Head Lice, Fungal Infections and Parasites
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About Paw Paw
Paw Paw for Head Lice, Fungal Infections and Parasites
See also: Part 1 (cancer)
Written by Steven Horne

Head Lice

Research conducted by Dr. Jerry McLaughlin, paw paw extract was found to be a safe and effective natural insecticide. It kills insects like lice and fleas without any toxicity to animals. The acetogenins work against insects and microbes in the same way they work against cancer cells. They shut down energy production in the critters, and their systems shut down. NSP at one time had a paw paw based shampoo for head lice, but it has been discontinued. Fortunately, you can make your own.

About Head Lice
Head lice are tiny, usually black, insects that feed on skin and blood. Children don't get them because they aren't kept clean, they get head lice because they get exposed to them. When children are in school, the lice can easily be passed from one child to the other through coats, combs, scarves, other clothing or direct contact.

These insects like warm, protected areas of the body, such as behind the ears and the nape of the neck. However, they can attach themselves anywhere on the scalp. Once present, they can cause itching, making children scratch, which can cause a rash. The rash increases the itching and starts a vicious cycle that can get worse. They also lay sticky little eggs called nits, which stick to the hair.


Making Paw Paw Shampoo
There are two ways to make a Paw Paw Shampoo. The first way is quick, but it produces a more “gritty” product. The second produces a better product, but takes longer. We’ll start by explaining how to make each product, and then explain how to use it.

Instant Paw Paw Shampoo (Method #1)
Open ten capsules of Paw Paw Cell-Reg mix them with two tablespoons of shampoo. Add seven drops of thyme essential oil and four drops of tea tree oil.

Non-Gritty Paw Paw Shampoo (Method #2)

Open ten capsules of Paw Paw Cell Reg and mix them with one ounce (two tablespoons) of pure grain alcohol (EverClear) or isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). Mix these together in a small class container. Cover and let stand until the particles have settled. The alcohol extracts the acetogenins and suspends them in a liquid form.

Carefully poor off the liquid and save it. Then add two more tablespoons of alcohol to the paw paw material. Mix well. Cover and let stand until the particles have settled, and pour off the liquid. Put the liquid for the two extractions into a saucer and allow it to sit until all of the alcohol has evaporated.

When the alcohol has evaporated, mix 6 teaspoons (2 Tablespoons) of shampoo into the residue on the saucer until well combined and uniform in color. In addition, add 7 drops of Thyme Essential Oil and 4 drops of Tea Tree Oil to the shampoo mixture.

You can make a larger batch of shampoo. However, it will take longer for evaporation of the alcohol to occur.

Directions for Using Paw Paw Shampoo

Follow instructions exactly for removal of head lice.

1. Lather two tablespoons (30 ml) of shampoo into dry hair and scalp.
2. Place shower cap/hair net on head to contain shampoo and to protect the eyes.
3. Leave shampoo lather on hair for 60 minutes.*
4. Rinse shampoo thoroughly from hair and scalp.
5. Dry and comb hair thoroughly with lice comb and remove nits/lice.
6. Repeat steps 1-6 in 8 days and again in 16 days to insure thorough and complete removal; use regular shampoo in the meantime.
*Long or thick hair will require one additional tablespoon of shampoo and will need to remain on head an additional 15 minutes.

To use for toenail fungus or other topical infections
It’s better to mix the Paw Paw with Golden Salve. Again, apply topically to affected areas, cover with a band aid and change twice daily. If redness or irritation occurs, discontinue use.

People have also reported getting good results with using Paw Paw Cell Reg capsules internally in inhibiting viral conditions such as cold sores and shingles.
It appears to inhibit replication of the viruses. For this purpose it is used in lower doses than for cancer. It can be combined with other products to fight viruses, such as VS-C.

Paw Paw Cell Reg is also a useful addition to parasite cleanses. It is one of things that makes NSP's ParaCleanse program so effective.


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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.