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Yeast Infection

1. Garlic douche or
2. Comfrey tea or extract douche or
3. Acidolphilus Douche (or Bifidophilus) or capsule inserted at night


Other Douches

Basic Vinegar
I to 2 Tb. White or apple cider vinegar to 1 quart water. (This is good to follow with an Acidophilus or Bifidophilus douche)

Open 2 to 4 capsules to 1 quart water. Or you may use watered down yogurt.

Baking Soda/Honey
2 tsp. Baking Soda, 1 tsp. honey to 1 quart water.

1/2 tsp. to 1 quart water.

1/4 tsp. each to 1 quart water. Chlorophyll- 1 Tb. to I quart.

Use tea or 1-2 Tb. extract per quart.

1 or 2 cloves, blend in blender in 1 cup water. Strain, and add enough to make 1 quart.

Mineral Water
1/4 to 1/3 cup mineral water to 1 quart water.

Other Remedies

Vaginal Bolus
Use Vaginal Bolus Combination or make your own combination with 1 part Goldenseal, 1 part White Oak Bark, 1/2 part Slippery Elm.
To the powdered herbs - mix mineral water and olive oil, castor oil, or cocoa butter.
Make a firm consistency that can be rolled into tube-like shapes on wax paper.
Put in the freezer to firm, let bolus sit at room temperature before using.
Insert into vagina at night time, douche the next morning.


Copy1994 - 2023 Four Winds, Inc. USA
Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.