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A logical approach to better health

By Steven Horne and Christian Domergue


"Most Americans have been conditioned to believe that health care means giving a name to your disease (diagnosing) and relieving its symptoms (treating) with pills (drugs or supplements) and procedures (surgery or physical therapy). But, this really isn’t health care. It’s disease care. Health care and disease care are not the same thing.

If one of the body systems (below) is of concern to you and you need support.. Call Us 407-740-8012 or 407-740-8084 (E.S.T.) - We shall help you select the right product(s) based on your situation.

Intestines (gut)


Detox Needed?
Cleansing needed?

The disease care system has its place, but by itself it leaves much to be desired. Today’s doctors have been relegated to doing little more than figuring the right code for a disease and then prescribing the standard drugs or surgical procedures for that code. It’s also disturbIng that this symptomatic care has become so expensive that many people can’t afford it.
According to Plunkett Research Ltd., health care expenditures in the United States were $3.24 trillion in 2015, and are projected to hit $3.78 trillion by 2018. Imagine what would happen if people invested even a fraction of that money in building health with good nutrition, stress management, regular exercise and the right nutritional supplements.

Something is clearly wrong with this model, especially when one considers the increasing amount of childhood obesity, diabetes, cancer and neurological disorders. It’s little wonder then that more and more people are looking for alternatives. That’s good, but unfortunately, most people carry the “diagnose and prescribe” thought processes into their attempts to use natural healing. They are still looking for the “magic pill” or procedure that will fix them and make their symptoms go away.

Disease Care versus Health Care
We want people to learn how to stop treating disease and start building health. To understand why we need to do this, we first need to recognize that modern medicine uses an allopathic approach to healing, which means that medical treatment is targeted at counteracting disease symptoms. For instance, if you have high blood pressure, you will be prescribed medication to reduce it. If you have pain from arthritis, you’ll be given medications to relieve the pain and inflammation. This isn’t the goal of natural healing, which looks more deeply at the problem and asks why? Why is the blood pressure high? Why are the joints inflamed? Remedies are given to target these causes by strengthening and supporting normal body processes and helping the person adopt a healthier lifestyle. It takes more time to see a difference when building health than it does to get symptomatic relief, but one is not restoring the body back to health, while the other is. —Which would you prefer, symptomatic relief or lasting health? The choice is yours.

If you choose to stop treating diseases and want to start building health, you should try using the "logic" approach below.

From Christian Domergue (Four Winds Nutrition)


Points to remember
As we age, the body loses approximately 10% of its enzymes reserve for every 10 years of age! Compare our health to a bank account and simply replace the dollars in your account with enzymes. The bank, in this case your body, has granted you at birth an authorized "enzymes amount"... from which you can draw until it is empty. Then the body has no choice but to "borrow" enzymes from other places, such as glands and organs (could be the thyroid, eyes, sexual organs etc). This allows your stomach to process the food you eat.

Why is this body system #1 on our list? Digestive organs acts as a type of switchboard or communication center to and from the brain, and functions as one of the body’s frontline in the fight against disease.
"Our gut plays a major role, not only in our gastrointestinal health, but in the health and well-being of the entire body" Dr. Ganjhu said.

Our energy (to think, move, love, read etc.) comes from the healthy nutrients reaching our cells - the source of ALL energy!
Digestive Enzymes facilitate our digestion and assimilation, and minerals are needed in our body for "systemic" enzymes to play their critical role in an astounding number of metabolic processes including: breathing, growing, digesting, producing energy, conducting nerve impulses, clotting blood, recovering after exercise, or balancing the complex processes of the immune system.

Digestion is a priority for your body... sometimes to the detriment of other organs!
Eventually, those other organs will begin to break down as they are supplying their much-needed enzymes to the stomach and intestines! Now you are entering the disease spiral. Your medical doctor will recommend digestive aids, such as acid fighters for example. That will make matters worse! If you continue to feed your body with Non-Food (lacking the proper nutrients), toxins will accumulate and mucus will begin to stick to the intestinal walls preventing the cells to be fed. Thus, your energy goes down! Low energy is the #1 complaint people tell their doctor.

