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Are you really serious about getting rid of chemicals in your home?
By Christian Domergue

Walk the Talk!
I love this expression and I think it applies precisely to the subject of this newsletter. All of us are perfectly aware of the chemical environment we live in. All of us swear that "we should clean up America and get rid of all those chemicals substances that subtlety poison our daily lives." So far so good!

Indoor PollutionIf I were to be invited to your home (and office) would you be proud to show me a chemical free home or office? If I were to look under the sink, what would I find?
If I were to visit your laundry room, would I find chlorine, phosphate, ammonia, formaldehyde, phenos, petroleum solvents etc. containing products? (See list here)

Surely your kitchen counters are sparkling, the floors spotless and your glasses shiny! They are definitely worth swooning over.

Then the question is: do you still want to stay loyal to your favorite chemical cleaning products at the risk of your health? If the answer is no... read on!
There are plenty of cleaning products out there that will do the job however dirty. But even the most popular cleaning products on the market are not only tough on grease and grime they are also tough on your health and the environment!

So, rather than discus the dangers of your chemical cleaning products I am going to challenge you to "Walk Your Talk". No more excuses! We have all the chemical free products for you to effectively clean your home, your dishes and your laundry!

According to the Cancer Prevention Coalition, many ingredients in common household cleaning products are suspected of causing human health problems, including hidden cancer-causing ingredients. Certain chemicals in household cleaners can have an estrogen-like effect in the body (also called xenoestrogens), which can be responsible for hormone imbalance.
Xenoestrogens have devastating effects on both men and women.

Xenoestrogens are environmental chemicals that have an estrogenic effect, meaning they attach to estrogen receptors in the body and stimulate them.

In men, xenoestrogens disrupt the natural balance between male and female hormones, causing men to lose some of their manly traits. For starters, xenoestrogens are believed by some researchers to be the primary cause of a world-wide decrease in male fertility. (For more info on this subject read this article: Protecting Yourself from Xenoestrogens).
They are both reducing male sperm count and reducing the quality of male sperm. Xenoestrogens are also believed to be a major factor in the rise of prostate diseases. The prostate has estrogen receptors, so these chemicals over stimulate prostate tissue resulting in the overgrowth of the prostate, a condition known as benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH for short). They also contribute to prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) and prostate cancer.
Since testosterone helps a man burn fat and build lean muscle, xenoestrogens also contribute to obesity in men. They may cause men to develop more breast tissue (a very common problem with modern men and young boys) and to experience erectile dysfunction (we have become the Viagra's generation).

In women, xenoestrogens cause estrogen overload and result in over stimulation of breast and uterine tissue (for more info on this subject read this article: Protecting Yourself from Xenoestrogens).

Exposure to the harsh chemicals in cleaning products may also increase the risk for skin and eye irritation, allergies and a suppressed immune system. Talk about an unhealthy relationship!

These days, everyone is talking about the environment and rightfully we are concerned about it. If you rely on our government to do something serious to protect our health and that of our children by reducing chemicals, environmental pollution etc. stop dreaming! It is up to each of us to show our determination in that area by purchasing everyday products which are chemical free.

One cannot blame chemical, pharmaceutical, food and drinks companies for their chemical laden products! Are we not trained to look for cheap products, fast buttasty food and cool sweet drinks? Companies will answer to what the consumer wants, it is their job and they do it well.

I truly believe that our moral obligation is to start purchasing organic food, healthy drinks, clean mineral water with the correct pH, and chemical free cleaning products This will hopefully force these companies to switch gears!

Moral obligation did I say? Read on!
The dangerous substances found in so many cleaning products on the market are released into the air and into groundwater, streams, rivers and oceans killing animals, interfering with natural ecosystems and even contaminating drinking water. Nice presents we are giving to our children and grand children!

