Reprinted from
Nature’s Field
by David Skousen
“We’ll get him before he gets your lawn!” So begins an ad by a large firm
guaranteeing eradication of any insect eating your lawn. We are also told
that “the sad part is, you probably won’t even notice them until you’re left
with a sick, infested lawn covered with ugly brown spots.” What could be
more horrible?
For one thing, losing your health. In 1988 a federal jury in Philadelphia
handed the nation’s largest lawn care company its first defeat, awarding
$67,000 to a woman who suffered repeated outbreaks of hives due to the
chemical spraying of her lawn.1
According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), “many
lawn pesticides in current use are neurotoxins which become airborne
during and after application. They form a toxic smog that hangs over the
entire neighborhood, threatening the health of every man, woman and child
who breathes the air.”2
Medical records show that some people have become ill, and others died
as a result of exposure to chemicals placed on lawns. In fact, groundwater
in numerous places has been found to contain some of these same chemicals,
especially herbicides used against “noxious weeds”.3
The General Account Office of the U.S. government says that Americans
relying on professional lawn care companies could be receiving
misleading information about how safe these chemical treatments are.
There are may types of chemicals used, and Diazinon and 2,4-D are now
under special review by the Environmental Protection Agency because of
the toxic reactions found in waterfowl and a possible relationship with
human cancer.4
In what is now a $1.5 billion lawn-care business, chemicals that were
used 5 years ago had been approved after flawed safety tests were accepted
by the government. Also, consideration was not given to children playing
on recently sprayed lawn.
Some of the immediate symptoms of lawn-care poisoning include
sweating, nausea, blurred vision, lack of muscle coordination and chest
tightness. With or without these warnings, long-term effects have been
linked to lowered fertility rates, miscarriages, birth defects, immunesuppression,
cataracts, liver/kidney dysfunction, heart disturbances and
sensitivity to chemicals.5
A few groups of people have banded together to fight this environmental
pollution. Included in the list of enemy chemicals are pesticides, herbicides
and fungicides, which are use by company sprayers to combat a customer’s
specific lawn problems. Sometimes they are used “just in case”. In
addition, other chemicals are used to fertilize the soil, it is claimed, even
though soil tests are not taken to determine real soil needs.
Bring Your Lawn to Order
If we want a “healthy” lawn, we must first resolve to cooperate with
nature instead of fighting it. Begin by leaving the poison chemicals alone.
Remember that a healthy lawn supports a host of beneficial creatures, such
as earthworms. These creature, which are killed by lawn chemicals, are
nature’s little gardeners. They plow your ground without charge. Their“castings” (wastes) provide fantastic fertilizer, delivered right at the roots
of your grass. In addition, their meanderings provide tunnels that fill with
atmospheric gases like nitrogen, which the plants need for better growth. If
the lawn becomes a little bumpy at the surface from their work, using a
heavy roller over it occasionally can iron out the problem.
We also know that chemical sprays kill the bacteria necessary to break
down debris from last season’s growth, which is suppose to release
absorbable plant nutrients for future seasons.
Scientists are finding that chemical fertilizers are not necessarily in the
right proportions to supply what your soil needs, especially the trace
elements. Too much of a good thing is an additional problem, for one
element can unbalance others and cause undesirable side-effects or poisoning
in plant life.
Reclaiming Your Lawn from Chemicals
To build up your soil, use mild fertilizers that will not burn or shock the
plants such as “mature” animal manure, fish meal or kelp. Composting old
leaves and other organic matter and spreading them over the lawn is very
beneficial. Worms just love to eat organic matter and will be attracted near
the ground surface where your lawn roots are.
For insect attacks, remember that insects are attracted to plants that are
in distress. Weakened plants give off chemical odors (let’s call it “floral
B.O.”) that insects are drawn to. This is nature’s way of taking out the weak
and sickly. Infestation tells you something—your lawn is sick! This is a
powerful parallel with disease in the human system. Disease attacks a
weakened body.
