Graves disease is an overactive or hyperthyroid condition,
where the thyroid is overproducing hormones. This means
the thyroid is over stimulating metabolism. You can think of this as having the thermostat set too high. As a result,
fuel burns too quickly, which results in weight loss, intolerance to heat and hyperactivity and restlessness. For example, some of the specific symptoms associated with Grave's
disease (the most common hyperactive thyroid condition)
include bulging eyes, rapid pulse rate (90-160), heart palpitations, tremors, restlessness and anxiety, lack of periods,
muscle weakness and impaired sleep.
The reason why heart rate is linked with thyroid function
is because the heart prefers fatty acids over carbohydrates for
fuel. So, when fat burning is hot, the heart is over stimulated. When fat burning is slow, the heart tends to beat more
slowly, too.
This is a serious medical condition and needs proper medical attention. The rapid heart beat can over-stress the heart
and circulation resulting in life-threatening effects. It is essential that a physician monitor someone with a hyperthyroid condition, even if the patient is opting to try a natural
approach. Medication may be needed to lower the heart rate
and inhibit the thyroid while you work on removing the
underlying health problems.
While it is important to have proper medical monitoring of a hyperthyroid situation, medical treatments for hyperactive thyroid conditions leave much to be desired. While
drugs can be used to inhibit thyroid function, physicians
usually convince the patient to destroy the thyroid gland
with radioactive iodine.
This therapy is literally designed to "fry" the thyroid
gland. The radioactive iodine is taken up by the thyroid
gland, causing it to be destroyed. Thereafter, the person will
have to take medications for low thyroid, as their thyroid
gland will no longer function properly. Obviously, there has
to be a better way.
There are herbs which inhibit thyroid function. Several
plant species contain substances known to bind to TSH receptor sites in the thyroid, inhibiting them and reducing
thyroid output. These include bugleweed and lemon balm.
Motherwort and mistletoe can also be used to calm the
heartbeat. (Unfortunately, none of these herbs are available
from NSP)
However, simply inhibiting the thyroid (even with herbs)
isn't correcting the underlying problem or cause. According to Dr. Henry Bieler in Food is Your Best Medicine, the
glands act as a third line of immune defense. When toxins
get past the intestinal membranes and the liver and enter
the blood stream, the glandular system becomes overexcited
in an effort to increase metabolic rate in order to drive the
toxins out of the body. so, according to this theory, a hyperactive thyroid would signal a need to cleanse the blood
of toxins. Heavy metals, in particular, may be at the root of
hyperthyroid function.
NSP's formula IF-C is a heat-reducing formula, indicated
for rapid heartbeat, a red tongue, and conditions involving
excess heat, such as fever or inflammation. It clears toxins
from the blood and can be very helpful for hyperthyroid.
The adrenals tend to work with and balance the thyroid.
People with hyperactive thyroid function also tend to have
adrenal problems. The stress hormone, cortisol, is an anti-inflammatory, so hyperthyroidism may be a sign of exces
stress, accompanied by adrenal weakness. So the cooling
effect of the adrenal hormone, cortisol, is reduced. In this
case, licorice root, Adrenal Support or Nervous Fatigue
formula have also proved helpful.
Other supplements that may be helpful for hyperthyroid
include Magnesium Complex, Stress-J, Chinese Stress Relief, Intestinal Soothe and Build, CO-Q10 and hawthorn.
Diet can also play a role in helping to balance an over an over-active thyroid. High carbohydrate diets, coupled with low
protein and/or fat intake, tend to elevate thyroid function.
So, a properly balanced diet with correct proportions of fats,
proteins, and low glycemic carbohydrates is helpful
Cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower tend to have an inhibiting effect on the production
of thyroid hormones. Soy also has a strong thyroid inhibiting effect. Millet has a mild effect. These foods should be
consumed freely.
Hyperthyroid patients may actually be deficient in iodine.
If your body is saturated with iodine, it would not take up
radioactive iodine, so the fact that the medical profession
can use radioactive iodine to kill the thyroid suggests the
tissues are not properly saturated with iodine. The best formula for supplementing iodine is TS II With Hops because
the hops also has a calming affect on the thyroid.
Again, hyperthyroid conditions can be serious and life-threatening, so the situation should be monitored by a physician to make certain the therapy is working, even when
the person chooses to go the natural route.
Below is a list of suggested products. Those in bold are key products for the health issue explained on this page.
For details and ordering simply copy a product's name in the search box above or click on the bold name.
Nutrients: 7-Keto, Co-Q10, L-Carnitine, Magnesium and
Pantothenic Acid
Nutritional Supplements: Vitamin B-Complex
Nutraceuticals: Adrenal Support, AnxiousLess, Heavy Metal
Detox, Mind-Max and THIM-J
1994 - 2023 Four Winds, Inc. USA Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.