Viral Infections
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About Viral Infections
By Steven Horne (Sunshine Sharing) - Extracts


When most people think of treating infections, they think of antibiotics. But antibiotics only work against bacterial infections. Most common infections, like colds and flu, are viral and antibiotics have no effect on viruses. Most coughs, sinus problems, ear infections, sore throats and other common contagious diseases are viral in nature, so it's a waste of time and money to treat them with antibiotics.

Viruses don't just cause colds and flu. Chicken pox, mumps and measles are also acute viral infections. There are also chronic viral infections like herpes and more serious and dangerous viral infections, such as smallpox, hepatitis C, Epstein Barr, SARS, AIDS. The reason serious viral infections raise concerns is because modern medicine has very few effective antiviral drugs. Most drugs only relieve the symptoms of viral infections. So, when it comes to viral infections modern medicine focuses its efforts primarily on trying to create immunity to them through vaccines. There are problems with this approach, however, which we will discuss shortly.

Fortunately, the plant kingdom does have remedies that help the body deal with viral infections.These remedies primarily work by enhancing your body's immune responses. And, what's great is that immune enhancing herbs are often helpful for other types of infections as well. So, this issue is devoted to understanding viruses and how to combat viral infections naturally. We'll also discuss how you can use nutrients to build immunity and make yourself more resistant to viral infections.

How the Body Deals with Viruses

Your body combats viruses in several ways. First, the innate immune system, found primarily in the membranes of the digestive and respiratory system is designed to destroy foreign material (like viruses) to prevent them from ever entering the body. So, a healthy intestinal and respiratory system forms a protective barrier against most viral infections. If a virus is able to get past the innate immune system, then the adaptive immune system takes over. It produces substances called antibodies that attach themselves to a virus and render it inert so it can't enter cells and disrupt their normal functions. The adaptive immune system also recognizes cells that are infected with viruses because some of the viral proteins can show up on the surface of the cell membrane. If a specialized cell, called T cell, recognizes a suspicious viral fragment on a another cell, it can destroy the host cell and stimulate the production of more T cells to look for that specific virus.

Viruses,Vaccines and Antiviral Drugs

The ability of the immune system to create antibodies that bind specific viruses is the basis for vaccines. A vaccine contains viral proteins or viruses that have been weakened or live-attenuated. A healthy immune system recognizes these viruses or viral fragments and produces antibodies so that whenever the person encounters that virus the antibodies to render it inert are already present.
One of the problems with vaccines that contain attenuated or weakened viruses is that they can backfire if the immune system is compromised. In other words, they can actually cause a viral infection that doesn't produce the same symptoms as a normal viral infection. This is because the infection bypasses the innate immune system, which helps to regulate the adaptive immune system. Just as shingles can arise from smallpox viruses that were never eliminated from the body, some researchers believe that these low grade viral infections can flare up and cause autoimmune reactions and other forms of chronic disease.
For this reason, it is best not to vaccinate anyone with a compromised immune system. And, because there are many toxic chemicals in the vaccine used to weaken the virus, some people choose to avoid vaccines altogether.

Natural Antiviral Remedies

Because you can't "kill" viruses, there are no broad spectrum antiviral drugs or herbs. Herbs that have broad acting activity against viral infections are those that support natural immune function. They boost production of white blood cells and antibodies, strengthen mucus membranes and increase white blood cell activity. This helps the body fight infections of all kinds viral, bacterial and fungal. This is one way herbal remedies have a huge advantage over pharmaceutical drugs.
There are also herbs that work against specific types of viral infections, probably by inhibiting replication or entry into the cell of certain viruses. Even though an antiviral remedy is effective against the cold or flu doesn't mean it will work against smallpox or hepatitis C.


Antiviral Herbs and Supplements
There are many great antiviral remedies one can use to combat viral infections. These remedies have different modes of action and work on different types of viruses. So read about each one and pick the one that fits your needs and situation the best.



Research has shown that black elderberries can inhibit viral infections like the cold and flu. It appears they may work by inhibiting viral replication. But, whatever the mode of action, elderberries are a time-proven remedy for acute viral infections. Elderberry D3fense combines elderberry with 2,000 lU of vitamin D3 and includes two other major antiviral herbs, echinacea and olive leaf.
Echinacea boosts immune responses in a non-specific way to help the body fight both bacterial and viral infections.
Olive leaf contains oleuropein, which as been shown to inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Olive leaf appears to work by inhibiting viral replication, deactivating the virus and stimulating the immune system to destroy it.
Elderberry D3fense is a great remedy to take during cold and Flu season to stay healthy and can also be taken to speed recovery.
Take 2 capsules of Elderberry D3fense three times daily, plus 2 capsules before going to bed.

Immune Stimulator

As the name implies, Immune Stimulator is a blend of substances that act to boost the immune system. The medicinal mushrooms in it, cordyceps, reishi and maitake, activate the immune system to fight off bacteria and viruses. The other ingredients, beta-glucans, arabinogalactan and colostrum, also have immune boosting effects. Research suggests that these ingredients can boost white blood cell count and activity, as well as enhancing antibody production.
Immune Stimulator can be helpful for problems as simple as warding off a cold in the early stages or as difficult as dealing with serious infections such as pneumonia. Use it to strengthen a weakened immune system by taking 1 capsule between meals two or three times daily.

For helping to fight acute infections, use 1-2 capsules on an empty stomach every two hours with plenty of water.
You can take up to 6-10 capsules per day.

Una de Gato

Another remedy for more serious, chronic viral infections is Uña de Gato Combination, which contains three herbs with immune enhancing and antiviral effects.
It can be helpful for chronic viral infections like herpes and chronic fatigue syndrome, and may also be beneficial for AIDS.
It enhances the health of digestive tract membranes, which also helps strengthen the immune system.

Recommended dose is 1-2 capsules two or three times daily.



To use against the herpes simplex virus.
Used for viral infections like sores, canker sores and genital herpes, but also appears to work on the chicken pox virus and shingles.
It is most effective against chronic viral infections that flare up when the body is weak.
Use one capsule two to four times a day.

Paw Paw Cell Reg

The acetogenins in paw paw inhibit the production of ATP in the mitochondria of cells.
This can make Paw Paw Cell Reg helpful in fighting chronic viral conditions such as shingles and herpes, because viruses require ATP to reproduce. By inhibiting viral replication, it helps your immune system gain the upper hand in fighting the infection.
Using it along with Immune Stimulator will enhance the effect.
Paw Paw Cell Reg is not a useful remedy for acute viral infections like colds and flu and is not used for prevention of viral infections.
Take 1-2 capsules four times daily for a week or two.

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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.