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He has treated thousands of patients on this diet.
80% alkaline, 20% acid, eat in balance & a variety of 40-50% raw or lightly steamed vegetables & fruits.
"Most diseases are a nutritional deficiency."

Worst offenders:
Salt, sugar, wheat, fats, cow's milk - cause catarrah (mucous) in the body.

1 Protein
Brain Nerve Food - 1 egg yolk.
4 oz. apple juice or goat's milk.
Poached or boiled eggs only.
Broil, roast or bake lamb, cold water fish, organic poultry.
No fat, beef, pork

1 Starch daily:

Corn, rye, rice, millet, buckwheat, barley, no wheat, 29% of American diet is wheat.

2 Non-Acid tree ripened fruits, stew or bake fruit or eat raw. 1/2 hr before breakfast or at 3 P.M.

6 Vegetables:
Use fresh, unsprayed, organic.
50% raw in salads, no head lettuce

Vegetable broths, coffee substitute (chikoree), buttermilk, goat's milk, raw milk, oat straw tea, herb teas.

Nuts & Seeds:

Sesame or almond butter, cashews, (no peanut butter), almonds, pinenuts, pecans, coconuts, hazel nuts,sesame seeds, sunflower.
Best seeds are sesame seeds, sunflower.

Sea salt, vegetable seasoning, paprika, carob,


Goat's milk, rice, soy or almond milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, buttermilk.

The average American eats 150 lb. a year.
Use - fresh fruit (raisin, dates, honey, maple-syrup, date sugar, raw sugar.)

Dr. Bernard Jensen
's Patient Nutrition Food Chart


1. Limit desserts to once a week.

2. Sins of Civilization
Too much wheat, Too much salt, Too much fat, Drugs, Too much milk, Too many irradiated foods, Too much sugar.
Smoking, Alcohol.

3. Vitamins run the body and are catalysts. Minerals build the body.

4. Never eat less than one salad per day with rainbow colors.

5. Natural herb teas that should be on everyone's shelf are: Oat straw tea, Papaya tea, Mint tea, Peppermint tea, Alfalfa tea or Chamomile tea.

6. Good protein advice:
Meat once a week
if you are used to having it.
Fish twice a week
Eggs soft boiled or poached, three times a week.
Nut butter: 1 tablespoon, 3 times a week.
Nut milks: 8 oz., twice a week.
Beans once or twice a week.
: King of all nuts.
Sesame Seeds
: King of all seeds.
: King of all legumes.

7. Foods without exercising is fatal living.

8. Fats: Always eat the foods with the fats that they come with. Limit the intake of concentrated fats and oils. Use only unrefined, cold processed oils.
Dr. Jensen recommends avocado, raw nuts and seeds as good fats.

9. Eat at least three hours before bedtime. (A light dinner)

10. Reducing: Eat smaller portions.
Always leave something on your plate.

11. Do not drink water with meals. Drink pure water with no ice between meals.

12. Always try to buy organic vegetables. Avoid irradiated or sprayed foods.

13. By eating natural, whole, fresh and pure foods, one can compensate for having eaten too many cooked, preserved, packaged, and manhandled foods in the past.

14. Supplement the diet with fiber, enzymes, antioxidant, and minerals to compensate for having eaten incorrectly in the past.

15. Eat natural sweets such as dates.
Revive other dried fruits including raisins, figs, and prunes.
Maple syrup, fruit concentrates, and honey are also natural sugars.

16. No head lettuce. Eat only green leaf lettuces.

17. Use fresh herbs for flavoring.

18. No salt. If needed, due to excessive sweating, use sun evaporated sea salt.

19. When treating the body, remember physical, mechanical, chemical, nutritional, mineral, vitamin, emotional, and spiritual values.

20. Greatest thought: The tree of life is the best example for us to follow to keep in the best of health. It was the sinless symbol in past teachings.

21. Consider a good elimination program for the bowel twice a year. Refer to Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management.

22. Take charge of your skin. Brush it daily. The skin eliminates two pounds of wastes each day.

A good advice from Béatrice Duplantier-Rhea M.H., C.N.H.P., N.D.
Do not forget to also check and follow the recommendations of Dr. D'Adamo regarding your blood type and the food you eat.
"Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type"

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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.