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Product ID 3898
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Cinnamon Leaf (5 ml)

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Price: $24.95
Diffusing the essential oil of cinnamon leaf disperses unwanted smells and prevents the spread of infection.

Botanical Name: Cinnamomum zeylancium
Note: Middle
Odor Intensity: High

Candida, Colds and flu, Infectious diseases, Parasites
· Lice, scabies
· Immunostimulant

· Childbirth
· Diabetes
· Severe infection

Spicy, hot, sweet, sharp. Cinnamon leaf has a clove-like smell.

Blends well with: Mandarin, frankincense, ylang ylang.

Parts used
: Bark or leaves

Anthelmintic, antidiarrheal, antimicrobial, antiputrescent, astringent, aphrodisiac, digestive, emmenagogue, hemostatic, parasiticide, spasmolytic, stimulant, stomachic, vermifuge.

Emotional concerns
Frigidity, faintness, depression, nervous exhaustion.

Cinnamon is a skin irritant. Use sparingly and never use undiluted. Do not use during pregnancy or on small children. The eugenol content in cinnamon may inhibit blood clotting. Do not use on people with slow blood clotting, hemophilia or those who are taking warfarin or other blood thinners.
Do not use concurrently with Tylenol (acetominophen). Do not use in cases of liver or kidney disease (Tisserand, 66).

Other Comments:

Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known to man. It was a valuable commodity in the spice trade. The Egyptians used cinnamon as perfume, incense and medicine. The Arabs considered cinnamon a symbol of wealth, and it is said that Alexander the Great knew he was near the coast of Arabia when he could smell the spices from the shore wafting past his barge.

Diffusing the essential oil of cinnamon leaf disperses unwanted smells and prevents the spread of infection.
The leaf and the bark of the cinnamon tree each yield essential oils that are chemically different. Cinnamon leaf oil contains a high percentage of the phenol eugenol, also found in clove. This may irritate the liver in repeated doses. It has a milder smell, and can be used in diluted form in topical and perfume applications.

Cinnamon leaf oil makes pleasant aromatic diffuser blends and works well to combat sleepiness. Cinnamon bark oil contains cinnamic aldehyde, which is an excellent infection fighter.

This makes cinnamon bark the oil of choice for severe infections. Cinnamon bark oil is also effective for stimulating menstruation and helping with uterine contractions during childbirth (Price, 79).

However, the bark oil is quite irritating to the skin and should not be used topically. Both essential oils are excellent antifungals, antivirals and antibacterials. They stimulate digestion and may be used to destroy intestinal parasites.
3 drops cinnamon leaf
2 drops frankincense drops mandarin
1 drop myrrh
Place on cotton pad of wall diffuser. Or dilute in I ounce of massage oil for an aromatic, immune-stimulating massage.

4 drops cinnamon
5 drops marjoram
3 drops roman chamomile
Mix with 2 ounces massage oil and rub- into sore muscles.

Nature's Sunshine comments:
Cinnamon Pure Essential Oil [Nervous, Respiratory, Digestive, Immune] (Cinnamonum zeylanicum, steam distilled) has warming properties that comfort and soothe the body and mind.
Cinnamons pungent, spicy aroma supports the respiratory and digestive systems. It helps invigorate and rejuvenate the mind and body.

Do not use in cases of hemophilia or severe kidney or liver disease.

Always use well diluted.

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