By Steven Horne, RH (AHG) & Kimberly Balas, ND
See also Grave's disease (hyperthyroid) and Hashimoto's disease
Understanding Thyroid Function
To understand how to deal effectively with low thyroid
using natural substances, it is necessary to know a little bit
about how the body produces thyroid hormones. The hypothalamus, a stalk of the brain, is the master regulator of
most of the body's major endocrine hormones. When the
hypothalamus detects the need for thyroid hormones, it
produces the thyroid releasing hormone (TRH). The TRH
travels to the pituitary gland where it stimulates the release
of the thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH or thyrotrophin.
TSH travels through the blood stream and binds to receptor sites in the thyroid gland. It stimulates the thyroid to
produce two hormones: thyroxin (T4) and tri-iodotyrosine
Target TS II stimulates the pituitary to produce more

In response to TSH, T4 and T3 are released in a ratio
of about a 4:1 (4 times more T4 than T3). T3 is the more
active form. T4 is a storage form of the hormone. T4 is converted to T3 in peripheral tissues, particularly the liver. Cortisol, a stress hormone, tends to stimulate the conversion of T4
to T3, while insulin tends to suppress the production of
T4 to T3.
The thyroid can also produce relatively inactive reverse T3
(RT3). During times of grief, trauma and illness, the body
produces more RT3 and less T3, presumably to conserve
energy and force us to slow down.
The primary job of these thyroid hormones is to regulate metabolism and to help burn fuel, especially fats. The
thyroid acts sort of like a metabolic thermostat.
When the
thyroid output is low, the fats tend to be stored instead of
burned, resulting in weight gain. Since the body burns fat
primarily to keep warm, the body temperature tends to be
low. The skin is usually dry, again due to a lack of proper fat
metabolism, because fats are what keep the skin moist and
supple. Reproductive hormones may also be thrown out of
balance (since they are made of fat) and energy levels tend
to be low because the metabolism is slow.
Thyroid Testing
Thyroid blood tests only tell part of the story. There are
many blood test numbers other than TSH that reveal various thyroid issues. There can be low TSH numbers and
you can still have a hypothyroid situation. For instance, increased insulin (hyperinsulinemia or metabolic syndrome)
and a diet high in processed foods can inhibit optimal thyroid functions. The adrenal glands support all thyroid function so understanding their role is also crucial to solving
thyroid issues.
When low thyroid is a problem, if you have ruled out
Hashimoto's thyroidiris (an autoimmune problem) the
first thing to try is increasing one's intake of dietary iodine.
Adding foods rich in natural iodine to the diet will often
improve thyroid function. While the primary use of iodine
is in the thyroid gland, it may have other functions. For
example, iodine is also concentrated around the nipples in
female breast tissue and is critical to breast health. Iodine is
also important for the immune system and helps the body
fight infection.
Iodine is essential to the production of thyroid hormones.
This nutrient, while found in abundance in sea foods, is
not found in high concentrations in plants or animals raised
inland. Furthermore, fluoride, chlorine and bromide are all
found in the same group as iodine on the periodic table of
elements. This means they can displace iodine in the body,
so, the chlorination of water supplies and the use of fluorides may be a contributing factor. Drugs, corticosteroids,
aspirin (salicylates) and anticoagulants can depress thyroid
Iodine is a very rare nutrient in land plants but is common
in fish and sea vegetables like kelp, dulse, bladderwrack, and
Irish moss. Sea vegetables, like kelp, can be sprinkled on
food or added to soups, stews, etc. They add a pleasant salty
taste to foods. Two formulas are available which contain
these sea vegetables and are designed to feed the thyroid
gland and aid its function. They are
TS II with Hops and
Thyroid Activator. These formulas can be very helpful in
cases of moderately low thyroid.
Liquid Dulse is another
great source of natural iodine.
Another powerful supplement that can help solve low
thyroid problems is
Thyroid Support. This formula contains
thyroid glandular substance as well as pituitary and hypothalamus substance. Thyroid Support helps rebuild the
thyroid gland, not just improve its function. If one is already
on thyroid medication (and still has a thyroid gland that is
at least partially functional), they may wish to try rebuilding
their thyroid and reducing or weaning off of their thyroid
Eating coconut oil stimulates the thyroid.
Natural Sea
Salt is a good way to get extra iodine in the diet to stimulate
the thyroid. Cruciferous vegetables and soy have a thyroid
inhibiting effect.
T4 to T3 Conversion
Even if the levels of thyroid hormones are normal, one can
still have thyroid problems if the liver and other tissues are
not converting T4 into T3 properly. Weak adrenals may
contribute to this problem, so
Adrenal Support or
root may have indirect benefits to the thyroid by supporting the adrenal glands.
7-Keto increases T4 to T3 conversion and is sometimes used to stimulate the burning of fat
for weight reduction. So, 7-Keto can help when there are
symptoms of low thyroid, but thyroid hormones are within
normal levels on blood tests.
Eating a properly balanced diet (especially reducing simple carbohydrates) will also aid this conversion. Since most
of the T4 to T3 conversion takes place in the liver, the liver
is often involved in thyroid problems. Some liver supplements that can indirectly help the thyroid by aiding the liver
SF, the
Tiao He Cleanse, and
SAM-e taken with
MSM. All of the following therapies and remedies may be
helpful for the thyroid.
Below is a list of suggested products. Those in bold are key products for the health issue explained on this page.
For details and ordering simply copy a product's name in the search box above or click on the bold name.
Therapies: Avoid Caffeine and see the
Low Glycemic Diet
Herbs: Black Walnut,
Kelp, Licorice
Root and Saw Palmetto
Herbal Formulas: Mood Elevator, SF, Thyroid Activator and
TS II, Tiao He Cleanse
Nutrients: 7-Keto, MSM, N-Acetyl Cysteine and SAM-e
Nutraceuticals: Adrenal Support,
Target TS-II and
Thyroid Support
Nutritional Supplements:
Foods: Sea salt
Homeopathic Support
Suggestions from Four Winds Nutrition