Colostrum with Immune Factors
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Colostrum with Immune Factors
Immune stimulating tonic


Colostrum Viral
Note from Christian Domergue
"Everyone, in my opinion, can benefit from Colostrum and especially these days! What is also interesting is that you will find on the internet numerous articles from the medical world about the benefits of this extraordinary product."

With specific antibodies to more than 19 disease-causing pathogens including E. coli, salmonella, candida, streptococcus, staphylococcus, h. pylori (the ulcer causing bacteria), cryptosporidium, and rotavirus, colostrum has a broad antibiotic-like function. Colostrum has been shown to kill not only bacteria, but also viruses, yeast and fungus. It also helps neutralize allergens and toxins, even in wounds.

Research has shown that epithelial growth hormone, found in colostrum, stimulates tissue repair, especially in the bowel lining (leaky gut repair!), mucous membranes and skin. This strengthens the protective surfaces of the body, the first line of defense against harmful organisms and toxins. This same hormone optimizes cellular regeneration of injured muscle, collagen, bone, cartilage, and nerve tissue, speeds healing after surgery, and prevents and heals gingivitis.

Colostrum hampers the attachment of bacteria to the body's epithelial (surface) tissue and contains lactoferrin that serves as a natural antimicrobial and antiviral. It also helps provide passive immunity to various high-risk organisms.

Bullet Colostrum contains immunoglobulin A (IgA) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) which neutralize viruses and bind bacteria.
Natural antibodies, produced by cows, act against specific pathogens. (Comparatively, bovine colostrum contains a high concentration of IgA, as well as immunoglobulins G (IgG), E (IgE), D (IgD), and M (IgM). It also contains about 40 times more antibodies than human colostrum.)

Bullet The lactoferrin in colostrum acts as a natural antioxidant with antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-stimulating properties as well. By doing so, lactoferrin helps activate phagocytes and stimulate immune response.

Bullet Lysozyme functions as an antibacterial enzyme and has been shown to help prevent some bacterial infections in humans.

Bullet Colostrum contains lactoperoxidase, an enzyme that has been associated with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

Bullet The colostrum polypeptides (CPs), also called proline-rich polypeptides can stimulate the immune system to be more effective in fighting off invading pathogens.

It has been reported that constituents from bovine colostrum (BC) are 100-fold more potent than human colostrum.

If used to treat gastrointestinal problems
(Take 1 Colostrum capsule 4 times a day)



  If you're not seeing results, you're not taking enough! Most people feel better right away; some will have a "healing crisis", a detox, so to speak. It usually only lasts up to 48 hours as it gets rid of long accumulated toxins.
  To solve your GI problems, combine the benefits of colostrum with probiotics such as Bifidophilus.
Adults:Take 1–2 capsules with meals daily. Refrigerate or freeze to maintain freshness.
Colostrum w/Immune Factors
  Colostrum with Immune Factors is more than just colostrum. It also contains inositol hexaphosphate, maitake mushroom, shiitake mushroom, and astragalus. Colostrum Plus is an immune stimulant and is contraindicated for autoimmune disorders.

If used to stimulate the immune system (fight bacteria and viruses)

Take 1 capsule of Colostrum with Immiune Factors three times daily.
It is best to take Colostrum on an empty stomach with lots of water.
Wait 20 minutes before eating anything else. If you are unable to swallow capsules then open the capsule into water and drink it down, or add it to a small amount of yogurt or applesauce.
Try to avoid taking it after 3 PM as it can increase your energy.

While plain colostrum may be helpful in autoimmune disorders, Colostrum with Immune Factors should be used with caution in autoimmune diseases.

Here are some of the conditions that may respond to Colostrum: 
Allergic Reactions, Addison's Disease, Alzheimer's, Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism
Bacterial Infections 
Chicken Pox, Chronic Fatigue, Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Cystic Fibrosis
Depression, Diabetes, Diverticulitis
Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies
Gout, Grave's Disease
Hayfever, Hepatitis, Herpes, HIV/AIDS
Multiple Sclerosis
Pernacious Anemia
Rheumatic Fever, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Scleraderma, Shingles, Stress, Stroke
Viral Infections 
Yeast Infections/Candida 

For more information, please refer to the following booklets: 
"Colostrum; Life's First Food" by Daniel G. Clark, M.D. and Kaye Wyatt 
"Colostrum; A Journey Toward Better Health & Brighter Tomorrows" by Robert K. York, M.D. 

Refer to the following sites:
What is Colostrum?
Utilizing Bovine Colostrum to Combat Influenza and Other Viral Infections
Effects of Bovine Immunoglobulins on Immune Function


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