Could Heavy Metals Affect
Your Health?
Excerpts from Sunshine Sharing
Today, heavy metals and other toxic substances in our environment are bringing a
decline in the mental (and physical) health of society. Learning disabilities and behavioral
problems are rampant, and a new set of diseases, autoimmune disorders, have been increasing
at an alarming rate.
These include rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, type I diabetes,
fibromyalgia, lupus, Lou Gehrig's disease, myasthenia gravis and multiple sclerosis. Heavy
metals and other environmental contaminants are likely a major factor in these (and other)
modern health problems.
The heavy metals that we are addressing here are those that are on the periodic element chart
that settle into the body and mess with our health. They are not called 'heavy metals' because
they weigh a lot. A 'heavy metal' is actually a metallic element that has a specific gravity (a
scientific measurement of the element's mass as compared to the mass of water or hydrogen)
higher than 5.0.
Our environment is full of ways that heavy metals make their way into our bodies. We can breathe them, eat them, drink them, and even absorb them through our skin. Ideally, we should do all we can to avoid them, so here are some important tips for reducing our exposure to these health-destroying elements.
Purify your water! (or drink Celtic water or Evian).
Make sure your water pipes have no lead; avoid lead-based painted objects; do not store liquids
in lead crystal containers.
• Buy and prepare fresh, organic food as much as possible.
• Keep the chemicals in your life, especially cleaning chemicals, to a minimum.
• Avoid cooking with aluminum pans or using anything that is aluminum with your food,
especially acidic foods.
• Insist on composite fillings from your dentist, not mercury/silver amalgams.
• Of course, we can also periodically do a "cleanse" to pull heavy metals from the body. This is
especially important for people who work around a lot of chemicals or are starting to develop
signs of neurological problems. We'll cover how to do a "heavy-metal cleanse", but first,
let's learn a little more about some of the major heavy metals.
Mercury is one of the most toxic substances we can be exposed to and we
are exposed to it on a fairly regular basis. It is found in fungicides,
pesticides, dental fillings, contaminated seafood, thermometers and a
host of products, including various cosmetics, fabric softeners, inks,
tattoo ink, latex, medications, paints, plastics, polishes, solvents and
wood preservatives.
Mercury can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled. It passes through
the blood-brain barrier and is attracted to and absorbed by nerve endings.
This neurotoxin lodges inside neuron cells disrupting cellular
It can cause autoimmune disorders, arthritis, blindness,
candidiasis, depression, dizziness, fatigue, gum disease, hair loss,
insomnia, memory loss, muscle weakness, multiple sclerosis, lateral
sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, paralysis, lupus, food and
environmental allergies, menstrual disorders, miscarriages, behavioral
changes, depression, irritability, hyperactivity, allergic reactions, asthma,
metallic taste in the mouth, loose teeth and more.
Remember those silver fillings that dentists put into your mouth? Well,
they are really 50% mercury! Although the American Dentist's
Association will do everything they can to deny that amalgam fillings can
affect health, many European countries now completely outlaw the use of
silver/mercury amalgam fillings! According to the World Health
Organization, amalgam dental fillings are a major source of mercury
exposure. Mercury fillings may be a contributing factor to many chronic,
degenerative and autoimmune conditions, because many people with these
conditions have had significant improvement to their health when they
have been removed. It is important to note that a mercury detox program
is usually needed after fillings have been removed.
Arsenic is famous as a toxin used to poison people as illustrated in the
play "Arsenic and Old Lace." Considering this fact, it's a concern that
arsenic is found in pesticides, laundry aids, cigarette smoke, table salt,
seafood and contaminated drinking water. Acute arsenic poisoning creates
symptoms such as confusion, convulsions, drowsiness and headaches.
Toxic levels of arsenic can cause coma and death. Arsenic can also cause
cancers. People working around pesticides, mining and metallurgical work
are at high risk of developing high levels of arsenic toxicity.
Lead is one of the most toxic metals known. It's been many years since
our society was made aware of the damage that exposure to
paints was doing to our health, especially to young children who suck on
and chew anything they can get their hands on.
When the lead reaches toxic levels in the body, it can damage the kidneys, liver, heart and nervous system. The body cannot tell the difference between lead and calcium, so pregnant women, children and other people who are deficient in calcium absorb lead more easily, with infants and children effected most severely. Possible symptoms of lead poisoning include anxiety, arthritis, confusion, chronic fatigue, behavioral problems, juvenile delinquency, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, metallic taste in the mouth, tremors, mental disturbances, loss of memory, mental retardation, impotence, reproductive disorders, infertility, liver failure and death.
