Mood Swings
When the liver is not functioning properly, emotional states that should come and go, stay around longer than necessary. When our environment is full of excess emotions, this puts a burden on the liver. |
Mood Elevator is designed to do the following: 1. It stimulates digestive secretions, thus helping to raise body energy by improving digestion. 2. It supports the liver energy. A weakened liver results in problems like depression, PMS, blood sugar imbalances and a general feeling of illness. 3. It helps to thin mucus, promote its flow and stimulate its expulsion from the lungs. This reduces lymphatic congestion and aids the respiratory system. 4. It helps to stimulate the nervous system and the circulation for more energy. May also help to relieve nervous tension and spasms. 5. Helps to balance the glandular system which is important for emotional stability. Specifically, it helps the pancreas and adrenals, which regulate blood sugar levels, and the reproductive glands. 6. It raises the energy or chi of the body and helps release trapped emotional energy |