The Foundation Of Good Health Starts With...
1. Proper Digestion & Assimilation
Key Product: Food Enzymes
More about Digestion
4. Support/Strengthen Your Liver!
Considered the most complex, powerful, and useful organ of the body,
your liver requires some tender maintenance and care in order to perform
its many functions.
More about the liver
Key Products: Liver Balance TCM or Milk Thistle Combination
5. Detoxify
Toxins are all around us, in the containers that carry our food, in the carpet we walk on, in the food we eat and in the air we breathe.
Find out why detoxification is so important (Support).
Key Product: Enviro-Detox
6. Inflammation
More about Inflammation
"Itis" is the Latin term for inflammation, which is characterized by heat, swelling, redness and pain at the site of injury. Many traditional names for diseases are simply naming the location of the heat, swelling. redness and pain.
When you consider all the irises there are—arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, colitis, dermatitis, gingivitis, conjunctivitis, diverticulitis, sinusitis, etc.—it's already clear that inflammation is involved in a lot of health problems.
Key Products Below
Note from Christian Domergue
One more "thing" you need to pay attention to... it has to do with the kidneys (bladder). Rest assured that if you digest and assimilate properly, eliminate daily, detoxify the body from time to time, take care of your gut and your liver as well as your kidneys, you have less to worry about present health issues as those will probably improve... naturally!