Chronic disease is on the rise
* Leukemia, brain cancer, and other childhood cancers have increased by more than 20% since 1975 .1
* Breast cancer went up by 40% between 1973 and 1998 .2 While breast cancer rates have declined since 2003, a woman's lifetime risk of breast cancer is now 1 in 8, up from 1 in 10 in 1973 .3
* Asthma prevalence approximately doubled between 1980 and 1995 and has stayed at the elevated rate. 4,5
* Difficulty in conceiving and maintaining a pregnancy affected 40% more women in 2002 than in 1982. The incidence of
reported difficulty has almost doubled in younger women.
* The birth defect resulting in undescended testes has increased 200% between 1970 and 1993 .8
* Since the early 1990s, reported cases of autism spectrum disorder have increased tenfold .9

Are you convinced yet? If not read on.
To make matters worse, cleaning product manufacturers are not required by law to provide a complete list of ingredients on their labels or even test their products for safety. As a result, many consumers are unaware of the toxic substances they are exposing their family members to on a daily basis.
So, take one last look at your cupboard of chemical cleaning products. It's time to break up.


Chemicals Health Effects Found in...


Eye, nose, and throat irritation; skin problems; aggravation of asthma symptoms

Cleaning products, paint stripper, adhesive removers, some fertilizers

Ammonium hydroxide

Eye, nose, and throat irritation; aggravation of asthma symptoms

Cleaning products, disinfectants, metal polishes, car care products, carpet and upholstery cleaners



Adhesive removers, degreasers, interior paints, dry-cleaning solvents


With long-term exposure: kidney, liver, and central nervous system damage; cancer

Flea powders, pesticides

Chlorine bleach

Eye, nose, and throat irritation; skin problems; aggravation of asthma symptoms

Cleaning and laundry products, toilet-bowl cleaners


Central nervous system damage; possibly cancer

Dryer sheets; adhesive removers


With long-term exposure: kidney, liver, and central nervous system damage

Antibacterial cleaning products, disinfectants, deodorizers, pesticides


With long-term exposure: kidney, liver, and central nervous system damage; cancer

Flea powders, pesticides

Ethylene glycol

Dizziness; heart, brain, kidney, liver, and central nervous system damage

Antifreeze, de-icers, brake fluid, adhesives, paints


Eye, nose, and throat irritation; aggravation of asthma symptoms; headaches; nausea; fatigue; memory problems; possibly cancer

Adhesives, sealers, paint, caulk

Glycol ethers


Water-based paints

Hydrochloric acid

Eye, nose, and throat irritation; aggravation of asthma symptoms

Cleaning products, toilet-bowl cleaners


Blindness (from direct contact with eyes); skin irritation

Drain uncloggers, oven cleaners, dishwasher detergents


With long-term exposure: kidney, liver, and central nervous system damage

Antifreeze, de-icers, car care products, shellacs, adhesive removers, paint strippers


Cataracts (with long-term exposure); nausea

Carpet cleaners, car care products, paints, insect repellants

Oxalic acid

With long-term exposure: kidney, liver, and central nervous system damage

Toilet-bowl cleaners, car care products, cleansers, metal polish


Respiratory system damage

Given off by printers and copiers


Eye, nose, and throat irritation; skin problems

Solvents, dryer sheets, fabric softeners

(also called tetrachloroethylene)

Dizziness; headache; nausea; skin irritation. With long-term exposure: kidney, liver, and central nervous system damage;possibly cancer

Adhesives and sealants, car care products, polishes, spot cleaners; dry-cleaning solvents

Perfluorooctanoate and perfluorooctane sulfonate

Infertility in women

Pesticides, stain-resistant upholstery, adhesives, nonstick cookware coatings

Phenol (a.k.a. carbolic acid)

Skin irritation. With long-term exposure: kidney, liver, and central nervous system damage

Antibacterial cleaning products


Eye, nose, and throat irritation; aggravation of asthma symptoms; skin irritation

Cleaning products, disinfectants, drain uncloggers


Eye, nose, and throat irritation; dizziness; nausea; central nervous system damage; cardiac arrest

Adhesives, solvents, paints, car care products.


Liver damage

Antibacterial soaps and cleaning products, pet shampoos


Dizziness; liver and central nervous system damage

Adhesives, lubricants, furniture cleaners


Dizziness; eye, nose, and throat irritation; respiratory problems; nausea; kidney, liver, and central nervous system damage

Adhesives and sealants, car care products, paints, pesticides


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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.