Exposure to lead can come from food that is grown near roads or factories, lead-based paint, hair products, food from lead-soldered cans, imported ceramic products (especially from Mexico and China), lead crystal glassware, ink on bread bags, batteries in cars, bone meal, insecticides, tobacco, lead pipes, and lead solder in the water pipes. If you suspect you could have lead pipes or lead solder in your water system, have the water tested.
Aluminum is not technically a heavy metal, but it is a neurotoxin all the
same as it can cross and alter the blood-brain barrier.
Symptoms are the
same as Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis. Anemia, poor calcium
metabolism, forgetfulness, gastrointestinal disturbances, headaches, liver
and kidney function problems, memory loss, nervousness, speech
disturbances, softening of the bones, and weak, aching muscles are some
symptoms of possible aluminum toxicity.
Trace amounts of aluminum are not toxic, but we are exposed to an
excessive amount in modern society. We can be exposed to aluminum
through cookware, baking powder, toiletry items like antiperspirants and
cosmetics, dental amalgams, medications (antacids), fertilizers and
unfiltered water.
Cadmium accumulates in the body, replacing zinc, an essential mineral, in
the liver and kidneys.
Toxic levels of cadmium may cause anemia, loss
of appetite, hair loss, high blood pressure, joint soreness, dull sense of
smell and dry, scaly skin. Also, cadmium weakens the immune system by
lowering the levels of T-cells (white blood cells that protect the body
from foreign invaders and cancer cells) causing kidney disease and liver
damage, cancer, emphysema and shortened life span.
Cadmium can be found in cigarette smoke, plastics, nickel-cadmium batteries, drinking water, fertilizer, fungicides, pesticides, soil,
air pollution, refined grains, rice and soft drinks.
Learn How To Detoxify From Heavy Metals
Specific diseases may also signal a need for heavy metal detoxification. These include autism, autoimmune disorders, cancer, parasites, chronic yeast or fungal infections, hardening of the arteries and chronic inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Neurological disorders like Alzheimer's or dementia often involve heavy metals, although by the time these diseases are diagnosable, irreversible damage may have already been done. Because of this, it may be wise to periodically do a heavy metal cleanse for prevention.
If you know or suspect you have heavy metal poisoning, it is probably a good idea to
work with an experienced doctor, naturopath or herbalist to custom design a program for
your individual needs.
However, as a starting point, here's a basic mercury and heavy
metal detox program.
You may wish to do a general cleanse before starting the heavy metal detox
. This ensures that all eliminative channels are open.
The Tiao He Cleanse, CleanStart or Dieter's Cleanse are excellent choices.
Nature's Sunshine's UltraBiome DTX. (the easiest way to deal with Heavy Metals)
Patent-pending UltraBiomeDTX improves critical gut and intestinal function and primes detox pathways to help the body target and eliminate toxins.
It also fuels the growth of healthy bacteria, supporting microbiome balance and healthy intestinal permeability, by strengthening and tightening cellular junctions.
Additionally, our proprietary phytonutrient blend adds superior free-radical protection to reduce oxidative damage to the gut.
Get unparalleled support for heavy metal detoxification, healthy intestinal lining integrity, full-body cleansing and regular elimination.
UltraBiome DTX: Advanced Heavy Metal Detoxification with Microbiome and Gut Barrier Support.
Toxins from food, water and air can be absorbed and stored within the body, creating a bacterial imbalance within the gut that can further be disrupted by poor diet and chronic stress.
As a natural protective mechanism, the body often stores toxins in fat but these toxins can be released into the bloodstream as fat dissipates. These issues can cause the body to function sub-optimally. Additionally, this gut imbalance can degenerate the gut lining and increase intestinal permeability, where food and toxins are released into the bloodstream, causing further metabolic dysfunction.
Once you have cleansed the colon with Tiao He Cleanse, CleanStart or Dieter's Cleanse, you can gently assist heavy metal detoxification by taking the following:
* 1 Tablespoon of Flax Seed oil or 2 Super Omega-3 EPA twice daily
* 1 Heavy Metal Detox twice daily
* 2 to 4 Algin three times daily or 1 Tablespoon Nature's Three in a glass of water or juice twice daily
Once or twice a week take a drawing bath with Hydrated Bentonite (1/2 bottle) or a cup of any other fine clay.
When doing this program, make certain the bowels are moving at least two to three times
per day. If not, you may wish to take some Lower Bowel Stimulator (LBS II) at bedtime or 2 Magnesium Complex twice daily.
The program should be continued for at least four to six weeks and up to three to four
months. If one develops a strong cleansing reaction to this program, it is best to stop or
slow down and focus on some general cleansing procedures for a few days. Then resume
the cleanse at a slower place.