Cold Cures and Flu Fixes
Written By: Steven Horne

You’ve heard the old saying, "There is no cure for the common cold." Well, of course there is a cure for the common cold! If there wasn't, then how did you recover from your last cold?
Obviously, the body knows how to cure a cold because it does so all the time. So, why do people say there's no cure for the common cold? It’s because they don’t know how to support the body in fighting off a cold or the flu.
You see, most people treat colds using methods that actually interfere with what the body is trying to do to cure the cold. This prolongs the length of the cold instead of shortening it. It also weakens your immune system.
In contrast, if you know the right way to treat a cold or flu, you can dramatically shorten the length of time it takes to recover. How much? Well...
...most of the time you can be over a cold or flu in 24 hours or less.
But that’s not all! If you start using effective methods the moment symptoms appear, you can sometimes recover from an acute ailment in just a few hours. Even more importantly, using these methods strengthens the immune system so you are less susceptible to getting a cold the next time around.
But, before we share some tips on how to do this, we want you to know the approach that does not work, and why it does not work, and that's to use over-the-counter cold and flu remedies.
Here is why these won't really help your cold or flu: The coughing, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and other cold-related symptoms are all generated by the immune system trying to throw off both the microbes and the toxic material that creates the host environment for the disease. When you try to suppress these symptoms, which is what all OTC cold and flu remedies do, you are working against what the body is trying to do.
Some people even try to use natural remedies as symptom relievers, but this is not the best way to use natural remedies. So, let's look at what does work.
Cold Curing and Flu-Busting Basics

The Chinese have a concept in their system of medicine called the wei qi (pronounced 'way chee'). This is an energy system, like the energy shields around a space ship that protects the body from disease. This energy pushes outward on the surfaces of the mucus membranes lining our lungs and digestive tract and our skin.
Herbs with a pungent taste, such as capsicum, horseradish, ginger, etc. help generate this wei qi energy. Think about what happens when you eat these spicy foods. You perspire, your nose runs, your eyes water and mucus clears from your throat and lungs. Eat enough of these spicy foods and they'll even promote evacuation of your bowels. In short, these pungent herbs activate the energy that helps the body discharge whatever is irritating it. That's why they're your best friends when you have a cold.
As soon as you feel a cold or flu coming on, stop eating, start drinking lots of liquids and starting taking some of these pungent herbs. A good formula to use is
CC-A formula. Take 2 capsules every 1-2 hours with plenty of warm or room temperature water. (Do not drink cold water when you’re sick!)
Children can use liquid
CC-A with Yerba Santa. Give a small dose (about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon every 15-30 minutes with plenty of water. Adults can also use this blend in a larger dose.
Again, don't eat any solid food while you are doing this. If you get hungry, limit your food intake to fresh fruit or vegetable juices or clear soups (broths). These help flush the system.
* When you detoxify your body by doing a cleanse before cold and flu season every year, you can keep your internal environment clean so you won't catch any colds. It also helps if you avoid junk food which is like filling your body with "garbage" that attracts the microbes like flies.
* Eating fresh fruits and vegetables helps to protect your system, too.
* When colds and flu are going around, you can boost your immune system by taking Elderberry D3fense or Immune Stimulator.
More Tips for Rapid Recovery
Just activating the "wei qi" or defensive energy of the body is enough to speed recovery. However, we can also do other things to support the body’s efforts to flush what is irritating it.
* First, take a hot bath (preferably with some Epsom salts in it) and get yourself to sweat. You really can "sweat out" a cold or flu. In fact, it's one of the most ancient and reliable ways to recover quickly.
* Second, clear your colon. The fastest way to do this is with an enema, but if you're too squeemish about enemas, try some Lower Bowel Stimulator (LBSII) or LB Extract.
* Third, if you're congested, take Seasonal Allergy (AL-J) to clear the congestion. Use four capsules every two hours for adults and smaller doses for children and teens. You can also give AL-J liquid every 30-60 minutes in water.
* Fourth, boost your immune system. At the first sign of that sniffy, stuffy, aching feeling that says you're coming down with something, take two capsules of Immune Stimulator. Repeat the dose every two hours. For children, give 1/2 teaspoon of Ultimate Echinacea every two hours.
There you have it—a simple way to help your body cure your cold (or flu). I've seen these techniques work in as little as two or three hours and they nearly always result in dramatic improvement in just 24-48 hours. Try it next time you’ve got that feeling there's a cold or flu is coming on. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well these techniques work.
Homeopathic & Herbal Support For The Cold & Flu