Ovarian Cysts
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Ovarian Cysts
By Steven Horne, RH (AHG) & Kimberly Balas, ND

A cyst is a sac containing fluid or semi-solid material that develops somewhere in the body, in this case in the ovaries.

Ovarian cysts typically occur where there are not enough hormones to properly mature eggs, so they don’t get released. As a result, ovulation fails to occur and the body doesn’t produce enough progesterone.

Ovarian cysts can be symptom free in early stages, but they can also cause absent or scant periods, pelvic pain and distention as well as excessive bleeding. While medical science doesn’t know the exact cause, in natural medicine, cysts are considered a sign of toxicity and are created to store toxins the body is having trouble eliminating. So, taking supplements to enhance liver detoxification, such as Cellular Detox is a good place to start when approaching this problem naturally. Pau d’Arco (tea or capsules) is also helpful for detoxification.

To ease pain and promote healing, you can apply Nature’s Fresh topically over the affected area.

To help balance out hormones, consider taking Wild Yam & Chaste Tree for at least three to six months. Since diabetes and obesity are risk ficrors for ovarian cysts, cleaning up your diet by avoiding refined carbohydrates and earing more complex carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables and whole grains is also important.

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