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Product ID 3065
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Collatrim (180 caps) (ko)

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Price: $39.55

COLLATRIM [3060] (16 oz.)

Hydrolyzed collagen for body (re)building while you sleep.
Collatrim is a special weight management product which provides a rich source of high-quality protein amino acids derived from bovine collagen, including the amino acids arginine, proline and glycine.
This supplement, taken as directed, can stimulate the body to build bones, tendons and connective tissues.

Mix 1 tbsp. of Collatrim in an 8 oz. glass of water.
The program works best when taken three hours after eating and right before going to sleep.

This routine takes advantage of an important body function that initiates a rebuild and repair process at the very beginning of one's sleep cycle.

As a good side effect, many Collatrim users report improved and more restful sleep.

Most people report lost inches, improved muscle tone, lost weight and increased energy.
For some people the results does not begin until after several months of use.

For a small percentage of users there will be no noticeable results at all because of differences in individual body chemistry. Remember, it is important to follow the instructions about not snacking and using the product right at bedtime.

430 mg of the same colagen hydrolysate Nature's Sunshine uses in liquid Collatrim.
Nine capsules provide the same level of collagen as 1 tablespoon of liquid Collatrim.
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