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By Louise Tenney


A fever is a symptom of an illness and is characterized by the temperature elevating at least one degree above the norm which is 98.6 degrees F. or 37 degrees C. Children's temperatures will vary, depending on clothing worn, level of activity or the time of day.

An elevated body temperature is a reaction of the immune system in attempting to destroy bacteria and viruses that enter the body. Some viruses and bacteria falter in the body when the temperature is elevated. It should not always be considered negative, as it is a way of fighting infections.

A fever also causes an increase in production of the white blood cells as well as their speed of response. The exact temperature of a child may not always indicate how sick he/she really is.

Children Fever

A child with a mild virus may have a 100 degree F. fever while another with pneumonia may have a 101 degree F. fever. The important thing to do is to watch how a child acts. If they still are active, it is probably a mild one.

A fever may precede conditions such as measles, chickenpox and roseola in babies.
A child with a high fever generally feels lousy. But when the fever is brought down, a child with a mild cold or virus will feel better while the one suffering from a more serious condition will probably continue to feel badly.

A fever over 102 degrees F. in a child should probably be treated.
Medical attention should be sought if there are any serious concerns as to the child's condition. A febrile seizure may accompany a fever in some children. It is characterized by jerking, shaking, eyes rolling back, listlesness and confusion. There are no harmful side effects or answers as to why some children are predisposed to febrile seizures.
They are usually accompanying a high fever and are frightening to see. Though there are thought to be no harmful effects from the seizures, a child should be seen by a physician after a seizure occurs to rule out other problems.


A fever usually accompanies a viral or bacterial infection. Common conditions often seen with a fever are colds, throat, tonsillitis, earaches and infections, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, roseola, chickenpox, measles, pneumonia and meningitis. A fever may also be caused from conditions such as sunburn, dehydration, bee stings, allergic reactions and overexertion.
When some conditions are present in the body, it causes proteins known as pyrogens to be released, acting on the section of the brain which controls body temperature.

Some health care professionals believe that a mild fever under 100 degrees, should not be suppressed.
Taking fever reducing medications may slow the recovery process. Warm water should be used when trying to bring down the fever. Cold water can bring the fever down too quickly producing chills.
Sponge the body with a wash cloth. Encourage the child to rest. Be careful not to overdress a child or infant. Fluids should be offered to avoid dehydration.
A cool cloth applied to the forehead can help lower a fever.
Make sure the feet are kept warm.

Dehydration is a concern with a fever. Encourage ample amounts of fluids such as pure water, popsicles, herb teas, vegetable soups, and diluted organic fruit juices (NO CAN JUICES).
Mild foods such as yogurt, fruits and vegetables are recommended. Do not force foods if the child refuses, but do encourage fluids.


A sign of toxic waste, bacteria, or virus somewhere in body.


* CATNIP & FENNEL EXTRACT - 1 dropperful every hour until fever breaks
* RED RASPBERRY EXTRACT - make tea and drink as much as possible
GARLIC enema - (especially children)
SILVER SHIELD, (Colloidal Silver) 1/2 tsp.

Dr. Christopher's remedy
Add 1 oz. GINGER and 1 oz DRY MUSTARD to hot bath and soak 14 minutes.
Dry off. Wrap in cool sheet, cover with wool blankets to produce sweating.

Lots of liquids (good old vegetable soup all day long).
No caffeine and no ice in fluids.


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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.