Emergency measures can be taken that won’t destroy your grass plants
while you are correcting the cause of the problem. Spray a solution of mild,
natural, biodegradable soap on infested areas. This works well for softbodied
insects. Diatomaceous earth (dead micro-organisms which retain
sharp edges) can be sprinkled as a powder on the grass. This cuts into the
insect bodies, allowing fluids to escape so the insects dehydrate. For
creatures like caterpillars, beetles, grubs and grasshoppers, certain bacterial
products can be purchased which kill them but are harmless to people—a
type of “germ” warfare.
Weeds can be temporarily controlled by hand-picking until the grass is
strong enough to crowd them out. Mow down the weed stems so they won’t
go to seed and remove larger leaves that kill the grass underneath. Most
weed seeds need sunlight early in their life and die under the darkness of
thick grass.
To an herbalist, weeds are useful plants. Not only do they provide“medicine” for our bodies, they may help build the soil. Weeds are another
sign of a soil deficiency, and are nature’s way of replenishing the soil by
using a different species or family of plants to grow on that particular
ground. (You will see this in forests where one type of tree is gradually
replaced by another, a process sometimes taking hundreds of years.)
Disease can often be controlled by keeping the lawn from constant
dampness, enjoyed by mold and fungus. But the stress of too little water
will cause plant immunity to drop. Sometimes it is best to use different
grass varieties that are disease-resistant in your particular climate; ask your
local garden shop or agricultural agent about it. A mixture of various kinds
of grass is often synergistic, and seed companies have formulas adjusted to
the general needs of your area.
When you mow, don’t take off more than a third of the stem above ground
until the grass is stronger. The roots need the strength of the greenery. Also,
allow the lawn to take a rest from mowing during the waning of summer.
When the weather is very hot, lawn growth slows down and should not
be artificially stimulated by nitrogen. (In some cases, it does not appear that
the application of a little nitrogen is harmful.) Fast growth can deplete water
and nutrients absorbed so that while it grows better for a time, the plants
When do you water? In humid areas, night watering may encourage
mold or fungus. Water moderately so roots won’t drown if the soil does not
drain well or the water table is high. In hot, dry areas, on the other hand, night
watering is beneficial by allowing the water to remain longer in the soil
before evaporation in the heat of day. Water deeply to encourage the roots
to reach down for deeper water that takes longer to evaporate in the heat of
the day. To tell when the ground is too dry, stick your finger into it. If the
top quarter-inch is hard or powder-dry, it’s time.
Except in the South where fire ants may be a nuisance, walking on your
own turf (ideally without shoes), or lying down on your lush, green bed to
watch the billowing clouds perform fantasies—that is your little bit of
heaven. Or are you the more active type that would rather dance upon it with
a butterfly, to celebrate your new lawn-gevity? The worms below will just
have to wonder what the noise is all about.
1 Organic Gardening, September 1988.
2 Hippocrates News, October 1990.
3 op. cit., March 1988.
4 Insight, 23 April 1990.
5 Let’s Live, July 1989.
Organic Gardening Supplies
People who are concerned about their health should be aware that it is
largely determined by the health of our environment. Many of us have
learned to avoid using poisonous chemicals for medicine. We also need to
avoid using poisonous chemicals on our yards. Here are two sources of
supplies for your natural yard and garden.
Nitron Industries
4605 Johnson Road -
P.O. Box 1447 -
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 -
This company sells an enzyme soil conditioner which will help to“detoxify” your lawn and garden. They also provide a variety of good
organic fertilizers.
Gardens Alive!
This company sells the best collection of organic pest control products
we’ve found. They also carry some organic fertilizers. Their catalog is
highly educational.
Let’s do ourselves and our gardens a favor and quit poisoning our
environment and ourselves.
This information is for educational purposes
only. Consult with a qualified
health practictioner for all serious or persistant illness.
Copyright © 1999 by Robinson & Horne,
L.C., P.O. Box 1028, Roosevelt, UT
84066. This material
may be duplicated for educational purposes
only (not for resale) provided it is
not altered in any way