Don't let your thyroid
lose out. Get "Thyroid Support"
As one of the body's primary glands, the thyroid exerts
control over several critical functions, including maintaining
body temperature, digestive enzyme development, stomach
acid production, fuel combustion, fat and protein synthesis,
white blood cell synthesis and activity, blood flow and
even biosynthesis and activity level of sex hormones.
NSP Thyroid Support is loaded with nutrients that offer
support and stimulation to the many activities of the
thyroid gland.
Thyroid Support enhances the production of the thyroid
hormones, which regulate oxygen use, basal metabolic rate,
cellular metabolism, growth and development and body temperature.
Glandular thyroid substances from New Zealand are key
to this formula.
Thyroid Support also contains 1-tyrosine, which acts as
a precursor to epinephrine and norepinephrine, to help
the body deal with stress, plus kelp (a good source of
iodine) and stinging nettle.
Iodine regulates thyroid gland function.
Other ingredients include zinc, copper citrate, pyridoxal-5
-phosphate, protease and manganese.