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Product ID 874
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Enviro-Detox (100 caps) or envirodetox

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Price: $33.30

Detox Program for ALL the eliminative systems.

This combination is designed to support the detoxifying functions of the liver, lungs, kidneys, skin and intestines.
These are the major eliminative organs.
They are responsible for processing and eliminating the many food additives, household chemicals and other pollutants that we take in. Enviro-Detox may be used daily.
In addition, Pepsin helps to digest and destroy proteins that could otherwise be absorbed in the intestine and trigger immune system allergy responses.
Finally, L. Sporogenes, supplies probiotics (friendly bacteria) to repopulate the intestinal tract. This variety does not require refrigeration like acidophilus does.

Sarsaparilla, milk thistle concentrate, red clover, dandelion, marshmallow, pepsin, fenugreek, ginger, echinacea, lactopores from lactobacillus sporogenes, and cascara sagrada.

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