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Product ID 760
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Yellow Dock (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $28.10

Organic iron for anemia and liver health>
Rumex crispus

Yellow Dock root has a reputation as a liver tonic, gall bladder tonic and one of the best organic source of iron available. Yellow dock is used frequently for anemia during pregnancy and at all other times, too.
Because a strong liver serves the body in thousands of ways, anything that helps the liver helps a all over.
Skin conditions in particular are relieved when the liver is strengthened.
These include psoriasis, acne, hives and other eruptions.
Yellow dock contains natural "soaps" that help loosen and remove poisons from the body.
Some herbalists teach that it purges the liver. Yellow dock is an astringent and can help with hemorrhoids and other looseness and bleeding.
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