Signs Of Digestive Issue
Poor hair, nail, or skin health, lack of energy, stomach aches, bloating, fatigue, gas, diarrhea and constipation might indicate poor digestion.

Key Product for digestion & assimilation
Food enzymes
More info about specific issues regarding digestion


Points to remember
Most people consider themselves "regular" if they have one bowel movement a day. However, animals, healthy babies and native peoples living off the land usually have one bowel movement for each meal they eat. These natives, who consume diets high in fiber, have much lower rates of colon cancer, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, and other bowel problems. Hence the once a day pattern of most North Americans and "civilized" people may be abnormal and should not be considered healthy.

Keeping the colon working smoothly is often the key to better health. Often neglected or ill-treated, the colon serves as the dumping ground for our body's wastes.
When abused, this organ becomes sluggish and fails to work correctly. Elimination becomes sporadic or sometimes too frequent. You never know what to expect. It is like having your local trash man show up unannounced several times a week - or not at all. In the first case, abdominal pain and dehydration will occur. In the latter, "garbage" gets backed up and decay begins.

Although the colon is sometimes referred to as your body's "sewer," its unique structure makes it unlike any man-made sewer system.

Signs Of Colon Issue

Key Product for colon issue
Lower Bowel Stimulator (LBS II)
Other Products for colon cleansing and (daily) movements

Gut health

Points to remember
The gut is no longer seen as an entity with the sole purpose of helping with all aspects of digestion. It’s also being considered as a key player in regulating inflammation (as we all know, inflammation is the common factor for virtually all disease in the body) and immunity (responsible to prevent diseases!). Let's take care of our gut!

Your gut wall houses 70 % of the cells that make up your immune system!

Friendly bacteria will protect the lining of the gut along with Fatty acids (Omega 3), improve bowel movements, and remove toxic elements! Your gut is your second brain; a healthy gut gives you cognitive flexibility!
Gut imbalances
provoked by stress, junk food, medication, lack of digestive enzymes is an open door to Leaky Gut, Inflammation and Yeast Infection!

If you want to regain your magnificent energy, feel good all over, and achieve long term health; then start by fully understanding the "Gut Connection."".

Signs Of Gut Issue

1. Digestive issues like bloating, gas or diarrhea
2. Sugar cravings (if you eat a lot of sugar you feed the unhelpful bacteria that love it and they secrete the proteins to make you crave sugar more. It’s a vicious cycle.) "To sum it up, the bacteria try to get us to eat foods that they thrive on."
3. Bad breath might be a sign our gut flora is not optimal.
4. Food Allergies (When the intestinal barrier becomes permeable, large protein molecules escape into the bloodstream. Since these proteins don’t belong outside of the gut, the body mounts an immune response and attacks them. This immune response shows up as food intolerance.
5. Moodiness, Anxiety, and Depression (A compromised gut will affect your ability to use serotonin - your happy hormone - and vitamin D within your body)
6. Possibly skin problems like eczema (systemic inflammation, poor gut health or compromised liver function)
7. Possibly autoimmune diseases and certainly suppressed immunity

Key Product for gut health
Probiotic Eleven
More info about the gut

Listen to Dr.Robynne Chutkan M.D. talk about our "gut" with knowledge and talent!

The Liver

Points to remember
1. The liver aids in metabolism and digestion, and is a major detoxifying organ, breaking down and neutralizing harmful toxic substances.
2. The liver is the second largest organ in the human body. It performs a large number of functions that are essential to the health of all body systems.
Let's take care of our liver!

I have yet to see someone who does not need some help with the liver. Why?! It's not something you probably think much about, but your liver is a key player in your body's digestive system. Everything you eat or drink, including medicine, passes through it. You need to treat it right so it can stay healthy and do its job.

The liver plays a role in the production of blood-clotting substances and produces much of the body's cholesterol, which is required for the synthesis of hormones and the maintenance of healthy cell membranes. The liver also aids in controlling blood sugar levels by releasing stored glucose when blood sugar levels fall too low.

Some causes of liver damage and disease include alcohol, environmental pollutants, medications, and viral infections.
Despite its ability to adapt under intense stress, and if coupled with a diet of devitalized foods, the liver simply cannot keep up. Besides overloading the emergency cleansing and immune systems, the tension will cramp the digestive organs, resulting in incomplete digestion and assimilation of your food. Other problems include gas, cramps, and the fermentation and destruction of food the body sorely needs.

