Sea Vegetables, Iodine and Iodine Robbers
By Steven Horne, RH (AHG) and Kimberly Balas, ND
Iodine is absolutely critical for thyroid function, and a large majority of thyroid disorders could be prevented or “cured” through increased iodine intake, i.e., consuming more
sea veggies.
However, the need for iodine doesn’t stop with the thyroid. Women’s breasts are the second biggest user of iodine, and many breast problems, from fibroids to cancer, could be prevented by adequate iodine intake. All tissues of the body need iodine, but the parts of the body that suffer the most from iodine deficiency (besides the breast and thyroid) are the skin, eyes, prostate and uterus.
Sea vegetables contain far more than iodine, so we need to watch the tendency to over simplify their potential uses.
Linda Page gave an excellent presentation on the value of
“Sea Vegetables for Natural Health and Beauty” at a special
luncheon I attended at A Clayton College of Natural
Health Symposium. She pointed out that these plants are very
mineral rich, containing 10-20 times more trace minerals than
most land plants. Besides iodine, these vegetables contain iron,
magnesium, potassium, boron, silica, selenium and chromium.
They are also loaded with essential fatty acids, vitamins (including
Vitamin D) and water-soluble fiber.
This high nutritional content makes sea vegetables excellent
bone-building and tissue-repairing foods. They have been
known to improve hair color and quality, skin tone and texture,
fingernail strength, ease arthritic symptoms and strengthen
bone structure. Linda Page told us that sea vegetables
make wonderful topical beauty treatments. Used
in baths or facial masks they make the skin more
supple and elastic, helping to eliminate dry
skin and wrinkles.
In the Orient, sea vegetables have
been used for centuries in the treatment
of cancer. Modern research is showing
that there is real scientific validity to
this. Anti-cancer compounds have been
found in kelp, kombu and wakame. Many
sea vegetables contain lignans, which are
also found in flaxseeds, and are known
to bond to estrogen-receptor sites and
inhibit estrogen-dependent cancers. It
appears that adding sea vegetables to the
diet could be a powerful way to reduce the
risk of breast cancer in women and prostate
Ryan Drum, Ph.D. is a professional herbalist who is an
expert on sea vegetables. He says that fucoidan, a compound
found in sea veggies like kelp and bladderwrack, is “...extremely
anti-proliferative against cancer cells. It also interferes
with every stage of viral attack: cell attachment, cell penetration,
and intracellular virion production.” This is why people who eat lots of sea veggies also seem to be more resistant to
colds and flu. Dr. Drum also notes that certain polysaccharides
or glycoproteins from red seaweeds (such as dulse) have been
successfully used in treating genital herpes and Herpes Zoster.
So, combining Liquid Dulse with VS-C and other antivirals
could increase their effectiveness in dealing with chronic viral
Because they are high in water-soluble fiber, natural chlorine
and potassium, sea vegetables have a protective effect on the heart
and cardiovascular system. They can lower blood cholesterol levels
and high blood pressure. They also have anti-inflammatory
Sea vegetables have also been used in health spas in the British
Isles for joint and muscle pain. The mucilaginous seaweeds not
only absorb toxins and reduce inflammation, but their minerals
are also absorbed through the skin to aid tissue repair.
Sea vegetables have a powerful detoxifying effect on the body.
The mineral salts they contain help move lymphatic fluids, so
they enhance lymphatic drainage and can be helpful in softening
hardened lymph nodes. The mucilaginous fiber they contain
absorbs toxins in the bowel and promotes bowel health.
Sodium alginate, the mucilage from kelp, is a very powerful
detoxifier. The Environmental Protection Agency of the United
States government has found that alginates can bind and eliminate
radioactive materials such as Strontium 90 from the body. They
can also absorb mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals.
Sodium alginate (Algin) is available as a supplement through NSP
and combined with Heavy Metal Detox is an excellent way to get
mercury and other heavy metals out of the body. Consuming sea
vegetables regularly will help protect the body from radioactive
iodine (which is emitted from nuclear power plants and destroys
Linda Page said that sea vegetables are excellent foods for
pregnancy. Lack of iodine can cause stunted growth, mental
deficiency, puffy facial features and a lack of muscular development
in infants. She stated that sea vegetables can also help raise
hemoglobin levels, and reduce constipation and stretch marks in
pregnant mothers.
Iodine is a vital nutrient for good
health. Not only is iodine critical for
thyroid gland function, it is also essential
for reproductive tissue health. The breasts, uterus and prostate
require large amounts. Iodine is also needed for healthy skin
and nerve function. In fact, every cell of the body needs some
Unfortunately, iodine is a rare element and only small amounts of iodine are present in most people's diets. This is compounded by the fact that a number of chemicals displace iodine or disrupt its function. These include all the elements belonging to a group called halogens on the periodic table of elements (Fluorine/Fluorides, Chlorine/Chlorides, Bromine/Bromides). Mercury also disrupts iodine in the body, as does aspirin and other salicylates, steroids, and unfermented soy products.
As people are increasingly exposed to these iodine robbers,
what little dietary iodine they are getting is being displaced.
