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Major Concerns and Support

We are adressing on this page some of the health concerns many of us are worried about. Remember that good health starts with proper assimilation, a healthy gut and daily elimination!
Also, stress and anxiety, when not under control, have long term devastating effects on our health. Once you supply your body with the proper nutrients to deal with stress/anxiety you will avoid a lot of problems!
Final point... nothing works properly in the body without minerals. See why at the bottom of this page.

Food Enzymes1. Enzymes Digestion/Assimilation
Key Product: Food Enzymes

Most Americans have an issue with proper digestion and elimination! Furthermore, as we age, the body loses approximately 10% of its enzymes reserve for every 10 years of age.
Compare your health to a bank account and simply replace the dollars in your account with enzymes.
The bank, in this case your body, has granted you at birth an authorized "enzymes amount"... from which you can draw until it is empty.
Then the body has no choice but to "borrow" enzymes from other places, such as glands and organs (could be the thyroid, eyes, sexual organs etc).
More info about Digestion and enzymes:


2. Intestinal... Probiotics and the gut
Key Products: Eleven Elevated & Probiotic Eleven

If you want to regain your magnificent energy, feel good allover and achieve long term health then start by fully understand the "Gut Connections". The gut is no longer seen as an entity with the sole purpose of helping with all aspects of digestion. It's also being considered as a key player in regulating inflammation (as we all know, inflammation is the common factor for virtually all disease in the body) and immunity (responsible to prevent diseases!).

Eleven Elevated
for the first 30 days...
Eleven Elevated
Probiotic Eleven
then switch to Probiotic Eleven
Probiotic Eleven

More Info about the gut

3. Elimination - Colon
Lower Bowel Stimulator (LBS II)

A very popular stimulant laxative.
it strengthens the colon and increases peristalsis to evacuate the bowel and overcome constipation.

If one does not eliminate after each heavy meal (at least once daily!) it will causes the body to poison itself with unhealthy consequences at many levels. Keeping the colon clean is one of the keys to excellent energy and health. Having a healthy bowel movement after each solid meal indicates a well functioning digestive system! Plumbers know that pipes can get clogged and need to be cleaned. Auto mechanics realize that oil and other fluids need to be regularly changed to keep engines running smoothly. It makes sense that this is also true for our bodies.

More info about elimination


Mega-Chel4. Cardio Vascular Issues
Key Product: Mega-Chel

FACTS: 1 in every 4 deaths in the United States is caused by heart disease every year!
Triglycerides are fats that circulate in the blood. Some studies show elevated levels can lead to narrowing of the arteries, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Very high levels also can cause pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas. Growing rates of obesity and diabetes, which raise triglyceride levels, are making the problem more common.
About 25% of U.S. adults have a level above 150 milligrams per deciliter of blood, which is considered borderline high.

More Info about Heart Issues/Circulation


Milk Thistle5. Liver
Key Product: Milk Thistle Combination

Love your liver and take care of it! Your liver plays a key role in converting food into essential chemicals of life. All of the blood that leaves the stomach and intestines must pass through the liver before reaching the rest of the body. In essence, the liver can be thought of as the body's refinery. Your liver, the largest organ in your body, plays a vital role in regulating life processes.
This complex organ performs many functions essential to life. You simply cannot live without it.

More info about The Liver


Urinary Maintenance

6. Kidneys, Lower Back Pain, Urinary issues, UTI

Key Product: Urinary Maintenance

The kidneys can be poisoned, clogged, malnourished, ruptured by blows, and overworked until they begin to break down. Blood in the urine is a sign, or could be an infection of the filtering tubules. The urinary system is a complex and intricate system consisting of the kidneys, urethra, bladder and ureters. A well-functioning urinary system is essential for good health. Although we tend to equate the urinary system simply with elimination, it is actually an amazingly complex filtering system that minute-by-minute determines what to excrete and what to retain in the body. In fact, over 95 percent of the water and most of the nutrients we take in, are reabsorbed.

More info about the Urinary system
More info about the UTI? ( UTI = Urinary Tract Infection )



7. Stress
Key Product: Nutri-Calm

With our ever-stressed, fast-paced lifestyle, our bodies are pumping out cortisol almost constantly, which can wreak havoc on our health. This whole-body process, mediated by hormones and the immune system, identifies cortisol as one of the many players. But isolating its role helps put into context the many complex mechanisms that lead to specific physiological damage... such as diabetes (increased blood sugar level), hypothyroid, immune issues, wieight gain, cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular Disease
Cortisol constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure to enhance the delivery of oxygenated blood. This is advantageous for fight-or-flight situations but not perpetually.
Over time, such arterial constriction and high blood pressure can lead to vessel damage and plaque buildup the perfect scenario for a heart attack.

More info about stress


Anxiousless8. Anxiety
Key Product: Anxiousless

Chronic fears brought on by unresolved emotional trauma, worry or failure to confront and deal with problems in our lives can lead to anxiety.
Chronic stress, especially coupled with consumption of refined sugar and caffeine, can lead to exhaustion of the adrenal glands, which produces a chronic state of anxiety and stress.

About Mood/Anxiety


Mood Elevator TCM9. Depression
Key Product: Mood Elevator TCM

About one in four adult Americans suffer from mood disorders. If your emotions feel stuck in some negative state, don't just mask the symptoms with drugs.
Counseling, good nutrition, lifestyle changes and some carefully selected supplements can get you jumping for joy again.

About Depression ?

10. Bones, Muscles and Inflammation
Key Product: Skeletal Strength & Turmeric/Curcumin

Skeletal Strength
Strengthens bones
Skeletal Strength
for inflammation
Probiotic Eleven

More Info about structural system
More info about what causes pain & inflammation

Detox Basics11. Detoxifying

Key Product: Detox Basics

"The truth is that, today, more than 70,000 synthetic chemicals are used commercially and approximately a thousand more new chemicals are introduced into our environment each year. It's hard to know exactly how many of these chemicals are actually harmful environmental toxins that may damage our reproductive health, as well as our general health and the health of our children. This is especially true when we consider the fact that only a handful of these potential environmental toxins have been adequately tested to determine their effect on humans and other forms of life. "
From Tracee Cornforth - Your Guide to Women's Health.

Check this page first

IOnic Minerals12. Minerals
Key product: Ionic Minerals
Our very existence is dependent upon the body's ability to utilize minerals because minerals activate enzymes!

When it comes to nutrition, adequate mineral intake is one of the cornerstones of good health. Minerals not only play a vital role in the formation of bones, teeth, muscles and connective tissues, they are also critical to body functions. This is because minerals play an essential role in activating the thousands of enzymes that run every process of the body.
The use of toxic chemicals like pesticides and herbicides on the land has diminished the healthy microflora in the soil. This means that even when minerals are available in the soil, plants may not be able to utilize them. It is a similar problem to what happens in human beings when antibiotics destroy the friendly flora in the intestinal tract.

More Info about Ionic Minerals:
More info about minerals (Essential)


Copy1994 - 2023 Four Winds, Inc. USA
Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.