Signs Of Liver Issue

As impurities are allowed into the bloodstream by an overworked liver, headaches are common.
Constipation is also a symptom and as a result, allows poisons to be reabsorbed into the blood.
Eventually, a “red nose” (ala alcoholics) may follow as a result of obstructed bile flow, and dark spots can appear on the face or back of the hands.
Bad breath
or a bitter taste might be evident and the tongue is sometimes coated.
Gas often proceeds a meal, and more frequent urination gets a person up during the night. This may be because during the day the overworked liver under-stimulates the kidneys to function.
There may be sleeping difficulties, chills (because the body’s temperature cannot be properly controlled), heartburn, overweight or underweight, appendicitis, and anal itching.
may grow uninhibited, and abnormal bacteria will tend to be out of control in the bowel.
The skin can turn yellow along with the whites of the eyes, and the mind is often plagued with depression.

Key Products for the liver
Milk Thistle Combination
Has a powerful protective effect on the liver. In fact, its constituents have been found to protect the liver from chemical poisoning and the free radicals that result from environmental pollutants.

Liver Cleanse
Together with parsley and 10 other herbs, this combination is good for gallbladder function, muscle spasms, some pain relief and is both mildly laxative and diuretic. It has also been used for kidney stones, diabetes, lumbago, and female problems.

Liver Balance TCM
It has traditionally been used to treat depression (the liver is the seat of mood!), nervous and muscular tension, gallstones, hepatitis, hypoglycemia, anemia, gastric ulcers, inflammatory skin conditions, migraines and PMS.
All of these problems are related to liver function.

More info and support regarding specific liver related issues


The Kidneys

Points to remember
High blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of kidney failure put one in three Americans at an increased risk of developing kidney disease. But even if you don’t fit in any of those risk categories, it’s important to take care of these critically important organs.
Let's take care of our kidneys!

The urinary system is a complex and intricate system consisting of the kidneys, urethra, bladder and ureters. A well-functioning urinary system is essential for good health. Although we tend to equate the urinary system simply with elimination, it is actually an amazingly complex filtering system that minute-by-minute determines what to excrete and what to retain in the body. In fact, over 95 percent of the water and most of the nutrients we take in are reabsorbed.

The kidneys regulate the proper fluid balance in our bodies and help maintain the proper acid and alkali balance.

Kidney failure is a life threatening situation.
If the kidneys cannot filter toxins from the blood and move them out of the body, these waste toxins accumulate in the blood and contaminate the entire system.

Dehydration is the greatest threat to the process of blood purification and the most common source of stress on the kidneys.
Tobacco smoking (which impairs blood flow to all organs), high blood pressure, excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and other stimulant drugs; uncontrolled high blood sugar, jarring motion as in running or horseback riding; and a high protein diet also can damage the kidneys. The metabolism of protein, especially large quantities of dense animal protein, greatly increases their workload.

The kidneys can be poisoned, clogged, malnourished, ruptured by blows, and overworked until they begin to break down. Blood in the urine is a sign, or could be an infection of the filtering tubules.

Signs Of Kidneys Issue
High or low blood pressure - Itchy ears, skin rashes
Depression or mood swings - Ear or eye irritation
Insomnia or restlessness - Dark, puffy circles under the eyes
Allergies or hay fever - PMS
Pain felt in the side or back around the hips
Pain around the pubic bones - Painful urination or UTI
Water retention

Key Product for the kidneys
Urinary Maintenance: For kidney and bladder strength and tone.
If you can find watermelon, the seeds are especially excellent for the kidneys . . . yes, you can even chew the small black seeds like nuts.

More Info about the kidneys (Important for specific kidneys issues such as UTI)


Heart & Circulation to the heart

Points to remember
1 in every 4 deaths in the United States is caused by heart disease every year... and it is largely preventable!
Let's take care of our heart and of our circulation to the heart!

Americans struggle with heart health. Statistics prove it. Many professionals agree that the best approach to maintaining heart health is a holistic one. Quality nutritional supplements combined with diet, activity and stress management can greatly improve how the body addresses cholesterol, blood sugar and energy, all of which can critically impact overall heart health.

