Poultice formula from Stan Malstrom - for inside and outside
Pulls, Lacerations and Sprains
Take internally as a healing bulk laxative for ulcers and intestinal inflammation.
Be sure to consider Intestinal Soothe & Build (UC3-J) as an alternative formula.
Externally, you can open capsules, moisten powder and use as a poultice
for cuts, bruises, sprains, bites, stings and burns.
PLS II no longer contains comfrey which is a cell proliferant and helps
rebuild tissue damage. Slippery elm, which is used instead is a soothing,
healing herb. Also, aloe vera has been removed and fenugreek added.
Caution if pregnancy or liver impairment.
Slippery elm, marshmallow, goldenseal, fenugreek.