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A growing body of research is demonstrating that fear, worry, doubt, self-pity, anger and other "negative" emotions paralyze the immune system, while love, joy, faith, hope and trust tend to stimulate it. There is even a name for this new field of study: psycho-neuro-immunology. This is the study of the effect of the mind on the immune system through the nervous system.

Immune Weaknesses
General Indications

Constant fatigue - Pale complexion
Cold limbs - Frequent colds and/or other infections

Our Suggestion
(In bold should be your first choice)


Trigger Immune

  It is used for people who have been run down and depleted by chronic stress or illness and is useful for people who feel exhausted and burned out, have extremely poor resistance to disease or are depleted from chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer.
Immune Stimulator
  This excellent formula has been meticulously designed to promote macrophage activity in your body, leading to a chain reaction of immune activity, which will strengthen your entire system against enemy attack.
Una De Gato (Cat's Claw)
Cat's Claw
  Research on cat's claw has confirmed uses for degenerative diseases ranging from arthritis to cancer, immune problems, a variety of intestinal problems and hormonal imbalances. Enhances the ability of white blood cells to attack foreign matter.

  Mushrooms have been used medicinally for centuries, and their health benefits are recognized in preclinical and clinical studies. They have the ability to modulate the immune system, mainly due to the polysaccharides (b-glucans) found in their cell walls.


Other Indications
Exposure to environmental pollution - Respiratory allergies and infections
Aging - Risk of degenerative disease
Chronic stress
- Poor diet

Our Suggestion
(In bold should be your first choice)


Super Antioxidant

  Antioxidants can help repair and prevent damage to cells and genetic material. Super Antioxidant has vitamin E tocorrienols, lycopene, alpha lipoic acid, rose hips, milk thistle and turmeric.
Super Orac
  Each day, our bodies' cells require energy to carry out their essential functions, and oxygen creates that energy. The process, however, leaves behind a byproduct called a free radical. If free radicals are not scavenged quickly, they can cause oxidative stress, which, over time, damages our cellular make up including DNA.
Grapine HP
  Grape seed and white pine extract combination is a powerful antioxidant.
It can replace Vitamin C as a preventative for scurvy and can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Grapine strengthens connective tissues including blood vessels and capillaries to prevent bruising, for instance.



General weakness or fatigue - Recurring infections
Acute infections - Exposure to infectious agents
Enlarged lymph nodes
(In bold should be your first choice)


Ultimate Echinacea

  These herbs directly stimulate the immune system to fight bacteria, viruses, fungi and tumor growth. With the overuse of antibiotics and the increasing immunity of microbes to modern medications, this Echinacea blend provides an alternative for treating illnesses.

Olive Leaf Extract
  The olive leaf extract has demonstrated considerable therapeutic action against many common and chronic conditions.
One frequently heard comment is that they feel more energy and a greater sense of well being.


Medical diagnosis of bacterial infection
(herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, etc.)
(In bold should be your first choice)



  Chinese herpes formula from Dr- Wenwei Xie (Beijing, China).
Chronic viral infections include flu, infectious hepatitis, Epstein Barr and herpes (including cold/canker sores).

or Uña De Gato (Cat's Claw)
Cat's Claw
  Confirmed native uses for degenerative diseases ranging from arthritis to cancer, immune problems, a wide variety of intestinal problems and hormonal imbalances. For instance, it clearly enhances the ability of white blood cells to attack foreign matter.



Common Cold - Influenza
(In bold should be your first choice)


Elderberry D3Fense

  Elderberry D3fense combines the benefits of elderberry fruit and vitamin D3 with other herbs that help the immune system to provide you year-round immune-system support. It contains a healthy dose of vitamin D3, which mounting research indicates strengthens the immune system, along with key ingredients elderberry fruit extract and Echinacea purpurea.
Zinc Lozenge
  Supports immune function. Is a convenient fast-melt throat lozenge.
Contains natural fruit flavors.
The mineral zinc boosts the immune system. Vitamin C also supports immune function.


Frequent antibiotic use - Vaginal yeast infections
Medical diagnosis of infection -    (herpes,Epstein-Barr virus, etc.)
General weakness

Our Suggestion
(take ALL 3 products)


Pau D'Arco

  Exciting immune system stimulant, general tonic, blood builder.
Tabebuia heptaphylla, (Taheebo, Lapacho, Ipe Roxo).
Pau d'arco bark is a very effective immune building and antifungal herb.
Silver Shield
  • Kills bacteria in the body but protects probiotics!
  • Kills candida without harming the good flora!
  Bifidophilus Flora Force provides billions of beneficial intestinal microorganisms (probiotics) that offer a whole range of health benefits.



Homeopathic Support

Adults 5 drops orally, 3 to 5 times daily or as otherwise directed.
If symptoms persist for more than 7 days consult a healthcare professional.
Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.


  Spleen support, immune system support
For the temporary relief of weakness, weariness and flu-like symptoms.
  Many hormones and neurotransmitters owe their provocative status to the immune disruption that occurred with yeast and subsequently disappear when yeast is under control.
  Lymphatic drainage, immune system support
For temporary relief of swelling with heat and
in?ammation, sore throat.

  Chronic viral infections
For relief of symptoms due to lowered immune response and chronic fatigue from recurring viral infection.


The immune system's job is beautifully orchestrated to determine what is "self"' and what is "not self" and to get rid of anything that is "not self" by destroying or eliminating that "not self' thing.

Before our modern society started monkeying around with our health and environment, immune disorders were relatively uncommon. In recent years the incidences of immune disorders have risen at alarming rates, with new conditions raising their ugly heads all the time.

In order to turn the tide and stop the onslaught, we need to understand what we are doing to ourselves, and our environment - that may be major contributors to these increases in autoimmune disorders.

We also need to know what we can do to prevent further health damage, and how to recapture our health through diet, life style changes, and natural health supplements.

A growing body of research is demonstrating that fear, worry, doubt, self-pity, anger and other "negative" emotions paralyze the immune system, while love, joy, faith, hope and trust tend to stimulate it. There is even a name for this new field of study: psycho-neuro-immunology. This is the study of the effect of the mind on the immune system through the nervous system.

The immune system cannot be rebuilt by taking a few herbs or supplements while continuing to eat white flour, refined sugar, excessive quantities of meat and dairy products, food additives, preservatives, alcohol, soft drinks and so forth.

In all cases of degenerative illness the body needs to be built up with wholesome food even more than it needs to be cleansed. Putting anyone in a severely weakened state on a heavy cleanse is a mistake. Conditions of excess require cleansing, but conditions of deficiency or weakness require building.


Copy1994 - 2023 Four Winds, Inc. USA
Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.