Skin Cancers
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Skin Cancers
Medical description: The Mayo Clinic
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Skin cancer — the abnormal growth of skin cells — most often develops on skin exposed to the sun. But this common form of cancer can also occur on areas of the skin not ordinarily exposed to sunlight.

There are three major types of skin cancer — basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Basal cell carcinomas and most squamous cell carcinomas are slow growing and highly treatable, especially if found early. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. It affects deeper layers of the skin and has the greatest potential to spread to other tissues in the body. Squamous cell carcinoma also can spread internally.

All three types of skin cancer are on the rise — but most skin cancers can be prevented by limiting or avoiding exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation and by paying attention to suspicious changes in your skin. If caught early enough, most skin cancers can be successfully treated.


This is the most serious form of skin cancer and the one responsible for most skin cancer deaths. Melanoma can develop in otherwise normal skin or in an existing mole that turns malignant. Although it can occur anywhere on the body, melanoma appears most often on the upper back or face in both men and women.

Warning signs of melanoma include:

Skin Cancer

Less common skin cancers

Other, less common types of skin cancer include:

Kaposi sarcoma.
This rare form of skin cancer develops in the skin's blood vessels and causes red or purple patches on the skin or mucous membranes. Like melanoma, it's a serious form of skin cancer. It's mainly seen in people with weakened immune systems, such as people with AIDS and people taking medications that suppress their natural immunity, such as people who've undergone organ transplants.

Merkel cell carcinoma. In this rare cancer, firm, shiny nodules occur on or just beneath the skin and in hair follicles. The nodules may be red, pink or blue and can vary in size from a quarter of an inch to more than 2 inches. Merkel cell carcinoma is usually found on sun-exposed areas on the head, neck, arms and legs. Unlike basal and squamous cell carcinomas, Merkel cell carcinoma grows rapidly and often spreads to other parts of the body.

Sebaceous gland carcinoma. This uncommon and aggressive cancer originates in the oil glands in the skin. Sebaceous gland carcinomas — which usually appear as hard, painless nodules — can develop anywhere, but most occur on the eyelid, where they're frequently mistaken for benign conditions.

Precancerous skin lesions, such as an actinic keratosis, also can develop into squamous cell skin cancer. Actinic keratoses appear as rough, scaly, brown or dark-pink patches. They're most commonly found on the face, ears, lower arms and hands of fair-skinned people whose skin has been damaged by the sun. Not all skin changes are cancerous. The only way to know for sure is to have your skin examined by your doctor or dermatologist.

Skin Cancers - Natural Treatment and Prevention

Basal Cell Carcinoma (all forms of skin cancer)
Most skin cancer is localized and should be treated by applying the C-Herb in the same way you would treat a mole.

For treatment of any area larger than a dime, using a mix (50/50) of the Replenishing Cream and C-Herb External is strongly encouraged. This treatment takes longer but does not cause an area of disruption larger than one can manage.

The C-Herb mixture is extraordinarily helpful in the removal of moles, warts, skin cancers and other skin abnormalities. It actually stimulates the immune system to focus on one specific area so that the body will reject the skin growth. Please note that it is not the C-Herb which pulls the growth out of the body, but the immune system which expels the growth.

It is important to treat the area to be removed with just enough C-Herb to barely cover it and NOT extend to healthy tissue, around the growth.

There is no need to pack or overuse the C-Herb. It is extremely beneficial to keep the area where the C-Herb is applied covered with a band-aid. This will help the C-Herb to remain on the growth and to guard against any sort of infection.

Moles are usually removed with a few treatments used 24 hours apart. This is usually true of warts, however, they may require more treatments. Initially, there will be a "Pinking" of the area. Then the skin growth should begin to change color. A red ring will appear as well as a yellowish ring around the growth being treated, thus defining the area which will be rejected by the body.

In a few days, the mole, wart or skin abnormality will fall out leaving a pink crater which will fill in and smooth over in approximately 24 hours. There is never an open sore. Pigmentation of the area returns in a few months during which the Replenishing Cream may be applied twice daily to encourage healing.

Treat only one skin growth at a time.
People who have tried to remove several growths with the C-Herb at once have experienced considerable pain. This is because the immune system has been overwhelmed. Using C-Herb to remove an abnormal skin growth does not guarantee that there will be no pain. Occasionally minor pain or discomfort will be experienced.

Never touch the C-Herb with metal. Metal depolarizes C-Herb and greatly diminishes its effectiveness. Instead, apply the C-Herb with a toothpick, a damp Q-tip or an orange stick.

Obviously, there are other uses for the C-Herb not described here. It has the unique ability to trigger the immune system; the power of C-Herb rests in its ability to stimulate the body to use its own beneficial actions.


In a study comparing healthy persons to persons with melanoma, epidemiologist Constance Kirkpatrick, Ph.D. found that the skin cancer was associated with low intake of vitamin E.
Zinc was also found to be important in decreasing risk of skin cancer.

Vitamin A&D
Beta Carotene is a relatively non-toxic form of “provitamin” A—that is, a form of vitamin A that the body manipulates to get what it needs on demand. The liver performs this piece of chemistry if it is healthy. If not, cod liver oil can provide ready-made vitamin A when taken directly by mouth.

“Alpha-Carotene” is another form that is a powerful antioxidant and is now often in the news. Carotenes may be the most efficient free radical scavengers of all. They appear to serve most effectively in places that have what is called a “low oxygen tension,” such as the capillaries of muscle tissue. It helps protect your skin from the sun’s ultra-violet radiation, which causes wrinkling and skin cancer. Ultra-violet light does this by producing large amounts of free radicals just under the skin.
Natural carotene sources include pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, tomatoes, turnips/greens, and fresh tropical fruits (like cantaloupe and papaya). Unlike vitamin C, Beta carotene is not destroyed by cooking.


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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.