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North American Wild Game Nutritional Values

Nutrient content of wild game meat vs domesticated meat.
*100 grams equals about 3 1/2 ounces.
 Note: ** Not trimmed of fat before analysis.
 All other samples of meat were trimmed of visible fat prior to analysis.

Species Protein % Fat % Cholesterol (mg/100g*) Calories (Kcal/100g*)
Antelope 22.5 .9 112 144
Beef USDA choice 22.0 6.5 72 180
Beef USDA standard 22.7 2.0 69 152
Buffalo 21.7 1.9 62 138
Chicken 23.6 .7 62 135
Crane (Sandhill) 21.7 2.4 123 153
Deer (Mule) 23.7 1.3 107 145
Deer (Whitetail) 23.6 1.4 116 149
Dove 22.9 1.8 94 145
Duck (Domestic) 19.9 4.25 89 180
Duck (Mallard) 23.1 2.0 140 152
Elk 22.8 .9 67 137
Goose (Snow) 22.7 3.6 142 121
Grouse (Sharptail) 23.8 .7 105 142
Grouse (Sage) 23.7 1.1 101 140
Lamb 20.8 5.7 66 167
Moose 22.1 .5 71 130
Partridge (Gray) 25.6 .7 85 151
Pheasant (Domestic) 23.9 .8 71 144
Pheasant (Wild) 25.7 .6 52 148
Pig (Domestic Pork) 22.3 4.9 71 165
Pig (Wild Boar) ** 28.3 4.38 109 160
Rabbit (Cottontail) 21.8 2.4 77 144
Rabbit (Jack) 21.9 2.4 131 153
Squirrel 21.4 3.2 83 149
Turkey (Domestic) 23.5 1.5 60 146
Turkey (Wild) 25.7 1.1 55 163
Widgeon 22.6 2.1 131 153

Surveys show that carcasses of domesticated animals have 25 to 30% fat while the average fat content of wild game animals is only 4.3%. Not only is the fat lower in game, but is also healthier. Fat from wild game contains a much higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids, good fat and is lower in saturated fat, bad fat.

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