Reprinted from Sunshine Sharing
Papaya & Co-Enzyme Q-10
Native to tropical America, the papaya (
Carica papaya) is becoming one of the most widely-grown tropical fruit crops in the modern world. Small wonder. A single tree may bear anywhere from 75-300 lbs. of delicious, vitamin-rich fruit within nine or ten months from seed! Although papaya is shaped like a melon, yet it is different because it has its distinctive flavor that cannot be likened to any other fruit. It is frequently called the "Medicine Tree" because every part of it contains medicinal properties.

Columbus was deeply impressed that natives of the Caribbean could gorge themselves with meat and fish without apparent gastric distress if a dessert of papaya topped the meal. Marco Polo credited the fruit with saving the lives of his sailors when they were stricken with scurvy.
According to Ponce de Leon, natives called it
vanti, a word meaning to keep well. Vasco da Gama and Magellan were also aware of its power to aid digestion. What does it contain? The unripe fruit as well as other parts of the plant contain a powerful protein-digesting enzyme called papain (also found in NSP
Food Enzymes formula &
Whole Food Papayazyme for kids). Papain's action greatly resembles that of two well-known digestive enzymes in the human stomach: pepsin and trypsin. The natural enzyme from the milky juice of the half-ripe fruit is marketed as a valuable aid for protein digestion, particularly for eggs, milk, meat and beans.
Because of its power to break down meat protein, a considerable amount of papain is imported into the United States for tenderizing meat. In addition, papain is gaining widespread application in medicine and industry.
Because of papain's role in digesting dead tissues without harming live ones, physicians have used it topically in treating wounds and burns.
Internally, papain is becoming increasingly popular in treating
indigestion, diarrhea, gastric distress, hay fever, stomach and duodenal ulcers and dissolving the false membranes that are a symptom of diphtheria. Papain powder mixed with water is also said to alleviate the pain of bee stings. It has also been used as a paste against fungus infections such as ringworm.
In addition, parasites do not like to stay in the body with papaya in the vicinity. Chewing papaya leaves may not be pleasant, but it helps to keep teeth free of plaque. But the fruit is sweet and also performs the same function.
Papaya is often combined with peppermint to produce tasty, chewable digestive aids like
Papaya Mint tablets. Peppermint is an aromatic herb which promotes secretion of digestive juices and helps to settle upset stomaches. Together, papaya and peppermint make a terrific digestive aid.
Co-Enzyme Q-10
Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10 for short) is a biochemical found in such foods as beef, sardines, spinach and peanuts. It is an essential nutrient that supplies the biochemical spark that creates cellular energy, and used to be known to science as œubiquinone. This nutrient has become the subject of intense study worldwide. To date, hundreds of papers extolling its benefits have been published in various countries. Researchers in Japan say that CoQ is a safe and promising treatment for angina pectoris, a very painful and dangerous heart condition. It has proven effective even in extremely serious heart disease patients.

In addition, CoQ-10 helps to reduce weight by assisting the cells to burn fat. The net result is more energy. It can too, help to heal gum problems (including pain), extend life by slowing down the aging process and also lower high blood pressure. (In experiments, 30-45 mg of CoQ-10 were administered daily for several weeks and blood pressure dropped significantly. For those with normal pressure, their pressure didn't change.)
CQ-10 is a powerful antioxidant. That means it helps to neutralize dangerous free radicals that can damage cells, thereby aging them more rapidly. Free radicals can be produced by radiation (including X-rays), rancid food, toxic environmental chemicals and just plain worry and stress.
Coenzymes should not be confused with enzymes. We mention them here along with enzymes because they are also catalysts that change chemical compounds from one form to another.
Coenzymes are relatively small molecules compared to enzymes. This means that they are not
inactivated by stomach acids and they are readily absorbed. All live foods contain one form of coenzyme Q,, numbered from 1-10.
Co Q-10 resembles vitamin E and vitamin K in chemical structure and some vitamins, like B1, 2, 3, 5 and folic acid can be converted by the body into Co Q-10. As we age, we lose the ability to efficiently manufacture CoQ-10 out of the other CoQs. And the coenzyme is also lost in our food
by processing and storage.
Co Q-10 is very important for the immune system. Co Q-10 has the ability to increase oxygen utilization and will also activate the macrophages in our body to attack microorganisms.
In other studies, CoQ-10 helped those suffering with allergies and asthma. It is an effective antihistamine. Other diseases being helped by CoQ-10 include multiple sclerosis, diabetes, deafness, Alzheimer's disease, lupus, and schizophrenia. No toxic side effects have ever been noted with human CoQ usage regardless of dosage. Still, use common sense. (Don't
take on an empty stomach or you may feel some degree of nausea.)
Other natural sources besides organ meats are eggs, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, rice, wheat, corn, sardines, nuts and seeds like sesame. At present these seem to be the richest sources. Also, commercial supplements are available, but be sure to get the best quality.
CoQ10 reduces inflammation in the gums.
Cholesterol can be cleaned out with
CholesterReg II and
This information is for educational purposes only. Consult with a qualified health practitioner for all serious or persistent illness. Copyright© 1990 by Robinson & Horne, L.C., P.O. Box 1028, Roosevelt, UT 84066. This material may be duplicated for educational purposes only (not for resale) provided it is not altered in any way.
Distributed by: & Four Winds Nutrition