Since iodine burns fat, it's also little wonder that obesity is
increasing. It also explains the high prevalence of thyroid disorders. Furthermore, high rates of breast, prostate and uterine
cancers maybe due to reduced iodine levels in the body, because
cultures where people who consume larger amounts of iodine
in their diet don't have these problems.
Let's take a closer look at these iodine robbers.
Bromides (substances containing bromine) are toxic substances with no nutritional or therapeutic value in human health.
Animal studies show that bromine intake can adversely affect
the accumulation of iodine in the thyroid and the skin, and
ingestion of bromine has been shown to cause hypothyroidism
in animals. When iodine deficiency is present. the toxicity of
bromine is accelerated in the body.
Bromides are being increasingly used in our society. They are
used as antibacterial agents for pools and hot tubs, as fumigants
for agriculture, and for killing termites and other pests. Between
1981 and 1991 the amount of bromides sprayed in California
for pest control increased nearly three-fold.
Bromides are also being added to foods. Bromides found
in certain carbonated and sports beverages in the form of BVO
(brominated vegetable oil) and are also used in bread flour as
a dough conditioner. Iodine used to be added to flour but
was replaced with bromides. Since this took place, obesity has
increased dramatically. Instead of getting iodine in bread (which
would help burn fat), people are getting bromides, which in
turn disrupt iodine, increasing fat deposition.
Bromides are also found in certain drugs, such as Atrovent
inhaler, Atrovent nasal spray. lpratropium nasal spray. Pro-Panthine and Pyridostigmine bromide. This increased use of
bromides has caused the amount of bromine in human breast
milk to increase 10-fold over the last decade.
Fluorides are another halogen that act as an iodine disrupter.
Fluorides are toxic and increase the risk of bone cancer and hip
fractures. Fluorides also lower intelligence, increase depression
and lower testosterone levels in men. High levels of fluorides
cause mottling, pitting and dulling of the teeth. Lastly, fluorides
can produce goiter as well as low thyroid by inhibiting the
ability of the thyroid gland to concentrate iodine.
Besides being introduced into drinking water, fluorides are
found in toothpastes, dental treatments and a variety of drugs.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Prozac and
Paxil contain fluoride, and there are reports of increased breast
cancer with the use of SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). Since low thyroid causes depression, this may be one reason why these drugs can cause depression
in some people, and can definitely result in depression when
discontinued abruptly.
Other drugs that contain fluoride include: Baycol, Propulsid, Posicor, Astemizole, Flonase, Flovent and Fen-Phen.
It would be wise to increase iodine intake if one is on any of
these medications.
It is also wise to avoid Fluoridated toothpastes and fluoride treatments at the dentist. One of the selling points of NSP's natural
toothpaste. Sunshine XyliBrite Toothpaste, is that it is not fluorinated.
Let's move on to chlorine. Unlike bromide and fluoride,
which do not have nutritional value, chlorine is used as a nutrient in the body, and in fairly large amounts. The oxidized form
of chlorine forms chlorides, however, and they are toxic.
Dr. Joseph Price, who wrote the book Coronaries, Cholesterol
and Chlorine, documented that the rise in coronary heart disease
parallels the rise in the chlorination of water supplies. He found
that chlorine makes cholesterol "sticky" so it adheres to surfaces.
Since iodine is needed to cause fats to be released from surfaces
(emulsified), and chlorine displaces iodine, this may be part of
the reason chlorine contributes to heart disease.
Chlorine is also linked to birth defects, cancer, reproductive disorders (including still birth), and immune system
breakdown. Again, all of these health problems can be due
to iodine deficiency. Furthermore, when chlorine mixes with
organic matter in the water it forms carcinogenic compounds
like trihalomethanes.
That brings us to the issue of Sucralose (Splenda), which is nothing
more than chlorinated sugar. Sugar is bombarded with chlorine,
and although most of the chlorine is allowed to dissipate, there
is still a lot of chlorine left in the finished product. We anticipate
that in five years or so this newest artificial sweetener will go
the way of its predecessors as more and more harmful effects
are discovered with long term use.
Mercury is another iodine robber. We won't spend a lot of
time on this, but mercury finds its way into the body through
silver amalgam fillings, contaminated sea foods, environmental
pollution and vaccines.
Finally, while it is not an iodine robber, radioactive iodine
enters the environment from nuclear power plants and nuclear accidents. Radioactive iodine enters the body and destroys
thyroid tissue and other tissues that uptake iodine. Increasing
iodine intake is the best protection against radioactive iodine,
which brings us to an interesting point. Iodine tablets are part
of civil defense plans because taking large quantities of iodine
prevents the body's uptake of radioactive iodine. Yet, when a
person has a hyperactive thyroid, (they are told they should not
use iodine because it will make the problem worse. Instead, they
are given radioactive iodine, which kills the thyroid.
So, think about this. If the person's body was saturated with
sufficient iodine it wouldn't take up the radioactive iodine in sufficient quantities to kill the thyroid gland. This suggests that
many, if not all, people suffering from hyperactive thyroid are
actually iodine deficient. This may be why some people have
found TS II helpful for hyperthyroid.
The bottom line is that with all the iodine robbers we are
exposed to, we probably need extra iodine if we want to maintain optimal health.
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