Triglycerides are fats that circulate in the blood. Some studies show elevated levels can lead to narrowing of the arteries, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Very high levels also can cause pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas. Growing rates of obesity and diabetes, which raise triglyceride levels, are making the problem more common.

About 25% of U.S. adults
have a level of triglycerides above 150 milligrams per deciliter of blood, which is considered borderline high.

Signs Of Heart/Circulation Issue

Crease in ear lobe - Large, red, bulbous nose (rule out acne, rosacea or alcohol)
Cold hands and feet - Family history of heart disease
Chest pain (angina) - Shortness of breath
Pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in your legs or arms if the blood vessels in those parts of your body are narrowed
Pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper abdomen or back
Fluttering in your chest - Racing heartbeat (tachycardia) - Slow heartbeat (bradycardia)
Lightheadedness - Dizziness - Fainting (syncope) or near fainting
Shortness of breath.
Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet - Unusual Fatigue
Irregular heartbeats that feel rapid, pounding or fluttering

Gum Disease
There is a high correlation between inflammation of the gums and the risk of dying of a heart attack. If your gums are inflamed, so are your arteries.

Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids
These problems are reflections of sluggish circulation and poor blood vessel tone.

Key Product for the Heart & Circulation to the heart
Mega-Chel (and Mega-Chel Program)

Visit this page for proper help regarding specific heart related issues

Stress & Consequences

Points to remember
Chronic stress (poorly managed stress) is hazardous to health and can lead to early death from heart disease, cancer and other health problems. But it turns out it doesn't matter whether the stress comes from major events in life or from minor problems. Both can be deadly.

Yes, there is such a thing as being addicted to stress! How could a person possibly want to overstress himself?
When you are pressured to produce, the body calls on adrenaline to help meet your wishes. But adrenaline happens to closely resemble amphetamines. Amphetamines give people a high. This helps explain why some people actually live on stress . . . until their adrenal glands (or something else) just wears out. Thereafter, it is hard to even get out of bed in the morning. These are the people who need artificial stimulants to keep them going. They become dependent on stimulating drugs (like coffee or Pepsi) just to make it through each day.
Others seem to purposefully search out an emergency or make one to stimulate adrenaline in order to produce the energy they need to meet their goals. And their stress seems to be contagious to co-workers and family!

General Conditions Caused
or Aggravated by Stress
Cancer - Infections and Lowered Immune Response - Depression - Digestive problems - Sexual Malfunctions - Exhaustion
High Blood Pressure - Metabolic Problems - Heart Disease - Depletion of Vitamins Especially B Complex and Vitamin C.

Nerve Conditions Caused or Aggravated by Stress
OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) - Parkinson's - Insomnia - Body Dysmorphia (a type of mental illness)
Panic Disorders - Not Dreaming - Self Cutting/Injury - MS - Nightmares - Anxiety - ADD - Trichotillomania (hair pulling)

Key Product for Stress

Visit this page for proper help regarding specific stress related issues

Understanding the consequences of poorly managed stress.

There is a connection between the health of your thyroid, the adrenals (stress... cortisol release) and the gut (T4 conversion to T3).

Cortisol (along with its partner epinephrine or adrenaline) is best known for its involvement in the “fight-or-flight” response and temporary increase in energy production at the expense of processes that are not required for immediate survival. The resulting biochemical and hormonal imbalances (ideally) resolve due to a hormonally driven negative feedback loop.

The following is a typical example of how the stress response operates as its intended survival mechanism:

1. An individual is faced with a stressor.

2. A complex hormonal cascade ensues, and the adrenals secrete cortisol.

3. Cortisol prepares the body for a fight-or-flight response by flooding it with glucose, supplying an immediate energy source to large muscles.

4. Cortisol inhibits insulin production in an attempt to prevent glucose from being stored, favoring its immediate use.

5. Cortisol narrows the arteries while the epinephrine increases heart rate, both of which force blood to pump harder and faster.

