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The body needs nutrients to stay healthy. Many of the nutrients we need have been removed or depleted during the refining and processing of foods we eat. Ideally, everyone should strive to eat better, but since this isn't going to happen, most people are better off supplementing their diets with extra nutrients on a regular basis.

Even if we are not eating "junk food", we may still lack necessary trace minerals because our modern agricultural methods are depleting the soil of these elements and destroying the plants' ability to utilize them.

Soil is the primary factor in maintaining our nutritional health because all our food comes from the earth. Since our bodies are literally composed of minerals (i.e., we are made of the "dust of the earth"), healthy bodies are connected to healthy soil. Any element missing from the soil will be missing from the foods we eat; as a result, we will not be properly nourished.

We are made of cells.
These cells do need minerals to live and multiply. If they cannot multiply, cells die and so begins the aging process. All our cells bathe in liquid (most of our body weight ,70%, is made of liquid). That liquid MUST have a pH as close as 6.4 for the entire body to function properly.  

While many in the medical community preach that supplements are not necessary if we eat a "balanced diet," agricultural experts recognize that farmers must supplement animal feed. In fact, all animal feed contains nutritional supplements. Agricultural experts know that grain and other foodstuffs do not contain enough nutrients to maintain healthy livestock without added supplements. If animals can't stay healthy eating our modern crops, how can human beings?

Prior to the 1800s, farmers all over the world fertilized their crops with organic material. Then, a well-meaning chemist burned plant material and analyzed the ashes that remained, discovering that the ashes were primarily composed of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. When farmers started applying these three elements to their soil, they got bigger yields at first. However, with repeated use, problems began to arise. The soil was gradually being depleted of its trace minerals. This lack of trace minerals yielded plants that were not as healthy. Insect damage and disease increased. But instead of adding organic matter to the soil to correct the mineral imbalances, man used chemistry-herbicides, fungicides and pesticides-to 'correct' these problems. Unfortunately, these chemicals compounded the problem.
Healthy soil is teeming with microorganisms. These organisms break down organic material from dead animals and plants and recycle it for use by other plants. They also extract the minerals from the dirt and make them available to the plant roots. The chemicals we apply sterilize the soil by killing the microorganisms. The result is much like the problem of antibiotics, which kill the friendly flora in the intestinal tract as well as the harmful bacteria.

Add to this our food-processing procedures and it is easy to see why everyone needs some type of vitamin, mineral and trace-mineral supplementation.

The second part of any good health program includes a comprehensive supplementation program. Super Supplemental taken along with Mineral Chi fills this need.

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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.