Precaution for the flu season
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Precaution for the flu season

1. Boost your immune system

More and more research shows that in addition to supporting bone health, vitamin D is critical to the immune system. It's one of the reasons why the cloudy winter months (when people receive little sun exposure) are the hardest months for the immune system.

Research has shown that black elderberries can inhibit Viral infections like the cold and flu. It appears they may work by inhibiting viral replication. But, whatever the mode of action, elderberries are a time-proven remedy for acute viral infections. Elderberry D3fense combines elderberry with 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 and includes two other major antiviral herbs, echinacea and olive leaf.
Echinacea boosts immune responses in a non-specific way to help the body fight both bacterial and viral infections.
Olive leaf contains oleuropein, which as been shown to inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Olive leaf ap- pears to work by inhibiting viral replication, deactivating the virus and stimulating the immune system to destroy it.
Elderberry D3fense is a great remedy to take during cold and flu season to stay healthy and can also be taken to speed recovery.

If fighting a viral infection
Take 2 capsules of Elderberry D3fense three times daily, plus 2 capsules before going to bed.

2. Silver Shield: A first of daily defense, providing prevention before you need a cure!
Silver Aquasol technology, the basis of our Silver Shield TM, kills bacteria, viruses, mold, and other pathogens on contact! It usually takes 2-6 minutes for silver to destroy 99.9% of these pathogens.
Tasteless, it is safe to take Nature’s Sunshine Silver Shield, every day, either for prevention or to treat an infection of some sort.
Preventative dose drink 1 teaspoon per day and allow its broad spectrum activity to kill bacteria, viruses, and yeast in your body.
If you are getting sick or going to be exposed to illness, are traveling, or under stress take 1 teaspoon 2 times/day
For serious illness take 3-4 teaspoons daily

These doses are for a 150 pound adult, and may be adjusted according to body weight. Silver Shield may be safely used by children, the elderly, and even pets in place of prescription antibiotics.

When taken with antibiotics
Silver Shield prevents the body from becoming antibiotic-resistant. This new technology is also patented (US Patent #7,135,195, Nov 14, 2006) and being used by the Center for Disease Control.

While it is encouraged to drink Silver Shield daily to provide silver in the blood stream, it is equally important to administer the silver through sprays or drops for topical use, or in the orifices of the body as needed. These methods may be used concurrently.

See also: The many ways to use Silver Shield and Silver Shield Gel.

Homeopathic suggestion: Virustat (For temporary relief of viral conditions.)


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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.