover trial, daily supplementation with CLA oil (6.4 g CLA isomers—approximately equal amounts of c9t11-CLA and t10c12-CLA) for 16 weeks significantly reduced BMI and total adipose mass compared with safflower oil in 35 obese postmenopausal women (BMI >30) with type 2 diabetes [74]. "

Nature's Sunshine CLA
(Conjugated linoleic acid and safflower oil)


Sustains lean muscle mass.
Enhances the burning of fat.
Maintains blood glucose levels that are already in the normal range.
Helps maintain cholesterol levels that are already in the normal range.
Provides 750 mg CLA per softgel capsule.

It Works as folows:

Conjugated Linoleic Acid, is a natural fatty acid that is important to the body.
CLA has several unique structural and functional properties. It modulates cellular processes, including the maintenance of muscle mass and lipolysis.
CLA has also been shown to be effective for maintaining normal cholesterol levels and supporting the immune system.
It can help modify body composition by sustaining lean muscle tissue and enhancing lipolysis (the burning of fat), resulting in a number of health and weight benefits.
CLA is a patented ingredient for fat reduction.


Conjugated linoleic acid and safflower oil.

Recommended Use:

Take 1 softgel with a meal three times daily.

Click Here to Get a Bottle of CLA


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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.