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Product ID 1125
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Menstrual Reg (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $32.25
Help for heavy menstruation
Heavy menstrual bleeding isn't just inconvenient, it is also quite uncomfortable, especially when it is accompanied by cramping, bloating and mild mood changes.

Menstrual Reg is designed to help reduce heavy bleeding while keeping hormones balanced.

Menstrual Reg contains several herbs that diminish bleeding and provide overall support to the female body.
Yarrow, shepherd's purse, nettle leaf and lady's mantle help to slow and reduce blood flow, while sarsaparilla gets closer to the root of the process.

Excessive menstrual bleeding is often caused by too much estrogen relative to progesterone.

Sarsaparilla root appears to help enhance progesterone activity.
Black haw can help ease cramped uterine muscles, while chaste tree and false unicorn help to support proper female hormone levels.
Together these herbs may slow menstrual flow and lead to more comfortable periods.

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