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About BioEnergy
Four Winds Nutrition offers bioenergy sessions.

What is Bioenergy?

Bio-energy is a safe, non-invasive and highly effective form of energy treatment. In a typical session, the primary aim is to locate any energy disturbances or blockages in the body’s energy field. It is then simply a case of clearing these interruptions to restore the natural flow of energy to the bio-energy field. This allows the body's self healing mechanisms to kick in.

Centers of energy, also known as Chakras are located at specific places in our bodies. Those centers act as energy receivers, generators and transformers, helping to funnel energy at the required frequency to individual organs in order to keep them healthy.

When the energy flowing around the seven centers [Chakras] becomes blocked, illness and disease will prevail. The feeling of well-being normally related with good health will be reduced considerably.

These blockages can be caused through sudden physical, mental, emotional trauma and poor diet or over a period of time through established mental patterns of stress, anxiety and fear. Whatever the cause, the body’s natural instinct to heal itself using its healing energy is disabled until such time as it is unblocked.

Exchange of energy at such a deep level has a profoundly relaxing effect on the recipient and can bring the body to a more balanced and relaxed state. Through years of practising Bio-Energy Therapy I have found that it is a wonderful way of relieving pain and allowing healing to happen on a range of ailments.

I have been a client of Four Winds Nutrition for 11 years, starting on a New Years Eve night having just being diagnosed with Stage Four breast cancer.  With Beatrice and Christian's guidance, nutritional help and daily bio-energetic treatments for four months, the breast tumor was reduced by 60% and started the beginning of a remission stage until I was fully healed.  I remain cancer free to this day without having chemotherapy or surgery.   I have continued to seek out both Beatrice and Christian's help in keeping healthy. I have been treated by Christian with his bio-energy wand many times and have seen marked improvement with whatever health concern I was dealing with at the time, whether it be a cold etc..  Particularly an instance where I was dealing with gallstones and an inflamed liver.  Until I was able to completely clear the stones away and the inflammation, I suffered with severe gastric problems on an ongoing basis.  Christian's treatment always alleviated it for me immediately and I truly believe was a strong factor in changing the energetic imbalance in my body that was causing the problem in the first place.  I would recommend bio-energetic treatments for any health imbalance you are dealing with.   
Susan Z Rich
Holistic Therapist Counselor 
White Wings Foundation

More testimonies

Conditions that have shown response from a Bio-Energy session include:
Chronic Fatigue and Pain, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Stress, Arthritis, Headaches & Migraines, Insomnia, Nervous Disorders, Neck & Shoulder Pain, Sciatica, Back Pain, Menstrual Problems, Irritable Bowel, Immune Disorders, Poor Digestion, Poor Circulation, and Sports Injuries, etc.
Also accelerates wound healing, mending fractures, fighting infections, reducing tension and symptoms associated with stress.
It is also effective preparation for surgery and later aftercare for accelerated recovery.

Bio-Energy Healing is suitable and safe for both adults and children and can help one achieve a heightened level of results.Bio-Energy Healing is a single source of treatment that works beyond the textbook - addressing you as an individual. Bio Energy Healing uses dynamic techniques that can pinpoint the root cause of your issues. It addresses the entwinement of your mind & body and how each affects the other. 

Treatment can enable you to recover from long-term chronic and difficult symptoms; move you beyond your blockages; and enhance recovery and performance levels.  For those of you who are interested in evidence based information please click on the following links scientific basis and research.

Tel.  407-740-8012 or 8084 (Florida)
E-mail: christian@webnat.com

Approximately 1 hour session: $85 (first session - follow-ups: $45)


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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.