6. The individual addresses and resolves the situation.

7. Hormone levels return to normal.

So what’s the problem?
In short, the theory is that with our ever-stressed, fast-paced lifestyle, our bodies are pumping out cortisol almost constantly, which can wreak havoc on our health. This whole-body process, mediated by hormones and the immune system, identifies cortisol as one of the many players. But isolating its role helps put into context the many complex mechanisms that lead to specific physiological damage... such as diabetes (increased blood sugar level), hypothyroid, immune issues, weight gain, and cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular Disease

As we have seen above, cortisol constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure to enhance the delivery of oxygenated blood. This is advantageous for fight-or-flight situations but not perpetually.
Over time, such arterial constriction and high blood pressure can lead to vessel damage and plaque buildup the perfect scenario for a heart attack.


Points to remember
1. A growing body of research is demonstrating that fear, worry, doubt, self-pity, anger and other “negative” emotions paralyze the immune system, while love, joy, faith, hope and trust tend to stimulate it. There is even a name for this new field of study: psycho-neuro-immunology. This is the study of the effect of the mind on the immune system through the nervous system.
2. The immune system's job is beautifully orchestrated to determine what is "self"' and what is "not self" and to get rid of anything that is "not self" by destroying or eliminating that "not self' thing.
3. The immune system cannot be rebuilt by taking a few herbs or supplements while continuing to eat white flour, refined sugar, excessive quantities of meat and dairy products, food additives, preservatives, alcohol, soft drinks and so forth.

Before our modern society started monkeying around with our health and environment, immune disorders were relatively uncommon. In recent years the incidences of immune disorders have risen at alarming rates, with new conditions raising their ugly heads all the time. In order to turn the tide and stop the onslaught, we need to understand what we are doing to ourselves, and our environment - that may be major contributors to these increases in autoimmune disorders. We also need to know what we can do to prevent further health damage, and how to recapture our health through diet, life-style changes, and natural health supplements.

In all cases of degenerative illness the body needs to be built up with wholesome food even more than it needs to be cleansed. Putting anyone in a severely weakened state on a heavy cleanse is a mistake. Conditions of excess require cleansing, but conditions of deficiency or weakness require building.

Signs Of Immune System Issue

One of the most common signs of primary immunodeficiency is having infections that are more frequent, longer lasting or harder to treat than are the infections of someone with a normal immune system. You may also get infections that a person with a healthy immune system likely wouldn't get (opportunistic infections).

Signs and symptoms differ depending on the type of primary immunodeficiency disorder, and they vary from person to person.

Signs and symptoms of primary immunodeficiency can include:

Key Product to strengthen the immune system
Immune Stimulator
Visit this page for proper help regarding specific immune system related issues

Cleansing & Detox

Points to remember
1. Cleansing will minimize your exposure to toxins in the first place.
2. Using herbs, supplements, hydrotherapy, fasting or other natural means will improve the function of eliminative organs.
3. If you are in "good physical shape" generally speaking, doing a cleanse 2 or 3 times a year can only improve your well being!

Since cleansing is the process of getting rid of what is no longer useful, doing a cleanse simply involves supporting the body's natural detoxification systems to eliminate metabolic waste and environmental toxins more efficiently. Generally, this means using herbs that have been found historically or scientifically to improve liver and kidney function, bind toxins, increase lymphatic flow, open the sweat glands and encourage elimination from the bowels. It may also involve destroying harmful organisms (yeast, bacteria or parasites).

Key Detox Products
Visit this page for specific detox products herbal and/or homeopathic

Toxins are discharged from the body by the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, colon, lungs and skin.
As more and more toxins accumulate in our system, they place severe stress on these organs of elimination. With continued accumulation, the liver, kidneys, and other organs begin to malfunction, causing a weakening of the immune system. The endocrine glands no longer secrete the proper amounts of hormones into the bloodstream - metabolism slows, producing a hospitable environment for illness.
The gradual accumulation of low levels of toxins cannot yet be measured by conventional analytical methods, so many doctors deny their existence.
As instrumentation and measuring methods become more sophisticated, such toxic states will be recognized as dangerous.

Key Cleansing Combinations
Tiao He Cleanse or Dieter's Cleanse

Cleansing is essential from time to time
Visit this page for proper help and support

Copy1994 - 2023 Four Winds, Inc. USA
Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.