We cannot live without oxygen.
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We cannot live without oxygen.

Key product: Cellfood
( Cellfood is the single item that can do more things than any other single item that I have been exposed to in 30 years of practice. Cellfood should be the foundation of everyone's daily nutritional program. Dr. Moscow, PhD )

The less oxygen in our cells, the worse we feel. We can die either quickly or slowly from lack of oxygen. Little exercise, poor diets, and air pollution contribute to a chronic lack of oxygen. The body burns glucose and oxygen to produce energy needed for every transaction in the body. If done with little oxygen, it doesn't do an efficient job -it's like burning wet wood - and acid waste is left over. Cells accumulate this unburned waste material, creating fertile grounds for viruses and pathogens, which live best in low oxygen environments. Oxygenate these tissues, and these pathogens are burned up and die. Healthy cells remain healthy and total body wellness returns. There are thousands of medical articles written over the last fifty years that support this fact. So breathe, move, eat well and do whatever it takes to get more oxygen into your system.

So what limits our oxygen?
Air pollution greatly reduces the oxygen we inhale. One hundred years ago, our air contained 32% oxygen. Now, it averages 19% and in our major cities, it's about 12-15%. Polluted air is caused mostly by transportation sources. Motor vehicles account for 77% of the carbon monoxide, 45% of the nitrogen oxides, and 35% of the hydrocarbon emissions. Even indoors, the EPA studies indicate that air pollution indoors maybe 2-5 times higher than the outdoor level. And given that the majority of people spend 90% of their time indoors, this is no small amount. Many of our man-made products give off noxious gases and fumes. Synthetic materials such as carpets and upholstery, heavy metals, cleaning agents, solvents, glues, and pesticides are just a few. Is it any wonder why we sometimes feel the way we do?

causes muscles to tighten and breathing to become shallow. Sometimes people even stop breathing for awhile without realizing it. These constricted muscles and blood vessels reduce the capacity for oxygen to circulate in the body and nourish it. It is no wonder that a chronically stressed person is tired all the time.

OxygenA poor diet
can deplete the body of oxygen. Diets that contain plenty of raw vegetables and fruits, which are high in both water and oxygen content, add to the amount of oxygen into the body and increase its ability to create energy. They are also naturally alkaline which helps maintain the stores of oxygen in the body. Unfortunately the standard diet in America is highly acidic and full of both additives and preservatives, which reduces the stores of oxygen in the body.

Lack of aerobic exercise
weakens and makes less efficient the lungs, heart, and bloods vessels, reducing the amount of oxygen to the tissues. Unless we exercise, our lungs deteriorate between 10-25% per decade, inviting inadequate levels of oxygen.

Cigarette smoke is particularly lethal, whether you smoke or inhale it secondhand. Cigarette smoke decreases the hemoglobin in the blood and, as a result, the blood cannot carry as much oxygen to the cells. It also paralyses the cilia, tiny "hairs" that sweep the lungs of any debris. This, in turn, causes the lung to produce mucus that covers the cilia preventing them from doing their job. As debris accumulates, it damages the alveoli which reduces their abilities to take oxygen.

of the lung and circulatory systems can greatly reduce the oxygen the body receives. These include sinusitis, emphysema, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, hardening of the arteries, and anemia.

Aging of the body can cause the various systems of the body to become less efficient. At the cellular level, cells simply become more damaged through their metabolic functions and their exposure to toxins and pollutants. This impairs the cell's ability to utilize oxygen. Through tension and lack of exercise, the lungs can lose their elasticity, and the lung capacity diminishes. On average, the amount of oxygen one can take in during vigorous exercise declines 1% a year beginning at age thirty. At age thirty, a man can generally inhale 6 quarts of air with each breath; at age seventy, it's reduced to 3 quarts. Cardiovascular systems also can become less efficient in delivering oxygen to the cells.

What increases our oxygen?

Aerobic exercise
is any exercise that increases the level of oxygen in the body. This exercise, whether it be walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, or swimming, conditions the heart and lungs to work more efficiently. The lungs are exercised, expanding fully to take in more oxygen. The heart becomes conditioned to pump and circulate more blood with each stroke. Both work to maintain our maximal oxygen uptake, the largest amount of oxygen that the body can take in. Most fitness experts recommend a minimum of 30 minutes a day three to five times a week.

