Hyperactivity or ADD
From Today's Herbal Health For Children
By Louise Tenney
Hyperactivity is a condition when the normal exuberance and energy of youth get out of control. It can affect children, adolescence and even some adults.
It is characterized by a short attention span, behavioral problems, poor concentration, inappropriate responses, overactivity, and emotional instability. Some parents feel guilt and responsibility for their child's behavior, but this condition is not a sign of parental failure. It is often embrassing for parents and siblings when the hyperactive child acts inappropriately.
This problem can interfere with the life of the entire family. They can easily break and damage things because of overactivity and impulsive behavior as well as injure themselves.
These children seem to be in constant motion and are easily frustrated. They may be content and happy one moment and throwing a tantrum the next.
One of the most frustrating symptoms is their unpredictable behavior. The hyperactive child may feel left out by peers. They want to be a part of the group but are often shunned by others.
It can be hard for them to fit in with children their age. This may lead them to even more inappropriate behavior by trying to show off.
- Protein needed for breakfast.
- No bacon, butter, candy, catsup, chocolate, hot dogs, milk, soy sauce, lunch meat, sausage, sugars, soft drinks, colored cheese, dyes, wheat.
- Food allergies can cause mood shifts. Eliminate foods which may cause allergic reactions.
- Meat, fats, soft drinks contain phosphates which deplete calcium & magnesium
- Eliminate food additives, refined sugars and artificial sweeteners from the diet.
- Some hyperactive children may suffer from glucose intolerance. They may also have a tendency toward hypoglycemia. Artificial colors sweeteners, preservative, stabilizers and all food additives should be eliminated.
- Avoid foods that contain salicylates which include almonds, apples, apricots, cherries, currants, berries, peaches, plums, prunes, tomatoes, pickles, green peppers, cucumbers and oranges. Salicylates have been linked to hyperactivity in some children. They are also used as food additives.
- Studies have shown that hyperactive children on restricted diets show fewer behavior problems in over fifty percent of cases. Emphasize vegetables and fruits which do not contain salicylates.
- Also add whole foods such as oats, rice and millet.
Many parents have found success in treating the eractive child with natural foods.
Diet changes, natural supplements and herbal remedies have helped the condition
Real Food Diet - Mild Food Diet
Two books we highly recommend...click on images for details |
Suggested Remedies
Gaba Plus calms brain the same way tranquilizers without side effects
Colostrum - has been reported very helpful - balances blood sugar
Calcium-Magnesium 1200 mg per day for adolescents and less for small children by weight.
Vitamins & Minerals & More
Focus Attnetion Powder
Bifidophilus (Intestinal flora and B vitamins)
ADD HP from Energique
Have a positive attitude around the hyperactive child. They often feed off of other's emotions.
Counseling can be beneficial for the entire family, to have everyone become involved and to understand tbe problem.
Create a structured, disciplined, routine environment for the child. Be consistent with discipline. Be specific when giving the child tasks. Give them one step at a time so they do not feel overwhelmed.
Exercise may help with hyperactive children. Create positive activities to help use up some of that excess energy.
Be sure not to neglect other members of the family.