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Product ID 1815
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

SnorEase (60 caps)

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Price: $45.80
SNOREASE [1815] (60)

Reduce snoring and breathe easier.
How would you reduce snoring?

You would open nasal passages, drain sinuses and shrink swollen tissues.
Bitter orange is a strong Chi-moving tonic. It relieves tightness and opens blockages to move energy in the body.
It improves digestion by aiding the stomach, liver and intestines.

It also opens channels for the removal of retained mucus, bile, fecal matter and encapsulated toxins.
Several sources suggest that it not be used during pregnancy.

Bromelain is a powerful anti-inflammatory mixture of enzymes derived from pineapple stems.
It stimulates digestion of protein and reduces platelet clumping that can contribute to heart disease and stokes. It contributes to reduced snoring by breaking down thickened mucus.

Coenzyme Q10 increase cell energy efficiency. This has the beneficial effect of helping with both snoring and sleep problems. Consider adding SnorEase to any program (such as ALJ) for the upper respiratory tract.
I would think about using these nutrients in a cancer prevention program.

SnorEase may work best on an empty stomach.

Fructus aurantia immaturi (immature bitter orange), bromelin, Coenzyme Q10.
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