Weeds Can Be Excellent Medicine!
By Steven Horne, RH (AHG)
Sometimes the answers to your health problems
are growing in your own backyard.
When people lose their health, they are usually willing to pay a very high price to
recover it. But often, the remedies that could cure them are inexpensive and readily available, such as the weeds growing in their own backyard. What are weeds? According to the
famous American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson, weeds are the plants whose virtues
have not yet been discovered. So, maybe it's time to discover some o the virtues of these
common, readily available herbs.
Native Americans and other indigenous peoples believed that the plants we need tend
to grow nearby so perhaps these difficult-to-eradicate plants are there because they're actually there to help us. Many of us return the favor by trying to poison them, dig them out
or otherwise eradicate them, while paying for expensive medicines and therapies to try to
resolve the very health problems weeds are there to help us solve.
In this issue of Sunshine Sharing, we're going to celebrate the virtues of many of the
plants most people call weeds. The list is not comprehensive but does cover most of the
common useful weeds, and all of them are available as singles and/or in various formulas
from Nature's Sunshine Products. Lets get started.

Alfalfa is high in vitamins and minerals,
especially trace minerals. It contains vitamins A, D, E, B6 and K; folic acid, niacin, carotene,
flavonoids, calcium, magnesium, chlorophyll, phosphorus, iron, potassium, trace minerals,
mucilage, several digestive enzymes and other beneficial compounds.
In Western herbalism, alfalfa is used to both cleanse and rebuild the blood, improve
digestion, promote lactation and as an aid for the glandular system. It also contains phytoestrogens that can help protect the body from the harmful xenoestrogens that contribute
to estrogen-dependent cancers.
Alfalfa can be very helpful for healing bones and joints, due
to its high mineral content. It can be purchased as a single and is also found in formulas
Herbal Trace Minerals and
Herbal CA for supplying minerals to the body.
Chances are pretty good that you have run into burdock if you have done any hiking. The
plant grows in waste places (abandoned lots, fields, pastures and along roadsides) through
out the United States and produces seeds with small, hooked burrs that cling to anything
that touches them, including socks, pants, shoelaces and animal fur. Its sticky seeds were
the inspiration for the development of Velcro.
Burdock root is edible and was used as food by Native Americans and is still used in
Oriental cuisine.
Like many wild foods, we powder it and take it in capsules as a medicine
instead of eating it.
As a medicine, burdock root is primarily used as a blood
purifier, that is, an herb that helps to detoxify the body and
clean up morbid conditions, including skin eruptions, cysts and
Burdock helps the body metabolize fats better, aiding
bile production and fat metabolism in the liver. It is very good
for helping to clear up skin conditions like acne, boils, eczema
and psoriasis. Burdock also helps to stabilize mast cells, which
can reduce allergic reactions. It is a typical ingredient in most
Western herbal formulas for cancer.
Besides being available as a single herb, burdock is a key
ingredient in many blood purifying formulas such as BP-X. It is also found in the anti-cancer formula
E-Tea (based on the famous Essiac Tea).
Found in moist places near woods
and areas that have previously been
cultivated, chickweed is a common
weed that happens to be tasty and high
in vitamins and minerals.
It is soothing
to the urinary system, promotes lymphatic drainage and has been applied
topically to sooth dry. red and itchy skin.
It is a mild diuretic
for reducing fluid retention and helps to shrink swollen lymph
nodes. It helps the body metabolize fats and can even help to
decongest a fatty liver and break up fatty cysts.
It is also believed
to aid in weight loss. Chickweed is available as a single herb
and as an ingredient is SF, a weight loss formula, and Cellular Detox, a general detoxifying formula.

Like many weeds, dandelion is not indigenous to North
America, but was brought here by European settlers. It spread
rapidly, following the migrations of the white man, so that it
can now be found throughout North America.
Like other weeds we've discussed thus far, dandelions are
both edible and medicinal. The leaves have been eaten as salad
greens, nut only the young leaves are palatable. The older leaves
are too bitter to eat. The leaves are rich sources of lutein and
zeaxanthin'two nutrients important for healthy eyesight'and
carotinoids and vitamin K. The mature leaves are a great source
of potassium and a nourishing diuretic for water retention.
Dandelion roots have been roasted and ground as a coffee
substitute, but are more commonly used as medicine for improving digestive, liver and gallbladder function.
Dandelion root
improves the health of the GI tract and helps the liver detoxify
from chemical exposure (such as the herbicides people use to
kill dandelions).
Dandelion root is available as a single remedy and as an
ingredient in many formulas. These include
MilkThistle Combination for protecting the liver,
VS-C for herpes and other viral
infections and
Cellular Energy, a general detoxifying formula.

Various species of mallows have
been used as emergency food during times of famine and as soothing medicines for irritated tissues.
Marshmallow (A/thea) is the species
most commonly used as medicine,
but the common or garden mallow
(Malva) can be used in a similar fashion. The leaves and green seed pods
are edible and quite tasty, while the
root is a valuable mucilaginous remedy.
The mucilage in mallows is soothing to the membranes
of the digestive tract and lungs, making marshmallow one of
the best remedies for inflammatory bowel disorders and dry,
irritated coughs.
Marshmallow is also soothing to the urinary
membranes, easing painful and burning urination.
In addition to being available as a single herb, marshmallow
is also an ingredient in many herbal formulas. It is a key herb
Intestinal Soothe and Build, used for soothing inflamed
intestinal tissues, and in
Small Intestine Detox, a formula for
cleansing and soothing the small intestines.
and Fenugreek is a blend used for dry, irritated coughs and
respiratory congestion.

Although it is grown in gardens and considered a wildflower,
yarrow often makes its way into lawns where it's considered a
weed. Yarrow isn't edible, but it is an extremely valuable medicinal plant.
The leaves can be used to help stop both internal
and external bleeding. The leaves are a wonderful remedy for
excessive menstrual bleeding taken internally and a styptic to
stop bleeding wounds applied topically. Yarrow flowers are a
traditional remedy for fevers. They work best when taken as a
hot tea (usually mixed with peppermint to improve the flavor).
Available as a single (image left), yarrow is a key ingredient in
Reg a formula for heavy menstrual bleeding.
It is also a good
herb for improving lymph flow, so it's a part of
Lymphomax. its ability to fight colds and flu is
why it is also found in
CC-A, a traditional formula for colds.