Deep breathing
in a slow and relaxed way oxygenates and relaxes the body. Deep inhalation brings oxygen to the tissues, while deep exhalation moves wastes from the body. Tension causes our breathing to become erratic and shallow, and consciously replacing that habit by deep breathing can bring benefits to both the mind and body. (Breathing techniques)

A diet high in oxygen
is a mostly vegetarian diet with a high concentration of fruits and vegetables. This is because fruits and vegetables are largely composed of water, which is hydrogen and oxygen and mostly oxygen by weight. They are also excellent sources of both alkaline minerals, which help your cells stay a healthy PH, and anti-oxidants, which protect our cells from free-radical damage. An oxygen-depleting diet would consist of one high in meat, sugar, saturated fats, white bread, processed foods, and soft drinks. Switching to an oxygen-rich diet often brings immediate energy and a more zestful outlook.

Eat foods rich in chlorophyl.
Dark green leafy foods like spinach, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, and the like are an excellent addition to your daily diet. The number one selling health food in Japan is Sun Chlorella, a single cell algae. Other excellent forms of algae include spirulina and blue-green algae which are available at your local health food store.

CellFood is a proprietary ionic formula that contains 78 ionic minerals, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids, electrolytes and dissolved oxygen and utilizes a unique water-splitting technology. It provides an unsurpassed oxygen and nutrient delivery system, and is absorbed quickly and efficiently by every cell in the body. Cellfood's unique structure oxygenates and feeds the cells cleaning and tuning up the body's systems throughout the day. Cellfood is made from all-natural plant substances, and is yeast-free and gluten-free.

What else can enhance oxygen?

Stabilized oxygen electrolytes are sold as a liquid to be added to water by drops. The oxygen contained within the solution is released when it comes in contact with stomach acid and is then absorbed, acting as an antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal substance.

Massages increase circulation which carries more oxygen to the individual cells of the body. Massage enhances all essential body processes by opening the passageways of liquid and energy movement within the body.

Is There An Ideal Oxygen Level?
The average concentration of oxygen in the blood stream is between 60 percent and 70 percent. At this level people feel generally good, with average energy and intelligence. However, if the oxygen level drops below 60 percent, disease begins to take over the management of the cells as they become overwhelmed by pathogens. The minimum concentration of oxygen needed to sustain life is about 52 percent, but at this level one is not very much alive.
Optimally, we want to keep our oxygen supply around 80 percent so that we can maximize our energy and feel terrific. At that level, we can detoxify the body, wipe out infections and boost our health, vitality and natural intelligence enormously.

What are oxygen therapies?

Oxygen therapies
are used to provide more oxygen to the body into order to promote healing and health. They can act on the body in two ways. The first is by supplementing the oxygen in the body. This is oxygenation. The second is where an atom splits off from one molecule and is free to react with another. When it reacts to pathogens, for example, it will destroy or oxidize them. This is called oxidation. Some oxygen therapies oxygenate the body; others work by oxidation.

What oxygen therapies are available?

Pure oxygen
is usually prescribed by a doctor to patients with chronic lung diseases. It is inhaled through a tube or a mask from a tank that can be rented from a hospital or medical supply house. It supplies not just the usual 20% oxygen from air but 100% oxygen, increasing the oxygen stores of the body. This is greatly needed for those whose lung capacity is diminished. Pure oxygen can also relieve fatigue, headaches, and boost energy.

Hyperbaric-oxygen therapy (HBOT)
is pure oxygen administered under pressurized conditions. A person is placed inside a sealed tube about 7 feet in diameter and 2 ft in diameter and breathes pure oxygen for thirty to sixty minutes. Because of the high pressure, oxygen is forced into the body and travels to oxygen starved tissues. HBOT is normally administered in a clinic or hospital and used to treat carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke inhalation, traumatic injuries and wounds, stroke and heart attack victims, and well as those with multiple sclerosis and AIDS.

Hydrogen peroxide
is an unstable liquid made up of two atoms of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen, easily breaking down into water and oxygen. When water interacts with ozone in the atmosphere, hydrogen peroxide is produced. It is found in some of our foods and water, and is produced by cells in our body. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer, killing pathogens on contact. Many of us have seen 3% hydrogen peroxide foam up as it kills bacteria on a small wound. Besides its disinfectant topical use, hydrogen peroxide is used orally and intravenously to kill pathogens, most often supervised and administered by a trained health care professional.


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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.