Digestion: key to good health
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An Important Key to Good Health
By Steven Horne and Nature's Field


Herbalists have long recognized that a properly functioning digestive tract is central to good health, which is why many herbal programs focus on cleansing and strengthening the digestive system.
Modern medical science is increasingly validating the fact that numerous health problems arise from poor digestive function. In addition, the research is expanding herbalists' understanding about what goes wrong with the digestive tract and how to fix it.

For instance, in the past, many herbalists and natural healers thought that illness arose because the digestive tract became encrusted with waste material. They saw cleansing as a way of removing this build up of waste material. Today, we know that this is not an accurate picture of what's happening. The real issue isn't accumulated waste, it's intestinal inflammation.

Intestinal Inflammation, Leaky Gut and SIBO

We now understand that when the sensitive membranes of the digestive tract are irritated by stress, infection, food allergies and sensitivities, chemicals or certain medications (antibiotics, NSAIDS, steroids) they become inflamed. Severe inflammation is involved in Inflammatory Bowel Disorders, such as colitis and Chron's disease. This inflammation makes the membranes more permeable, a condition known as Leaky Gut Syndrome. With leaky gut, undigested food particles pass through the intestinal membranes, triggering immune reactions and causing more irritation throughout the body.

Closely associated with leaky gut is Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO can cause leaky gut without intestinal inflammation. SIBO involves the overgrowth of bacteria (even friendly bacteria) in the small intestines.

Symptoms of SIBO include abdominal bloating and distension, heavy belching after meals, acid indigestion about one hour after eating, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea and brain fog after meals.
Many people associate these symptoms with candida or yeast infections and it turns out that people with SIBO may also have larger populations of yeast in the colon. However, the primary cause of the digestive imbalances is the bacterial overgrowth, not the fungal overgrowth.

Intestinal inflammation, leaky gut and SIBO have wide-ranging implications and may be a cause or a major factor in all of the following diseases:
acne rosacea
acne vulgaris
celiac disease
cystic fibrosis
chronic fatigue syndrome
hypothyroid (Hashimoto's throiditis)
IBD (Crohn's and ulcerative colitis)
irritable bowel syndrome
interstitial cystitis
liver cirrhosis
Lym's disease
malabsorption syndrome
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma.

Please note, this does not mean that leaky gut and SIBO cause all these diseases; it just means they may be a contributing factor.

NSP Products for SIBO and Leaky Gut

NSP has many products that can be helpful for reducing intestinal inflammation, toning up intestinal membranes to reduce leaky gut, and controlling bacterial growth in the small intestines.
Two of my favorite products for reducing intestinal inflammation are Intestinal Soothe and Build, which I have had very good results with over the years, and Everybody's Fiber, which is a soothing fiber blend for irritated intestines.
We featured articles on both of these products at treelite.com.


About Intestinal Soothe & Build
Intestinal Soothe & Build is a wonderful formula for soothing intestinal inflammation and irritation.� Created by herbalist Jeannie Burgess, it has been used to help a wide variety of inflammatory bowel disorders.

The formula combines the soothing action of mucilaginous herbs like slippery elm and marshmallow with the astringent action of herbs like plantain, rosehips and bugleweed.  Chamomile adds additional anti-inflammatory and digestive settling properties. Intestinal Soothe & Build adds fiber to the stool to absorb irritants that may inflame the colon, while helping to reduce gut permeability and leakiness.� It also promotes tissue healing and repair.

In addition to its use for intestinal and digestive problems, it has also been applied topically as a poultice for bites and stings, burns and scalds, cold sores, denture sores, slivers and skin ulcerations.� It has also been used internally for abscesses, chemical poisoning, copper toxicity, cystitis and Grave's disease.

Suggested Use

This formula works best when taken in large quantities. The recommended dosage is 2-4 capsules taken three times daily with plenty of water.
Jeannie designed the formula to work best when used in combination with another of her formulas, Stress-J.� Stress-J adds additional anti-inflammatory and digestive calming properties, as well as relaxing nervous stress, which is often a factor in bowel disorders.� So, for best results, take with 2 capsules of Stress-J three times daily.
You can also add ATC concentrated licorice root (1 capsule twice daily) as this is another good anti-inflammatory for the intestinal tract.

About Everybody's Fiber
Everybody's Fiber is a fiber blend that most people can use.
It contains fiber products that gently bulk the stool and improve elimination, but it also contains herbs that reduce inflammation, improve digestion, feed friendly intestinal flora, and restore intestinal tone to reduce gut leakage.

Suggested Use

Mix one scoop of Everybody's Fiber� in water or juice and take before meals 2-4 times daily.

To reduce gut permeability in leaky gut Una de Gato can be helpful.  Una de Gato is also really great for regulating the intestinal tone and also helps to control SIBO. 

Finally, to reduce small intestinal bacterial overgrowth try taking PDA (Protein Digestive Aid) with meals and using products that reduce intestinal bacteria.
Two good NSP options for reducing intestinal bacteria are Goldenseal and GastroHealth.


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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.